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Arkansas SHOULD do better in the SEC because....


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NOBODY gets 'fired up' to play them.  Kids from Auburn/Alabama/Ole Miss/MSU ( and probably even LSU ) seem to have a hard time getting emotional about playing Arkansas.  And its even worse with the teams from the SEC EAST.  U think there is any team in the SEC that doesnt want to beat the SNOT out of Auburn or Bama or LSU?  But when it comes to Arkansas...everyone seems to be indifferent.    Talk to a ex-MSU player this week and he said they could never get fired up for Arkansas...but were always 'foaming at the mouth' when it came to us and Bama. Hope our guys are ready because we haven't been very successful up there lately!

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Plus, with all the in-state talent like Frazier, Dyer, Kodi Burns, Ziemba....wait, those guys didn't go to Arky? 

Beat me to it.. :P

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We better be fired up to play them.  Arky is the team I want to beat most, other than bama of course.

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NOBODY gets 'fired up' to play them.  Kids from Auburn/Alabama/Ole Miss/MSU ( and probably even LSU ) seem to have a hard time getting emotional about playing Arkansas.  And its even worse with the teams from the SEC EAST.  U think there is any team in the SEC that doesnt want to beat the SNOT out of Auburn or Bama or LSU?  But when it comes to Arkansas...everyone seems to be indifferent.    Talk to a ex-MSU player this week and he said they could never get fired up for Arkansas...but were always 'foaming at the mouth' when it came to us and Bama. Hope our guys are ready because we haven't been very successful up there lately!

Arky is no pushover, AU has had a tough time with them and so has LSU in the last few years. 

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missus state can't get fired up to beat us because they already realize that won't happen. No sense in getting all wound up whn you already know the outcome.

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Losing three out of the last 4 to them should be enough to fire anyone up.

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Losing three out of the last 4 to them should be enough to fire anyone up.


'07: us

'08: Arky

'09: Arky

'10: us          seems even to me over the last 4 yrs.

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