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I warned you.


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Gus will be here for at least two more years. Period.

Hello Mr. Bird,

    The foundation of Coach Malzahn's offensive philosophy is take what the defense gives you.  Even if the conventional wisdom says run, if the defense is giving you the pass, Coach Malzahn will take it.  Sometimes players fail to execute. Sometimes the quarterback makes a terrible decision, like throwing to a decoy receiver 20 yards downfield when you only needed 2 yards for the first down.  Plays like that always look like the play caller made a poor decision, but I assure you Coach Malzahn  has a reason for every play he calls.

    Allow me an observation.  Through the first three games of this season, the offense was noticibly ahead of where it was last year.  Even though the talent level at quarterback is a considerable drop off, the offensive production is up, with the exception of the Clemson game which was very similar to the same game last year.  After the Clemson game, (correct me if I'm wrong) Coach Chizik made the statement that he was personally going to be involved in the game plan for both the offense and the defense.  I think you would agree the game against Florida Atlantic was one of the worst offensive performances by Auburn since Coach Malzahn has been there.

    If Coach Chizik starts giving Coach Malzahn mandates (such as "Dyer 25 touches", or "I want 60% run and 40% pass"), I believe Coach Malzahn will leave.  That is exactly what Houston Nutt did to him and he left for a job that was considered to be a step backwards.  If an opportunity arises that is too good to pass up, he will leave as well. These are just my observations.


chickendale :we:

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Well, you seemed to be spot on, but I can only hope that this was not the reason GM left.  Coaching circles are pretty tight, and I can't help but think that a HC mandating that his OC follow specific patterns would get around, and make the job look less attractive to a proven OC.  The HC is always going to have the final word, but most proven OC's want the freedom to run the offense their way, calling the plays they want to call. 

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I would like to congratulate you, this is singularly the most bizarre post I've seen on this board. That is saying a lot, we had a guy named warrior/plus 50 other names at one point. He liked to post and brag about self-flagellation too.

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wow, the odds of CGM leaving for a HC job this year were about 80%+ when you posted this prediction Ms Cleo. too bad your bammer spin is way off base. go back to turdville with that crap. and the next one to compare Chizik to Nutt is risking being hunted down and having the monkey sh!t slapped out of them!  :wareagle:

for the love of all things Holy can someone please zap some of these most obvious gumps?

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You were right, I was wrong.

My wife likes when I say that too.

That's not just your wife that likes to hear that I think that is just a female thing in general.  :-X

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You were right, I was wrong.

My wife likes when I say that too.

That's not just your wife that likes to hear that I think that is just a female thing in general.  :-X

Aint that the truth  :-\

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So I guess you that ol miss would hire freeze just for arky state to offer Gus the job then?  This would be the only place that is not considered a more big time program he would even consider and that's due to the location

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