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Pregame flyovers?


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I am sure this topic has already been addressed before now, but I have yet to see a real answer from anyone. It came to my attention during last season that we have not seen any Jet flyovers during the pregame lately. The last one I can remember, and anyone can feel free to correct me if I am wrong because I am not able to attend all of the games, however I did make it to 5 home games last season, but the 2010 UGA game was the last time I saw a flyover, and it really got the crowd pumped up before kick-off. I thought for sure I would see one at the Iron Bowl last year, but much to surprise there wasn't. Just wondering if any of you that might be in the "know" or close to the program know what might be going on with that, are they not allowed anymore? Too expensive?? Just wondering...I have tickets to the Texas A&M game coming up and it will be Military Appreciation Day so I am really hoping for a flyover...but anyway....thanks and hope to hear some good comments................WAR EAGLE!

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I wouldn't think the eagle flight had anything to do with it, I know the flyover is always timed with the ending of the National Anthem, so I really can't see how the eagle would affect it. I think they were planning on doing one at the 2011 Iron Bowl, because there were talks of one and people in the crowd were acting as if they were about to see one. In fact, before kick off, they introduced the Auburn Alumni pilots and they were even in their flight suits....so I am not sure if weather conditions play in it, or if they just did't get clearance from somewhere, but it was a bummer.

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I noticed the absence of the flyovers last season also. I'd be interested in finding out why they are no longer doing them. It was really spectacular.

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I remember hearing it had to do with the cost/preparation required. I could be wrong, but that seems like it could make logical sense. I'm with you though, it's quite an impressive sight to go along with the rest of "pre-game," which of course is never lacking!

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Do the pilots come over from Maxwell/Gunter AFB?

Yes, all the pilots I've met have been from an Air Wing out of Montgomery.

There have been several Navy and Marine pilots so they don't all come from Maxwell. Also, those flights are very expensive so I doubt the military can make a good case for doing them with the economy the way it is and the cutbacks they are facing. Just my thought.

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Yes, we have had navy F18s come in a couple of years ago. I think from Pensacola? Seems we've had air force fighters, tankers, navy and marine jets and even army helicopters.

I think the cost cutting in the military has cost us these fly overs. Some of it may be for political reasons.

The TAM game is suppose to be a military appreciation day game. Probably the best chance to see a flyover.

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Do the pilots come over from Maxwell/Gunter AFB?

Yes, all the pilots I've met have been from an Air Wing out of Montgomery.

There have been several Navy and Marine pilots so they don't all come from Maxwell. Also, those flights are very expensive so I doubt the military can make a good case for doing them with the economy the way it is and the cutbacks they are facing. Just my thought.

Do you know if all the pilots are Auburn grads? It seems to me they are always intorduced on the field after the first half and if I remeber correctly they are all alum.
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our broke ass government doesnt need to be spending our money to fly $50 million aircraft over football games. we dont need them anyway. we have an eagle

^This,^ in part.

We do need them, but we don't necessarily need them flying over stadia.

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UAla has been getting about a flyover/year of late.

'course, TLoosa also has been bringing in Navy/Marine flyers out of P'cola for their annual Air Show

Apparently the local airstrip can handle it (the pre-game practices give me chills for a few days!) and there are few big birds in the air

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Cost is the major issue. The annual Great Georgia Airshow (that I love going to) was cancelled this year due to the demo teams funding being cut. It's more expensive than most would think to fly a small farm/prop plane. So one can imagine the cost of running a military jet. Fuel cost being the largest issue.

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Auburn can request the flyover but most of the time Auburn grads contact the University. Obviously, Auburn has to approve but does not pay for it. The military has a budget for training therefore training must be accomplished in order for the flyover to justify the costs and gain approval.

The weather does play a huge part (i.e. ceiling and visibility). The aircraft have to be able to get below the weather but radar controllers can only vector them so low. If they don't see the ground from that altitude, they can't legally descend further.

All branches from across the country accomplish the flybys but seems the majority are Navy/Marine F-18s. I would love to see more and with the number of Auburn military pilots it wouldn't be difficult.

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Thank you for all of the good comments. I am sure that the cost is the main reason for not seeing as many.. I really hope that I will get to see one at the A&M game since it is Military appreciation day, I am sure that is the best chance. Just really adds to the excitement to see those jets flying over, really gets the crowd going. WAR EAGLE AND BEAT CLEMSON!!!

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Dr. Good doesn't like them, therefore we don't have them anymore.

Dr. Good has absolutely no say in whether or not there is a flyover. He doesn't even have a say in what songs the band plays, what time they come into the stadium or where they sit. Pretty much the only thing he has authority over is what time practice is over. Good joke though.
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Do the pilots come over from Maxwell/Gunter AFB?

Yes, all the pilots I've met have been from an Air Wing out of Montgomery.

187th fighter wing in Montgomery ( where I was stationed) is the home to the f-16s you see at fly overs or flying around the state. Any flyovers that comes over auburn and then lands probably lands at maxwell then catches an escort or a helo ride to auburn. The reason they wouldn't use the 187th to land at is the 187th shares runways with Montgomery airport plus the pilots of the 187th are constantly on stand by to take out any air threats in the south east. Most people are un-aware that montgomery Alabama houses one of the most decorated fighter wings in the country. Those pilots are scary good

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Probably too late for the Clemson game,

but is there any way we can use this site to pool our pennies?

I'd love a flyover in the Dome for the the SECCG

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Probably too late for the Clemson game,

but is there any way we can use this site to pool our pennies?

I'd love a flyover in the Dome for the the SECCG

Why don't we get a UAV to do a "flyaround" inside the dome?
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Dr. Good doesn't like them, therefore we don't have them anymore.

Dr. Good has absolutely no say in whether or not there is a flyover. He doesn't even have a say in what songs the band plays, what time they come into the stadium or where they sit. Pretty much the only thing he has authority over is what time practice is over. Good joke though.

I was told he had did have control of the flyovers.

And of course he picks the songs! Other than the ones that were around before him. Who else would?

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Probably too late for the Clemson game,

but is there any way we can use this site to pool our pennies?

I'd love a flyover in the Dome for the the SECCG

LOL!!! A flyover over a dome? :roflol:

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