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ESPN - AU penthouse to the outhouse


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Corso and ESPN are a joke. However, they are the largest sports media outlet. They are also showing the game Tonight and help fund the profits that come in through our football program. I kinda like hearing their opinion at least. Corso correctly points out that our D under ChiZ has not been good. Even Corso could figure it out, Tigerbelle, that's how bad it has gotten!

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We need to see improvement on defense THIS YEAR. There is no excuse for our defense to be this bad, and it falls directly at the coaches feet. Whether the problem is recruiting or development of players, either way, it's coaching. Corso hit the nail on the head. I think Coach Chizik hit a homerun with his hire of Van Gorder, but it never should have gotten this bad in the first place. People seem to like to put the blame on Roof, but as a business owner, I would not let one of my employees run my company in the ground before stepping in. How many years of seeing poor tackling fundamentals before you say, "Damn, we need to change something."? Our defense has been bad for a long time and does not appear to be improving. What is the common denominator?

I could not agree more on all points.

We all knew in last years of Tubby hard times were coming and would be here awhile when they did.

Coach Chizik has got to show significant improvement on D this year or the long term prognosis will not be good.

If that is the case, we should decide what we need to salvage the next recruiting class and then cut our losses.

Coach Chizik is responsible for the D mess and he has to stand and deliver or explain why he should be here.

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We are not even a year removed from Ted Roof's disastrous lack of teaching/coaching horrible defenses and everyone is ready to start firing coaches? really? You guys have to give our new OC/DC a chance to do something, It's obvious that there are some glaring problems on defense. But it takes time to break bad habits, and our Defenders have some really bad habits left over from the TR days. Besides as bad as things are now they can only get better.

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Corso and ESPN are a joke. However, they are the largest sports media outlet. They are also showing the game Tonight and help fund the profits that come in through our football program. I kinda like hearing their opinion at least. Corso correctly points out that our D under ChiZ has not been good. Even Corso could figure it out, Tigerbelle, that's how bad it has gotten!

You can't be that gullible. Corso is just parroting what they tell him to say. He's an idiot. ESPN has bashed Auburn for years Why on earth would you care what they think? They almost derailed Cam and the 2010 BCS win. They did derail 2004 to a large extent, and Tubby knew it. They offer nothing of substance. All the talk is just MARKETING. Stop buying what they want to sell.

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So what Herb and the rest of the media are really saying is that the Auburn fans need to keep Chizik and be happy winning 8 or 9 games a year. Mean while Saban keeps winning national championships at uat every year or at least every other year.

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Here is the deal…….who in the hell is Herb and/or ESPN to decide what our expectations should be for OUR Auburn program ? I can appreciate Herb’s comments and his defense of Chizik, but Herb’s real message is more about knowing your place. When Fowler spoke about what is happening across the state Herb holds his hand up to quiet Fowler down saying “I know……I know……..but how long ago was it that Auburn won a NC ?” When one of them said 50 years ago Herb was like “OK THEN !”…..implying shut up Auburn fans. Yes Herb we had not won the NC for 50 years, but in 1983 we got shafted, 1993 (did to ourselves) and in 2004 we should have gotten a shot so don’t act like our expectations for championships are too high. I like Herb , but he needs to butt the hell out on the topic of Auburn’s expectations as a program.

War Eagle !

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So what Herb and the rest of the media are really saying is that the Auburn fans need to keep Chizik and be happy winning 8 or 9 games a year. Mean while Saban keeps winning national championships at uat every year or at least every other year.

How dare you use logic and reason!! Don't you know that this is no place for those things???!!!

You are supposed to stand behind the coaches, dammit! Be happy with your 7-9 wins, hope your rivals don't rub your nose in what been dropped on the field, and keep telling yourselt, "Next year is the year."

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Here is the deal…….who in the hell is Herb and/or ESPN to decide what our expectations should be for OUR Auburn program ? I can appreciate Herb’s comments and his defense of Chizik, but Herb’s real message is more about knowing your place. When Fowler spoke about what is happening across the state Herb holds his hand up to quiet Fowler down saying “I know……I know……..but how long ago was it that Auburn won a NC ?” When one of them said 50 years ago Herb was like “OK THEN !”…..implying shut up Auburn fans. Yes Herb we had not won the NC for 50 years, but in 1983 we got shafted, 1993 (did to ourselves) and in 2004 we should have gotten a shot so don’t act like our expectations for championships are too high. I like Herb , but he needs to butt the hell out on the topic of Auburn’s expectations as a program.

War Eagle !

Exactly! NO other team in the ENTIRE country has went undefeated as many times as us over the past 20 years! Anyone that doesn't expect championships for AU needs to pay a little more attention.

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I never thought I'd see the day that Auburn fans were so eager to believe anything negative about our team that they'd actually listen to Lee Corso. He knows nothing, and he was not successful as a coach. Have all of you forgotten how wrong ESPN was about 2010, and Cam Newton? Have you all forgotten how they tried to humiliate Cam at his Heisman ceremony? ESPN is no better than TMZ. Their opinions are often very misguided, and they have an agenda. Hating on Auburn is just what they do now. Don't give them any support by actually giving their opinions credibility about anything concerning Auburn.

You people have reached a new low. Lee Corso....Really?

Do you think our defense under Chizik has been good? Corso may be a doofus but he knows football.

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If we win 7 games or less in 2012, then Chizik should need to win a bunch of games (about 11) in 2013 to remain the HC. However; Jay Jacobs mortgaged his AD tenure on his choice of Chizik so it may be hard for Jacobs to make a change.


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Here is the deal…….who in the hell is Herb and/or ESPN to decide what our expectations should be for OUR Auburn program ? I can appreciate Herb's comments and his defense of Chizik, but Herb's real message is more about knowing your place. When Fowler spoke about what is happening across the state Herb holds his hand up to quiet Fowler down saying "I know……I know……..but how long ago was it that Auburn won a NC ?" When one of them said 50 years ago Herb was like "OK THEN !"…..implying shut up Auburn fans. Yes Herb we had not won the NC for 50 years, but in 1983 we got shafted, 1993 (did to ourselves) and in 2004 we should have gotten a shot so don't act like our expectations for championships are too high. I like Herb , but he needs to butt the hell out on the topic of Auburn's expectations as a program.

War Eagle !

Exactly! NO other team in the ENTIRE country has went undefeated as many times as us over the past 20 years! Anyone that doesn't expect championships for AU needs to pay a little more attention.

That's not true. Nebraska has three undefeated seasons just like Auburn does. Nebraska went undefeated in 94, 95, and 97. Ours are just more spread out than theirs. Otherwise, you are spot on. The idea of not expecting championships at Auburn is just ludicrous.

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All I know is that Chizik is getting 3.5 million to win football games and keep his players out of trouble. He's been falling short on both of those. Yes, he did win an SEC and national championship, but that was 2 long years ago. He (the fans) should want more than 1 SEC and 1 national championship in 4 years. At least this Auburn Tiger fan wants a lot then just 1.

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All I know is that Chizik is getting 3.5 million to win football games and keep his players out of trouble. He's been falling short on both of those. Yes, he did win an SEC and national championship, but that was 2 long years ago. He (the fans) should want more than 1 SEC and 1 national championship in 4 years. At least this Auburn Tiger fan wants a lot then just 1.

This statement is just stupid. Not keeping his players out of trouble? There's only so much a coach can do aside from being inside the player's living rooms at all times. Some of the responsibility lays on the players shoulders. We basically kicked off our best RB off the team last season, we suspend players who break rules, and overall I think Chizik has done an outstanding job with what he can control.

It's not wrong to expect a championship every year but the odds of this for any team are incredibly low. A lot of things have to go a team's way just to get to the NC game. Didn't we all think Alabama would be shut out of the BCS after losing to LSU during the season? Well, a couple of teams lost to inferior opponents and boom.. they're in.

I like where this program is headed. We have 2 brand new systems in place and team full of young talent. We will get there.

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All I know is that Chizik is getting 3.5 million to win football games and keep his players out of trouble. He's been falling short on both of those. Yes, he did win an SEC and national championship, but that was 2 long years ago. He (the fans) should want more than 1 SEC and 1 national championship in 4 years. At least this Auburn Tiger fan wants a lot then just 1.

This statement is just stupid. Not keeping his players out of trouble? There's only so much a coach can do aside from being inside the player's living rooms at all times. Some of the responsibility lays on the players shoulders. We basically kicked off our best RB off the team last season, we suspend players who break rules, and overall I think Chizik has done an outstanding job with what he can control.

It's not wrong to expect a championship every year but the odds of this for any team are incredibly low. A lot of things have to go a team's way just to get to the NC game. Didn't we all think Alabama would be shut out of the BCS after losing to LSU during the season? Well, a couple of teams lost to inferior opponents and boom.. they're in.

I like where this program is headed. We have 2 brand new systems in place and team full of young talent. We will get there.

You both make legit points. However, it seems like we have had more than our share of incidents. I don't know how much is bad luck and how much is possibly not being as thorough in background checks during the recruiting process. I would like to see how we stack up against the rest of the SEC in players last the last 4 years and why.

War Eagle !

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So what Herb and the rest of the media are really saying is that the Auburn fans need to keep Chizik and be happy winning 8 or 9 games a year. Mean while Saban keeps winning national championships at uat every year or at least every other year.

How dare you use logic and reason!! Don't you know that this is no place for those things???!!!

You are supposed to stand behind the coaches, dammit! Be happy with your 7-9 wins, hope your rivals don't rub your nose in what been dropped on the field, and keep telling yourselt, "Next year is the year."

Nobody said that at all. Good grief you people are just coming unhinged.

The bammers have been good because they can draw in talent by giving those extra benefits. That's no big secret. It's how USCw did it for years. The nickster has a complete machine at his beck and call. That doesn't really make him a bettercoach than anyone else. He couldn't hack it in the NFL because the playing field was pretty much leveled out. Pete Carroll hasn't exactly set the NFL world on fire either....for the same reason. Both of them just know how to manipulate the system at the college level. They had the booster money to fund things, and the admin willing to look the other way.

I hope Auburn never stoops to that level just to satisfy the egos of some misguided fans. I think Coach Chizik can do it the right way if people will just shut up and give him time to work.

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If we win 7 games or less in 2012, then Chizik should need to win a bunch of games (about 11) in 2013 to remain the HC. However; Jay Jacobs mortgaged his AD tenure on his choice of Chizik so it may be hard for Jacobs to make a change.


Well, it's high time Jacob's take out a second mortgage on the basketball team, and get a few freakin loans on the baselball, softball, and women's basketball teams too. Auburn Univeristy should be competing for championships in more than one sport, period. Jay Jacobs needs to be evaluated by someone at Auburn, for his overall performance as the AD. None of them look too dang appealing right now,
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So what Herb and the rest of the media are really saying is that the Auburn fans need to keep Chizik and be happy winning 8 or 9 games a year. Mean while Saban keeps winning national championships at uat every year or at least every other year.

How dare you use logic and reason!! Don't you know that this is no place for those things???!!!

You are supposed to stand behind the coaches, dammit! Be happy with your 7-9 wins, hope your rivals don't rub your nose in what been dropped on the field, and keep telling yourselt, "Next year is the year."

Nobody said that at all. Good grief you people are just coming unhinged.

The bammers have been good because they can draw in talent by giving those extra benefits. That's no big secret. It's how USCw did it for years. The nickster has a complete machine at his beck and call. That doesn't really make him a bettercoach than anyone else. He couldn't hack it in the NFL because the playing field was pretty much leveled out. Pete Carroll hasn't exactly set the NFL world on fire either....for the same reason. Both of them just know how to manipulate the system at the college level. They had the booster money to fund things, and the admin willing to look the other way.

I hope Auburn never stoops to that level just to satisfy the egos of some misguided fans. I think Coach Chizik can do it the right way if people will just shut up and give him time to work.

Chizik does it the right way, the honorable way, the moral way. For some AU folks that's what matters regardless if after four years he's able to field a competitive football team or not. Coach Chizk is a famliy man with character, I hope people will remember the value we have in him tomorrow morning.
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