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Every game this year I felt that we had a chance to win as to compared to last year I just did not want us to get embarrassed on Saturday.

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I wholeheartedly agree! And the teamwork this group of young stars is refreshing and is an example of Gus' management style. No matter the outcome on January 6, I am proud of this team!! See you at the Ship!!!

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Somebody said something that made me realize what the difference is between this year and 2010. In 2010, I wanted the team to win for US, the Auburn fans, who endured all the bad press and accusations that made it hard to be an Auburn fan. 2010 was vindication, for us and for Cam. This year, I want to win for the team. For all those boys endured last year. I want them to experience the success. As a fan, I get to reap the benefits of the success, but it's not really about me, it's about them.

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Thanks Stat. THIS is some of your BEST "stuff" ever! W D E !!!!!!! :wareagle:

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Good Job Stat. I listened to the players this summer and commented to folks that it felt a lot like the summer of 2010 did. But even though I knew in my heart that this team was better than a 3-9 team, I found myself, like many others I am sure, waiting for the bottom to drop out. When we fell behind against MSU late, when WSU was threating late, and when we fell behind early at LSU, I sometimes doubted these guys. These guys time and time again proved to me what I should have seen early, they would not quit. It's not about winning as much as it is about doing your best. I never doubted any player on this team giving his best every week. You can't ask for more than that. The championships are just icing on the cake. WDE

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Wow! Thanks for that, Stat, and it is SO true. I've felt very different about this team too. In 2010 I was looking to the next Win. this year I've never expected any more from this team than where they were at the moment. By the Miss St game I had seen tremendous improvment over the 2012 team and it was, like you said, because they were starting to come together as a team. If that had been the best they could do then I'd still enjoy watching this team play every week, and cherished avery game.

but they got better...oh my God have they gotten better. And it has been a absolute delight watching them play. Like you, when they beat bama I was elated, but most of all excited to be getting to see them play one more time.

In a way I'm dreading the NC game, because I know that when it's over we'll never get to see this team play again. I do think Auburn will be better next year. But it won't be this team. It won't be our kids who started at the bottom and worked their way up inch by inch and became the best rushing team I have ever seen in any college football team - any place, any time, any level. They are truly a sight to behold. And we watched them grow up.

The rest of the country has seen a couple of plays and called it all luck. We've watched them from the very first and knowluck had nothing to do with it. These kids worked their butts off all off season all summer and continued to work to improve every day in pactice. And they just might be the best Auburn team ever now. God bless them every one.

It's for their sake that I want them to win on 6 Jan. They deserve it. And if they have managed to improve as much in the month of practice as they had in the previous month, then they will be truly AUsome.

Between you and STAT, you both said it all....I agree 10000000000%.....this year has been a bleassing to see how these kids who were so down last year brinig it all together and march to the top of the world this year!!! I had no idea how good these kids were going to be, but I knew they would be better than 2012....I love the 2013 team, and I await the 2014 team next year already!!! Go get the crystal guys!!! It is yours for the taking and even if it does not happen....WHAT A RIDE!!!!!! GOD BLESS EVERYONE!!!!

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In 2010 it felt like the price Auburn had to pay for a national championship was just too great.

Then 2012 happened.

This year my face hurts from smiling.

I'm with you Stat...well said for a numbers geek.


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Great post, Stat...Auburn Tigers and AU-mazing coaches/staff...you are and will remain in our prayers. Thank you for giving credit where it's due...and thank you for putting a smile on His face by the way you give it your all. We are sharing once-in-a-lifetime memories with you. Thank you for this privilege...as Tre said on the Heisman platform...it is truly a BLESSING. Isaiah 40:31! :wareagle:

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