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McCarron blames analysts?


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Well, let's just think about this...could it be that the coaches in the recruiting process were telling them how great they were and how they needed to make a "business decision" to come to Alabama? What are the kids going to think? What I love about our staff now is that I think they are honest with the kids coming in. Gus doesn't put up with prima donnas. Evidently, Chizik's staff did.

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I can see some of it as being true. The local newspapers and sports writers get onto these kids when they are freshmen and every day they see the stories telling everone how great they are. The local police even lets the local star football player get away with things that other kids can't. In some cases they have always been the best player on their team and sometime the best in their area. They have never had to really compete for playing time and some think they will always be the best on their team. I can see how they are surprised when the get to their team and everybody is good also.

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I can see some of it as being true. The local newspapers and sports writers get onto these kids when they are freshmen and every day they see the stories telling everone how great they are. The local police even lets the local star football player get away with things that other kids can't. In some cases they have always been the best player on their team and sometime the best in their area era. They have never had to really compete for playing time and some think they will always be the best on their team. I can see how they are surprised when the get to their team and everybody is good also.

(Just a Little Help didn't need any fixing)

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I can see some of it as being true. The local newspapers and sports writers get onto these kids when they are freshmen and every day they see the stories telling everone how great they are. The local police even lets the local star football player get away with things that other kids can't. In some cases they have always been the best player on their team and sometime the best in their area. They have never had to really compete for playing time and some think they will always be the best on their team. I can see how they are surprised when the get to their team and everybody is good also.

It all goes back to parenting. There are tons of high profile athletes that don't act like little punks. Carl Lawson is a prime example.

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McTat "idiot speak".........typical. Sad to see him leave. Always good for a laugh........

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McTat "idiot speak".........typical. Sad to see him leave. Always good for a laugh........

glad to see him go. I have grown weary of him and Katherine. Let them both fade into oblivion.
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I can believe what McCarron is saying. These 5 star kids have probably never been challenged for playing time. I think it is a matter of leadership to get those kids motivated, keep them focused and hungry to compete. AJ himself, and the coaches, had to keep leading those young 5 stars and keep them motivated. While McCarron is pointing the finger of blame there were three pointed back at him.

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What do they expect? When you are selling yourself to kids as simply being a pipeline to the NFL, it doesn't leave much room for team unity. You end up with a bunch of individuals with an agenda.

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Translation of what McCarron said: "We all had our heads shoved so far up our behinds that none of us, coaches and players alike, had seen daylight in ages."

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So, the Tahd got beat in their last 2 games because they have players who feel "entitled?" What total bullsh*t!!! That's a new one, though, so I do have to give McCarron some credit for coming up with that load of steaming dog pooh. Whatever happened to the notion that a team got beat because the other team played better? My God, these Tahd a**holes just cannot admit that they got beat. I wonder what the next excuses will be. This can be interesting to see what they come up with next year.

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