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Conspiracy Theory


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Take this as my ramblings while I'm sitting here in between lectures but I really think Alabama has bought some championships.

The year they played Texas, Coly McCoy went down with the most bogus injury I have ever seen. That play in no way could have kept him out for the game and to say it was to protect his future career was assenine. A true competitor goes out and fights for his teammates to win. I think Alabama paid him to throw that game and he took it knowing that he would never really pan out in the pros. Then the third string QB almost came in and won it for them anyways.

The yesr they played LSU for the NC was the closest think to a rigged game I've ever seen in my life. LSU's QB and Les had to of been paid in this game. Jefferson threw two interceptions right in the hands of alabama defnders that weren't within a 15 yard radius of a LSU receivers. I remember so vividly one where he looked the defnder dead in the face 5 yards in front of him and forward laterals it straight to him. Not to mention Les wouldn't bench Jefferson despite the fact the back up lead the team to a 6-0 start in the beginning of the year.

Notre dame was simply awful so there's no conspiracy I have there. But just thought I'd stir up a conspiracy in my free time.


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I can't get on board with any of this. Just being honest.

I can understand a conference having an interest in who wins certain games to give them the best shot at getting the most money, and I'm torn on if that has an effect on games. But as far as paying to keep Colt McCoy out, or paying to keep Jordan Jefferson in the game......idk

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You'll probably get a few bites on conspiracy but more that the REC has bought off the refs to ensure who gets where. But I can't see it. I am sure the PTB of the SEC want the best outcome for the SEC but I don't believe they rig it.

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The conspiracy theory IMO is total BS. However, I taped the Texas/Bama BCS championship game and Marcel Darius took MCCoy out of the game with very clear spearing hit.There is one view, and only one, from the Texas backfield that shows Darius coming in from the right, lowering his helmet and spearing McCoy in the back. No way that was a bogus injury to McCoy. At the very least Darius should have gotten a 15 yard personal foul penalty for spearing and these days would have gotten thrown out of the game. Football is a rough game and this is not the first time, nor will it be the last, that this kind of behavior will occur. Even with McCoy out of the game the bammmies played hell beating Texas. IMO I do not think they would have won if McCoy had been allowed to play the whole game. Unfortunately we will never know.

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I do believe the refs in the 2009 AU/uat game saw to it that bama won by allowing several illegal pick plays on bama's last TD drive which they needed to win the game. bama was the SEC's only shot at getting a team into the NC game and the front office instructed the refs to see to it that they won. I'll always be convinced of that.

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This is silliness. There isn't enough money to buy a championship that way. Though, I will add one thing. I can think of instances (in the middle of the SEC 6 in a row) where the fact the referees were chatting as long as they were about a call that shouldn't have gone Alabama's way and did, late in the season in a close game. In those instances, I did not think this, but others had mentioned... The refs could have been under instruction from the SEC to keep Alabama in the hunt. There's your conspiracy theory.

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Wow WarTiger, so serious. As was everyone else being so harsh about a joking post while I was bored. If the title of the thread is conspiracy theory shouldn't that have tipped you guys off to the fact that it was a joke or half baked idea at best?

If it was a legitimate idea I would have labeled the thread "They r sum cheatub sons a' guns wit all dis money thrown around"

I've been posting here entirely too long, too often, and too reasonably for such negative comments. Sorry I was trying to have some fun guys

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This is silliness. There isn't enough money to buy a championship that way. Though, I will add one thing. I can think of instances (in the middle of the SEC 6 in a row) where the fact the referees were chatting as long as they were about a call that shouldn't have gone Alabama's way and did, late in the season in a close game. In those instances, I did not think this, but others had mentioned... The refs could have been under instruction from the SEC to keep Alabama in the hunt. There's your conspiracy theory.

I have thought this as well. But, in fairness, I think we may have been the beneficiary of some of those calls or non calls in 2010.

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Wow WarTiger, so serious. As was everyone else being so harsh about a joking post while I was bored. If the title of the thread is conspiracy theory shouldn't that have tipped you guys off to the fact that it was a joke or half baked idea at best?

If it was a legitimate idea I would have labeled the thread "They r sum cheatub sons a' guns wit all dis money thrown around"

I've been posting here entirely too long, too often, and too reasonably for such negative comments. Sorry I was trying to have some fun guys

Thanks for clearing up...lol. I was about to think this was PCP AuburnFan posting.
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Wow WarTiger, so serious. As was everyone else being so harsh about a joking post while I was bored. If the title of the thread is conspiracy theory shouldn't that have tipped you guys off to the fact that it was a joke or half baked idea at best?

If it was a legitimate idea I would have labeled the thread "They r sum cheatub sons a' guns wit all dis money thrown around"

I've been posting here entirely too long, too often, and too reasonably for such negative comments. Sorry I was trying to have some fun guys

Thanks for clearing up...lol. I was about to think this was PCP AuburnFan posting.

Haha that's a good one

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