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pedophilia natural and normal for males.


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Mary Kay cheated on her husband & left her family... Pretty sure her case has zero to do with the thread title.

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Mary Kay cheated on her husband & left her family... Pretty sure her case has zero to do with the thread title.

That should be your first clue. Being simultaneously sure and wrong is what you do.

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You are of course absolutely right, and that has been explained many times by multiple posters in this forum.

Yet some still try to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality. To be honest, I've practically given up trying to talk sense into those as a waste of my time, but best of luck to you if you still have the time and energy to waste. ;)

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You are of course absolutely right, and that has been explained many times by multiple posters in this forum.

Yet some still try to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality. To be honest, I've practically given up trying to talk sense into those as a waste of my time, but best of luck to you if you still have the time and energy to waste. ;)/>

Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.
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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You are of course absolutely right, and that has been explained many times by multiple posters in this forum.

Yet some still try to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality. To be honest, I've practically given up trying to talk sense into those as a waste of my time, but best of luck to you if you still have the time and energy to waste. ;)/>

Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.

Wouldn't that just be history repeating itself, then?

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I'm not saying that it's right, but no one probably ever thought in a million years back then that homosexual marriage would be legal and as accepted as it is today. No one really knows what people will be accepting of way into the future.

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You are of course absolutely right, and that has been explained many times by multiple posters in this forum.

Yet some still try to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality. To be honest, I've practically given up trying to talk sense into those as a waste of my time, but best of luck to you if you still have the time and energy to waste. ;)/>

Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.

Wouldn't that just be history repeating itself, then?

People often forget just how recent marriages in the early teens were., relatively speaking. My grandmother was married at 13. My mother at 14, though not to my dad. She married him in her late twenties, two divorces from abusive spouses later.

We've come far enough to know that hebophilic relationships generally aren't healthy. Most states restrict marriage to the late teens. Alabama generally restricts it to 16.

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Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.

Actually, it's very different. In hindsight, homosexuality should not have been illegal to begin with. All of the evidence supports the idea that relationships between adults and children are, by their very nature, harmful to development of the child.

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You are of course absolutely right, and that has been explained many times by multiple posters in this forum.

Yet some still try to conflate homosexuality with pedophilia or bestiality. To be honest, I've practically given up trying to talk sense into those as a waste of my time, but best of luck to you if you still have the time and energy to waste. ;)/>

Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.

You are correct, over time cultural mores change. Slavery was once acceptable, crucifying someone who worshiped Jesus rather the Emperor was law, neither homosexuality nor pedophilia was considered as "perverted" to the ancient Greeks as to the Victorian English, native Americans did not "freaked out" over homosexuality, and temple prostitution was a respected religious rite in ancient Mesopotamia. Torture to extract a confession was accepted legal practice 500 years ago and in my grandmother's youth it was illegal for women to vote in the USA. And who knows, at some point in the future we might return to the days of burning witches, owning humans as property, abandoning crippled newborn to the elements to die, or keeping a harem of slaves for our sexual gratification.

...but once again, the current issue is informed consenting adults vs. rape of someone unable to give consent. [And exhausting to me,so I'll leave the rest of you to the debate.]

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Well, to play devil's advocate, it really all has to do with what society deems normal and natural. Go back many, many years. Homosexuality was a crime, a mental illness, and was probably the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could do or be. Our belief about how depraved, disgusting, and criminal pedophilia is, is the same mindset those people long, long ago had about homosexuality. No different. We can say it's different and not the same because we live in a society that is more accepting of the gay community now. Who is to say that society many, many years in the future won't be as accepting of pedophilia as we are of homosexuality? No one really knows. Just saying.

Actually, it's very different. In hindsight, homosexuality should not have been illegal to begin with. All of the evidence supports the idea that relationships between adults and children are, by their very nature, harmful to development of the child.

And you can say that because you live in a different time. In those days homosexuality was thought to be a mental illness, a crime, and the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could be or do. They believed that homosexuality was damaging to a person just as pedophilia is damaging to a child. Different societies, different time. It's all relative.
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And just as quietfan said, the Greeks thought that pedophilia was essential to the development of young boys. It's freaking disgusting, but they did. Different times, different societies.

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And you can say that because you live in a different time.

I can say that because I live in a better time. We're growing and learning as a culture.

In those days homosexuality was thought to be a mental illness, a crime, and the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could be or do. They believed that homosexuality was damaging to a person just as pedophilia is damaging to a child.

They believed wrong. Keep in mind that most of this was before the advent of modern psychology.

Different societies, different time. It's all relative.

Unless we go backwards as a civilization, it's not.

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And you can say that because you live in a different time.

I can say that because I live in a better time. We're growing and learning as a culture.

In those days homosexuality was thought to be a mental illness, a crime, and the most depraved and disgusting thing a person could be or do. They believed that homosexuality was damaging to a person just as pedophilia is damaging to a child.

They believed wrong. Keep in mind that most of this was before the advent of modern psychology.

Different societies, different time. It's all relative.

Unless we go backwards as a civilization, it's not.

If you were to put those people in our time, they would be appalled and disgusted at where our society is now. Just as appalled and disgusted as you would be if you were placed in their society and time. It's all relative. Wrong or not.
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And just as quietfan said, the Greeks thought that pedophilia was essential to the development of young boys. It's freaking disgusting, but they did. Different times, different societies.

I would not hold the ancient Greeks up as some sort of beacon of a healthy society. Women couldn't take part in public life, slavery was a very large part of their culture, etc.

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If you were to put those people in our time, they would be appalled and disgusted at where our society is now. Just as appalled and disgusted as you would be if you were placed in their society and time. It's all relative. Wrong or not.

Why should I give a damn what they think? We know things now they could not have imagined.

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And they would say that you believe wrong, again relative.

Again, don't care what they think. Modern society and technology would be black magic to them.

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Why would they have given a damn about what you believe? Relative.

No. Just because something was OK in the past does not make it OK now. Your example would hold more water if you could show me a future society more backward than ours, but alas, that impossible, so you're just pissing in the wind with this line of thinking.

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Why would they have given a damn about what you believe? Relative.

No. Just because something was OK in the past does not make it OK now. Your example would hold more water if you could show me a future society more backward than ours, but alas, that impossible, so you're just pissing in the wind with this line of thinking.

And people in distant times probably had your same mindset. Again, all relative to the time and society you live.
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Keep that in mind the next time someone claims abortion is murder Weegs.

It's all relative. ;D/>

It is. In the future people might be worse than they are now. No one knows.
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Keep that in mind the next time someone claims abortion is murder Weegs.

It's all relative. ;D/>

It is. In the future people might be worse than they are now. No one knows.


Abort a fetus and it's murder? Drop a bomb on a perfectly healthy 3 year-old and it's "collateral damage"?

Sounds relative to me.

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As far as staying on topic, what was accepted back then is backwards to us. What is acceptable now would be horrendously depraved behavior to them. Different time, different society.

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