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OMG, Janay has to go....She should have been gone about 2 weeks ago and it will be very bad if she makes it through to another round. She just can't sing...

I am stuck on who the second girl that needs to be voted off is...I like all the rest of them and I can't make up my mind who I would want to see gone...But Janay has to be the first!!!

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It's pretty firm in my mind who should go next among the girls: Janay and Mikalah. Janay is just too young and Mikalah is just annoying. Not just personality...her tone, how she enunciates words while singing, her pitch...annoying. She blew chunks last night.

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It's pretty firm in my mind who should go next among the girls:  Janay and Mikalah.  Janay is just too young and Mikalah is just annoying.  Not just personality...her tone, how she enunciates words while singing, her pitch...annoying.  She blew chunks last night.


I agree. Jaynay had her best night last night but was still abysmal. And a word to the contestants: Do not try to sing Barbara Streisand, Alicia Keys, or Tina Turner.

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Amanda and Nikko were robbed! Makalah is awful! Scott sang well but not better than Nikko.

Thank goodness Janay is gone. She hung around way too long.

Travis should have gone. He didn't perform as well as Scott and Nikko.

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Totally agree - the Fran Drescher love child needed to go. And Serial Killer is just scary.

AND MARIO's HAT STILL SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shoot:

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Amanda and Nikko were robbed!  Makalah is awful!  Scott sang well but not better than Nikko.

Thank goodness Janay is gone.  She hung around way too long.

Travis should have gone.  He didn't perform as well as Scott and Nikko.


I agree, except for Scott (while he may look like a serial killer Jenny) he has a very good voice.

I think Constintine (sp?) should have gone. He has not impressed me at all.

:cheer::cheer: Anwar...your next American Idol :cheer::cheer:

You heard it here first folks. :P

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Per idolsonfox.com Mario has withdrew from the competition and Nikko is back in...

Jenny, now you don't have to worry about the hat anymore!! LOL!


Been doing the happy dance all morning!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

One thing I read on Drudge said that he quit because he didn't want to be locked into the contract with American Idol - they have TOTAL control over all 12 of the finalists for the next year - recordings, tours, residuals, appearances, etc. - not just the winner. It is a very restrictive contract, so I guess I can't blame him for that, if he thinks he can do better on his own.

Or else they told him to dump the stupid ass hat and he said no....

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surely that can't be THE reason he quit the show...i mean what's he got going for himself outside the show?

i also heard a rumor ( :blink: ) that Bo is considering quitting the show as well...

i hope not.


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AGAIN, Bo did an excellent job. Nadia was great and Constantine did his best since the auditions (which really isn't saying much.)

Top three tonight:

Bo, Nadia, Carrie

Bottom three tonight:

Mikayla, Anwar, Anthony

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Well, in my opinion, Bo and Nadia were head and shoulders above the rest. I actually thought Anwar did well, though he started a little shaky. Nikko suffered from no one being able to live up to a young Michael Jackson.

Everyone else was sort of bunched in the middle except for Mikalah. She sucked as usual and never should have made it this far.

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I thought Jenny's serial killer's version of Not to Proud to Beg was pretty damn good. Lets hear it for fat white guys.

The Nikko dude showed why he was voted off in the first place. He never hit a note in that whole sickening display.

The chick that tried Son of a Preacher Man should be gone.

Do they just vote off one person or is it a guy and a girl.

If they just vote off one person and its a girl does that mean that all the girls are safe next week. That would be stupid.

I heard that the Mario guy quit because of all the talk that he would win because of his ethnic background.

Could this post be rambling all over the place.

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Could not believe I agreed with Simon, but he was right on about Carrie sticking to her own style - SHE IS FROM FREAKIN' OKLAHOMA and SHE SINGS COUNTRY!! At least she is aware of that and does not think she is the next great cross over artist.

Nikko sucked, but not as bad as the judges said he did.

The Fran Drescher clone HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!! Esp if she thinks that because she is 16 she is entitled to wear a belly shirt - when she has no freakin' waist! All that shirt with the low rider pants did was make her look CHUNKY. BAD Wardrobe choice.

I LOVED Nadia and Bo. I REALLY think Bo is gonna make it through. He will be able to make his style fit EVERY genre - I mean, name one era or genre that would NOT work for him. Even Guns & Roses did love songs. Country - Duh. Barry Manilow... okay, maybe a LITTLE trouble, but who knows!

Serial Killer had ZERO emotion or personality last night - even less than normal. I could not understand why they raved about him. Yes - the man can sing. But he totally looked like he was going through the motions. Just SO BLAH.

And to answer jaydubb- now it is one person gone per week - gender makes no difference. Remember last year, it was all chicks for like the last three or four weeks.

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I think Bo will be the next American Idol...All the fans love him, the girls seem to like him for some reason (hair maybe?)...and he can SING. Rumor has it though that Bo may quit as well...

I still like Carrie as my girl favorite, She reminds me of a Martina Mcbride style singer, she just hasn't hit that ONE song yet...

My guess for tonight's vote-off will be Mikalah...

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Good call on the wardrobe faux pas Jenny.

I didn't feel so bad sitting on the couch with my gut hanging out once I saw her.

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In re: Bo - it is NOT that hair, at least not for me. I was really looking close at Bo last night, and mind you, while I am NOT a fan of long hair on guys, one close up without his hair in his face showed me that he has a GORGEOUS face - nice cheekbones, beautiful eyes, well shaped brows. And the hair is at least clean, brushed and not all dred-locked and tangled. Those leather pants didn't look too bad either. :D

Bo is definitely a package. And you could make the same argument about him that people were making abt Mario - no white guy has ever done better than second!!

How long has it been since a new Southern rock type guy has come on the scene?? Classic rock is making a HUGe comeback, sicne current stuff is not worth the plastic it's recorded on. Would Bo do well with a new album of true rock?

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In re:  Bo - it is NOT that hair, at least not for me.  I was really looking close at Bo last night, and mind you, while I am NOT a fan of long hair on guys, one close up without his hair in his face showed me that he has a GORGEOUS face - nice cheekbones, beautiful eyes, well shaped brows.  And the hair is at least clean, brushed and not all dred-locked and tangled.  Those leather pants didn't look too bad either.  :D

Bo is definitely a package.  And you could make the same argument about him that people were making abt Mario - no white guy has ever done better than second!!

How long has it been since a new Southern rock type guy has come on the scene??  Classic rock is making a HUGe comeback, sicne current stuff is not worth the plastic it's recorded on.  Would Bo do well with a new album of true rock?


I think if Bo won and released a Rock Album, it would sale a million copies. I think it is due time for a good southern rock album to hit the shelves...

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Okay, so Lindsey's gone. I didn't have a lot of heartache over that - she wasn't that great. But I was sure as hell crossing my fingers that it would be Fran Drescher Jr. to go - man, she is totally annoying.

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Dont worry. The nanny will be gone in the next couple of weeks Im sure.


I am afraid she will be the next Nikki McKibbon (sp). :roll:

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Carrie was head and shoulders above the rest. She swung for the fences and it still hasn't returned to Earth! Man, that was awesome!

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I Agree! Carrie hit the nail on the head with that song!

Actually the whole show was great except for a few that I think will be in the bottom three.

My bottom three this week are Constantine, Mikalah, Anwar...

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You might be right on that bottom three in reality, but I think the bottom three should be:

Mikalah, Anthony, and Nadia based on last night's performances. And Mikalah should be gone. She was way off the whole song.

Carrie tore that song up. She absolutely slayed it and I was concerned she might not be able to give it the power that it required, but she delivered. I still love Bo, but that song just wasn't a choice that impressed anyone.

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