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American Idol...


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We had a topic going last year about American Idol and a lot of people on the board watched the show. I am just starting this thread to see what everyone thinks about the new season...

I personally cannot believe Sarah Mathers got sent home last night!!! I for sure thought she would be one of the final people.

Now my choice to win is Carrie Underwood.

Bo Bice is from Alabama and he is actually pretty good, I wouldn't mind seeing him up in the top 4 or 6 but that won't happen because he is not the AI style...

Anyone? Thoughts?

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I think the wrong two girls got sent packing. But that's just my opinion. The girl I voted for is still there.

Bo is a really cool guy. I don't know him personally, but Fox6 has had quite a bit of coverage on the guy being he is from Helena, AL. He seems really genuine. He said in an interview last night that he is originally from Atlanta. He came to Helena one weekend to visit, and left with an apartment. He comes from a military family (brother and Father are Marines).

As for the way they let Judd go last night, I think that was pretty sorry.

Of the girls, I like Carrie Underwood (she won't win it all) and Vonzell. Of the guys I think Mario will probably win it all from the group of guys. He may even win it all.

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I enjoy the show also and I think this is the best "Final 24" I have seen.

Last year it was EASY to pick who was gone untill it got down to about the final 10 or 12.

My favorites this year are :

Girls: Nadia & Carrie :cheer:

Guys: Anwar & Mario :thumbsup:

My least favorite is Mikalah...Ughhh.

I think Simon was right on when he said fans will either love her or hate her.

Her bio say's she is from Vegas but if she doesnt sound like the typical JAP from Brooklyn. :puke:

I think they are being a little to ugly with the way they are doing the eliminations also. I hope they tone it down a little after they see how bad they looked.

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I like the country singing girl and the black girl with the big hair - don't remember their names and am not going to take the time to look it up.

I also like David from New Orleans and the music teacher with the dreads - and I definitely like BOTH of the rocker dudes - Constantine and Bo.

I thought the girls that got busted last night were exactly right - they both had crappy performances. But the way that goober Ryan did it was just RUDE. He is such a wanna be that thinks he is a big deal. What a joke.

The Mikaleah girl sounds JUST like Fran Drescher. Totally scary, but she should be fun to watch.

The big bald scary guy has me worried - he has talent but ZERO personality. I would hate to be in the house with him - I would worry that he would go all serial killer on everyone some night.

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I heard Bo perform like 2 years ago at a friends birthday party. I couldn't believe it when I saw him on AI. It's too bad they dont let you play an instrument while you sing cuz Bo plays a mean guitar. I actually think he might come real close to winning it because the judges like him and he has a ton of female fans. In the end I think it will be Carrie or Mario though.

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Hell, they might've well said.........Jud, Sarah, and the other people they let go, "Pick a Number between 1 and 6"..........."6", nope you're gone. "1", nope you're cut. "2", you suck you're cut...........I mean damn. Talk about straight to the point, Geez........They were like "Simon do you have anything to say?", He replied with "Nope".

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Seacrest should be shot.

The way he cut people was beyond stupid and a big reason why I will rarely watch it.

Judd, from New Orleans, should never have been cut.

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Seacrest should be shot.

The way he cut people was beyond stupid and a big reason why I will rarely watch it.

Judd, from New Orleans, should never have been cut.


That was more than likely a producers decision.

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Well, after last night, I have to say one of my favorites from the guy's side is Bo Bice...

Not because he is from Alabama but because he can really sing...

Simon was incredibly nice last night it seemed like!

Oh well, girls do their thing tonight...Go Carrie!

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I voted for Bo 4 times last night. I can honestly say he'd be my favorite even if he didn't live like 10 minutes from my house. We should all get behind the hometown boy.

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I got to listen to some of Bo's original stuff yesterday. A co-worker of mine is really good friends with Bo and he had one of his personal cd's. After seeing him last night on AI, that guy sounds like he could've been an Allman Brother. If you really like the southern rock sound, this guy is it. I hope he goes all the way. :thumbsup:

I also can't believe that Guitar City, where he worked, fired him. Do they not realize how much pub they could get if Bo came back to the store and did some kind of appearance or something...nice job whoever made that bonehead decision.

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Mario should be cut just for that stupid hat. He must think that is his "signature" look but he just looks dumb - the hats are too small for his head.

I also like the tracheotomy boy - Federov. Cool story.

I think Mario and Ozzie Smith's kid will get the ax. I liked Bo but was totally shocked that the judges liked him - that is just not your typical AI type stuff.

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Right now, Bo is the class of the competition. I'd give Mario second and Carrie and Vonzell would be tied for third. I hate, HATE, HATE that horrendous version of "Piece of My Heart" by Faith Hill that she did. That song is supposed to be a gut-wrenching song of hurt, not a jaunty little country tune.

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The really hyper chick, Mikalah, suprised me last night. I did not think she had that in her...great song choice I guess.

Carrie, even though she did a bad song, still kept it in tune and never lost her pitch...still very good if you ask me!

I think that Janay and Aloha are the two that will be going home from the girls...now the guys, I can't even begin to guess...

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and as far as who i'm liking thus far, i'm liking joseph murena(?) and mario from the guys (although i liked lots more of the guys than gals, including ozzie's kid) , and from the ladies, i had to like the blondes and amanda.

i firmly believe "demographic fairness" is followed on the show, making it a male's turn to win...have we had a latin american make it deep into the competition? where's mario from??? amanda??

and finally, over the past 3 yeas, i had become pretty adept at predicting what each judge would say, but i gotta say that the last 2 nights, i misread what they would say several times. i think simon is being nicer than usual...perhaps someone requested he save his most caustic stuff until later.


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Sorry. Been on the road in the action-packed town of Vernon, AL. :blink: I don;t have a real problem with those that went home last night because I don't think any of them have what it takes. That being said, Aloha and Celena are head and shoulders above Janay. THAT GIRL IS HORRIBLE!!!! :puke:

Carrie is my favorite still with Jessica and Nadia, and Amanda next with Vonzell following. Makaila (sp) has personality out the ying-yang but she is not that great a singer. Way too nasally.

David hasn't shown the talent he appeared to have in the auditions. Joe is pretty good but he doesn't wow me. Travis needs to step it up or he is gone. Same goes for Anwar.

Bo is still my favorite. To say Helena has nothing to do with it wouldn't be absolutely honest, but I really like him. He is original, a great performer, and from what I hear about him - a great guy. I am a rock guy so he wins points there.

Constantine is a poser and has to go! He did a major disservice to The Black Crows / Otis Redding on Monday.

Scott has ZERO personality but a great voice.

There's my 2 cents.

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I thought Janay was gone for sure - she will probably go next week. Nadia and Carrie are the chick front runners as far as I am concerned, with Vonzelle close behind. Mikaheala is just Fran Drescher's little sister.

Mario and the hat have GOT GOT GOT to go!!! He looks SO STUPID!

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Travis will leave Wednesday night. I am not sure who will be with him, though.

Bo did a good job. Not his best, but still a good job.

Constantine did a major disservice to Sting!

Nikko rocked it with a little Ray Charles. Great Job!

Anwar had his best night.

The rest weren't very memorable. :gofig:

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for some reason, i like mario, but i certainly don't think he has a great voice.

the first guy last night...the somewhat portly fella, i think he's gone.

i also think the guy who sang the bobby brown(?) song is gone...didn't like him much.

will the russian go far?

i liked bo's song, as well as the teacher's song. those 2 are now my 2 favorites...

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I think the fat white dude and the guy who tried the Bobby Brown are toast.

It wouldn't hurt my feelings to see the Constantine dude hit the road also.

I think Simon was dead on when he said the albino looked silly singing the latin song and I believe the Bo Bice character has shown the most talent but everyone already knows that Mario will win as he fits the profile they need. I heard Randy Jackson say on a radio interview that as soon as Bo is cut, he will try to sign him to a record deal and plug him in to a "Black Crows" kind of setting.

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Didn't get to see it last night - teething baby with a sinus infection really makes it hard to listen to singing - but I have to admit that I am frightened of the fat white guy. He is almost text book serial killer - a loner, no personality, very withdrawn, except for one talent he can use to lure his victims closer... :blink: I can see him getting cut even tho he is very talented, because trying to promote him to the typical American Idol teeney bopper audience would be a nightmare - he is a record producer's worst nightmare.

I still think Mario's hats have GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!! I agree tho that he fits their profile for the year. White guys get screwed again... :P

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