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Politico: Russia backed Sanders, Stein in Facebook Ads

DKW 86

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8 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Politico: Russia backed Sanders, Stein in Facebook Ads

Seems that the RUSSIANS! were colluding with Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, etc.


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31 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Politico: Russia backed Sanders, Stein in Facebook Ads

Seems that the RUSSIANS! were colluding with Bernie Sanders, Jill Stein, etc.

The goal was to get liberal activists to back a candidate who never had a chance of getting past the primary. Then the drip drop from Wikileaks began, which further aggravated the "Berniebros" (some of whom were quite obviously troll bots), who then made a big fuss on social media about how Hillary rigged the primaries, and how liberals should vote for a third party candidate out of principle.

Long story short, they supported Bernie because they knew it would depress voter turnout for Hillary.

They trolled the left just as hard as they trolled the right. And if you think you're smart enough to beat the Russians at 4d chess, you are sadly mistaken.

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