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Why ‘thoughts and prayers’ is starting to sound so profane


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"Strangely, when it comes to other issues these same Christians don’t feign helplessness and limit solutions to “thoughts and prayers.” If the shooter in Las Vegas had been named Mohammed, you can be sure that these same leaders would be offering a laundry list of “solutions” to keep more Mohammeds out of America. For that matter, have you ever seen a politician just throw up his or her hands about legalized abortion — which has been the law of the land for 40 years — and say there is nothing that can be done, but “thoughts and prayers” all around?"


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Imagine after the Ebola cases in the US, if some people started talking about money for Ebola research, and the other side said, "Now is not the time to talk about a cure! Don't politicize this tragedy to discuss disease treatment!"

Apply that same logic to plane crashes, industrial accidents etc.

Nothing would ever change. 



SEDALIA, MO—Following yesterday’s speech by the president addressing the recent events in Roseburg, OR, local 42-year-old Tim Moss expressed his outrage to reporters that President Obama was attempting to capitalize off a tragedy to push his anti-tragedy agenda. “It’s just disgusting and shameful that, once again, the first thing out of Obama’s mouth after a tragedy is that he wants to limit tragedies,” said Moss, adding that it is both insensitive and opportunistic of the president to suddenly shift the conversation toward curbing the number of tragedies as the nation mourns in the wake of this tragedy. “Every single time this happens, he makes the tragedy all about clamping down on tragedies, and it’s simply not the time or the place for him to be going in front of the camera and pushing for steps to decrease the number of tragedies. Christ, this is a national tragedy we’re dealing with right now.” Moss added that he hopes Obama conducts himself more appropriately during the next tragedy.

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I started my reply here pushing back with a critique that there's been a lot of blanket dismissal of "thoughts and prayers" that is unwarranted.  But that isn't what Kirsten Powers does here.  She makes a very good point.  

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21 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I started my reply here pushing back with a critique that there's been a lot of blanket dismissal of "thoughts and prayers" that is unwarranted.  But that isn't what Kirsten Powers does here.  She makes a very good point.  

You do get to a certain point where it becomes nothing more than a platitude. That's what's so frustrating about it. 

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21 hours ago, TitanTiger said:

I started my reply here pushing back with a critique that there's been a lot of blanket dismissal of "thoughts and prayers" that is unwarranted.  But that isn't what Kirsten Powers does here.  She makes a very good point.  

The point is good, sure. However both sides do it. Saw where Bernie Sanders said “thoughts and prayers to the friends and families” of the two Vermont born victims. 

Is it really that bad to really offer insincere condolences? Or is just bad because Trump did it?

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3 hours ago, aujeff11 said:

The point is good, sure. However both sides do it. Saw where Bernie Sanders said “thoughts and prayers to the friends and families” of the two Vermont born victims. 

Is it really that bad to really offer insincere condolences? Or is just bad because Trump did it?

First of all, the article didn't just single out Trump, so the answer to your last question would be "no."

But also, I imagine their reply to that would likely be that in addition to their thoughts and prayers, they want to take some concrete actions intended to lessen the chance of these sorts of weapons being available to crazy people bent on mass murder, while when Trump or other NRA-bought politicians do it, they want to do nothing.

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3 hours ago, Bigbens42 said:

You do get to a certain point where it becomes nothing more than a platitude. That's what's so frustrating about it. 

And therein lies the problem. If one really thought about the many individuals who died as a result of gun violence wouldn't he be moved to prevent it? 

Isaiah 1:15 says "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!"

Considering how many senators sent out "thoughts and prayers" messages  and took money from the NRA, I'd say it's a very fitting scripture. 

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34 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

First of all, the article didn't just single out Trump, so the answer to your last question would be "no."


Another article singled out Trump alone. Apparently it’s because Trump didn’t trip over himself so the media is trying to do it for him. 


22 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Isaiah 1:15 says "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood!"

And I say quit crucifying such a harmless and benign expression of condolences when there is nothing wrong with it.

”Talking about picking at nits”

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48 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

But also, I imagine their reply to that would likely be that in addition to their thoughts and prayers, they want to take some concrete actions intended to lessen the chance of these sorts of weapons being available to crazy people bent on mass murder, while when Trump or other NRA-bought politicians do it, they want to do nothing.

You’re better than this, Titan. 

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It's amazing how anything Trump says becomes evil incarnate.

Would love to see what would happen on the left if Trump endorsed BLM or got all Al Gore in front of people.

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12 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Another article singled out Trump alone. Apparently it’s because Trump didn’t trip over himself so the media is trying to do it for him. 


And I say quit crucifying such a harmless and benign expression of condolences when there is nothing wrong with it.

”Talking about picking at nits”

Imagine you got a cancer diagnosis from your doctor and upon asking him what treatments you should pursue he replied, "Now isn't the time to talk about treatments. But thoughts and prayers."

I have to take my shoes off at the airport because ONE person tried to hide a bomb in a shoe. But 59 people were slaughtered and the best we can do is thoughts and prayers? 

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4 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Imagine you got a cancer diagnosis from your doctor and upon asking him what treatments you should pursue he replied, "Now isn't the time to talk about treatments. But thoughts and prayers."


That’s not the same thing and you know it. If society demanded from our doctors instant diagnosis and prognostications the same way our media clamors for a kneejerk reaction regarding complex situations, I’d agree with you. 

The worst thing our President could ever do is give in to the society’s demand for knee jerk reactions. Madison says that in black and white in the Federalist Papers. If y’all don’t give him time to collect evidence or the prognosis, don’t bitch when he has nothing.

The second worst thing we could do is bitch about politicians offering condolences like that’s the biggest issue right now. 

“Butthurt Nancies”

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12 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

That’s not the same thing and you know it. If society demanded from our doctors instant diagnosis and prognostications the same way our media clamors for a kneejerk reaction regarding complex situations, I’d agree with you. 

The worst thing our President could ever do is give in to the society’s demand for knee jerk reactions. Madison says that in black and white in the Federalist Papers. If y’all don’t give him time to collect evidence or the prognosis, don’t bitch when he has nothing.

The second worst thing we could do is bitch about politicians offering condolences like that’s the biggest issue right now. 

“Butthurt Nancies”

Holy Moly Batman! The worst thing the president could do is give in to a knee jerk reaction? Have you seen his Twitter account? Trump is the epitome of knee jerk reactions. 

How about you hop outside the box for a minute and take a look around. The issue isn't with saying "thoughts and prayers" its with saying it then refusing to take measures to combat gun violence. Every time there is a mass shooting ( and it happens way too often) we hear those same tired lines from the GOP. But if a Muslim killed 59 Americans in nine minutes you can best believe those "thoughts and prayers" people would be trying to prevent that from happening again. It's the hypocrisy behind the sentiment people are taking issue with,

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36 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Holy Moly Batman! The worst thing the president could do is give in to a knee jerk reaction? Have you seen his Twitter account? Trump is the epitome of knee jerk reactions. 

Yeah,  do want a stick your finger in the wind President, or do you want a mild mannered, tempered, collected President with the facts? Trump will never be that guy, but it’s like y’all want him to be hyper-reactive in this case. He isn’t a doctor and the complex situation isn’t in his grip. 

36 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

The issue isn't with saying "thoughts and prayers" its with saying it then refusing to take measures to combat gun violence.

Pure speculation. Who is refusing? The incident just happened days ago. Don’t be pissed at Trump when he hasn’t even had a bill to sign or veto yet.


41 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Every time there is a mass shooting ( and it happens way too often) we hear those same tired lines from the GOP.

They’re verbal condolences. When my mom died, guess which tired line I heard a lot. They’re formalities and they’re appropiate at the time. Getting work done after the fact is also appropriate. I’ve already ready read that the GOP wants to ban the bumpstock. That’s a start. 

49 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

But if a Muslim killed 59 Americans in nine minutes you can best believe those "thoughts and prayers" people would be trying to prevent that from happening again.

  The Muslim ethnicity is a red herring.  

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

Imagine you got a cancer diagnosis from your doctor and upon asking him what treatments you should pursue he replied, "Now isn't the time to talk about treatments. But thoughts and prayers."

I have to take my shoes off at the airport because ONE person tried to hide a bomb in a shoe. But 59 people were slaughtered and the best we can do is thoughts and prayers? 

Or better yet the CDC just said "we are not researching or treating cancer anymore, because something else is going to kill you anyway".

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46 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Yeah,  do want a stick your finger in the wind President, or do you want a mild mannered, tempered, collected President with the facts? Trump will never be that guy, but it’s like y’all want him to be hyper-reactive in this case. He isn’t a doctor and the complex situation isn’t in his grip. 

Pure speculation. Who is refusing? The incident just happened days ago. Don’t be pissed at Trump when he hasn’t even had a bill to sign or veto yet.


They’re verbal condolences. When my mom died, guess which tired line I heard a lot. They’re formalities and they’re appropiate at the time. Getting work done after the fact is also appropriate. I’ve already ready read that the GOP wants to ban the bumpstock. That’s a start. 

  The Muslim ethnicity is a red herring.  

Y'all want him to be hyper reactive? Pretty sure we aren't just referring to him in this case. And I hardly say that taking measures to enact gun control is  hyper reactive considering that mass shootings have taken place at concerts, churches, schools, and movie theatres. Mass casualties from gun violence didn't just happen Monday. And Trump did sign a bill that revoked mandates that made it harder for mentally ill people to purchase guns. 

Again, it's not the issue of the words it's the hypocrisy. Why you can't understand this is beyond me. And yes, finally they are at least talking about gun control measures. 

Red herring? No it's truth. Ask the airlines. 

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25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Pretty sure we aren't just referring to him in this case.

Pretty sure we all know you are. All you’ve done is state that he doesn’t care so far. Obama and Bernie both made blanket statements though as did both sides of the aisle. So you can’t criticize Trumo or the GOP:

2 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Every time there is a mass shooting ( and it happens way too often) we hear those same tired lines from the GOP.


25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

And I hardly say that taking measures to enact gun control is  hyper reactive

It was less than a week ago. Chill. Eat a Snickers Bar.


25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

And Trump did sign a bill that revoked mandates that made it harder for mentally ill people to purchase guns. 

Keep going.


25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Again, it's not the issue of the words it's the hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy? Trump made you pissy because his condolences were appropriate at worst while Hillary looked like a heartless political brute right after the attacks.

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4 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Pretty sure we all know you are. All you’ve done is state that he doesn’t care so far. Obama and Bernie bothmadr blanket statements though as did both sides of the aisle. So you can’t criticize Trumo or the GOP:


It was less than a week ago. Chill. Eat a Snickers Bar.


Keep going.


What hypocrisy? Trump made you pissy because his condolences were appropriate at worst while Hillary looked like a heartless political brute right after the attacks.

Jeff my frustrations are with the entire GOP. You hear only what you want to hear. Clearly you cannot understand that it's the blanket statements followed by inaction that is the issue I am addressing. 

Less than a week ago? So I should eat a snickers bar and chill after 59 people lost their lives to gun violence? What the hell is wrong with you? 

I'm not pissy about Trunp's Twitter condolences. But I am pissed that Americans are losing their lives due to gun violence when measures could be enacted to prevent this. 

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7 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Clearly you cannot understand that it's the blanket statements followed by inaction that is the issue I am addressing. 

Well there hasn’t been inaction. So maybe that’s why I’m not understanding why you’re working into a tizzy here. You can stand on your head for all I care, the pacifier measures still won’t be enacted any sooner. America has been trying for years trying to circumvent gridlock, special interests, and the 2nd amendment, so I don’t know if you’re just delusional or if you’re naive of how we do things around here, but Trump isn’t pushing through some magic plan that stops gun violence anytime soon. 


9 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

So I should eat a snickers bar and chill after 59 people lost their lives to gun violence?

Or you can freak out, your choice. 


24 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I'm not pissy about Trunp's Twitter condolences. But I am pissed that Americans are losing their lives due to gun violence when measures could be enacted to prevent this. 

Oh I see. One shooting under Trump and he can’t get things done. Nevermind that apparently no other President could either.

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22 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

Well there hasn’t been inaction. So maybe that’s why I’m not understanding why you’re working into a tizzy here. You can stand on your head for all I care, the pacifier measures still won’t be enacted any sooner. America has been trying for years trying to circumvent gridlock, special interests, and the 2nd amendment, so I don’t know if you’re just delusional or if you’re naive of how we do things around here, but Trump isn’t pushing through some magic plan that stops gun violence anytime soon. 


Or you can freak out, your choice. 


Oh I see. One shooting under Trump and he can’t get things done. Nevermind that apparently no other President could either.

It took how many tragedies to get to the point where it's talked about? After children were massacred at their school and nothing was done to curb gun violence I really don't have a lot of faith in the current GOP's lip service. The point is we shouldn't be having to scream about gun control over and over and over again. 

You pulled me thinking Trump was going to push through a "magical plan" straight out of your ass because pretty much everyone on this message board knows that I think Trump is an intellectually challenged dolt who is incapable of doing anything remotely good. 

You can be snide and proclaim that I'm freaking out but I've actually had people I cared about die as a result of gun violence. 

The reason no administration before has been able to get things is because of the $3 million the NRA pays government officials to vote against gun control measures. I'm not laying this solely at Trunp's feet but he did take money from them too and was endorsed by them. So if you think that's what I'm doing you either have a reading comprehension problem or are drunk or high. 

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1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

The reason no administration before has been able to get things is because of the $3 million the NRA pays government officials to vote against gun control measures. I'm not laying this solely at Trunp's feet but he did take money from them too and was endorsed by them. So if you think that's what I'm doing you either have a reading comprehension problem or are drunk or high. 

The NRA didn’t kill 59 people. Whether he took money from them or not is irrelevant to me. Trumps monkeyshines and his affiliation with the NRA can be addressed on a differenct day but until then, the issue is still primarily there isn’t much we can do until we figure out a way account for these weapons 


1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

The point is we shouldn't be having to scream about gun control over and over and over again. 

We can’t just make the second amendment disappear. 

1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

It took how many tragedies to get to the point where it's talked about?

I’m not going to humor you with an answer to such a stupid question. Try again.

1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

You pulled me thinking Trump was going to push through a "magical plan" straight out of your ass because pretty much everyone on this message board knows that I think Trump is an intellectually challenged dolt who is incapable of doing anything remotely good. 

Well, your preferred candidate, the cold-hearted, foul-mouthed, sore loser lost to a dolt reality tv star, so you really can’t say much.

1 hour ago, GiveEmElle said:

You can be snide and proclaim that I'm freaking out but I've actually had people I cared about die as a result of gun violence. 

I’m saddened for your loss but your appeal to emotion is irrelevant to you bellyaching over a blanket statement,  Trump, and the rival political party. 

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1 hour ago, aujeff11 said:

The NRA didn’t kill 59 people. Whether he took money from them or not is irrelevant to me. Trumps monkeyshines and his affiliation with the NRA can be addressed on a differenct day but until then, the issue is still primarily there isn’t much we can do until we figure out a way account for these weapons 


We can’t just make the second amendment disappear. 

I’m not going to humor you with an answer to such a stupid question. Try again.

Well, your preferred candidate, the cold-hearted, foul-mouthed, sore loser lost to a dolt reality tv star, so you really can’t say much.

I’m saddened for your loss but your appeal to emotion is irrelevant to you bellyaching over a blanket statement,  Trump, and the rival political party. 

The NRA is an accomplice in the death of thousand Americans as far as I'm concerned. They may not have pulled the trigger but the put the weapons in the killer's hands. An aresenal of weapons in a Vegas hotel room isn't a definition of a well regulated militia. Did you see those words "well regulated militia"? Even if that were referring to individual rights there's that word regulated. Let's start with regulations. 

Its your opinion that my question is stupid but people who actually have been victims of gun violence are asking it too. We are weary of watching people die and nothing being done to stop it. 

My preferred candidate won the popular vote. So more people in this country thought she was the smarter choice. And I can say as much everyday. Freedom of speech is an amendment too. 

And for God's sake get it through your thick skull that I'm not bellyaching. I just think the sentiment rings hollow. It's useless words that aren't backed up with action. 

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5 hours ago, alexava said:

Or better yet the CDC just said "we are not researching or treating cancer anymore, because something else is going to kill you anyway".

That's particularly relevant metaphor considering how Republicans have opposed the CDC doing gun research.

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24 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Its your opinion that my question is stupid but people who actually have been victims of gun violence are asking it too. We are weary of watching people die and nothing being done to stop it. 


Well, contrary to your personal opinion, the talks on curbing gun violence have been under way for years....dating back to the 1930’s. 

26 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

My preferred candidate won the popular vote.

But the number that matters is 270. 


27 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

The NRA is an accomplice in the death of thousand Americans as far as I'm concerned.

Are you equally this concerned with PP? 


28 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

They may not have pulled the trigger but the put the weapons in the killer's hands. 

All they do is represent millions of Americans that care about the 2nd amendment. Accomplice?  

31 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

An aresenal of weapons in a Vegas hotel room isn't a definition of a well regulated militia


31 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Even if that were referring to individual rights there's that word regulated. Let's start with regulations. 

Let’s. What’s your solution? 

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7 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Imagine you got a cancer diagnosis from your doctor and upon asking him what treatments you should pursue he replied, "Now isn't the time to talk about treatments. But thoughts and prayers."

I have to take my shoes off at the airport because ONE person tried to hide a bomb in a shoe. But 59 people were slaughtered and the best we can do is thoughts and prayers? 


Michelle & I are praying for the victims in Las Vegas. Our thoughts are with their families & everyone enduring another senseless tragedy. ~ Obama

What a worthless POS amirite?

With the power and sway he still holds can you believe  he says thoughts and prayers!!!??!!!?!


What if you house is destroyed by a hurricane while a maniac kills your family and the doctor who you want medicine from says "thoughts and prayers lol"


I mean wut, omg, lol.

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