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I know its just me....


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I know its just me, But before Auburn University starts giving pay raises,  perks, and contract extensions. we should see the end of the season.  I am an unhappy boy. But Coach is happy. He didn't have to win did he?


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I kinda agree. I thought they would wait until a new AD was hired even if this wasn't in CGM timeline. We might have lost him to Arkansas but it appeared to me that we rushed into this. The most I thought was appropriate was a two year extension until the new AD had settled in and could handle. Again I know the squeeze was put on by the agent but AU should have been in charge to say the least and it appeared CGM was calling this play.  I would guess this is expected nowadays. Kirby seems to have gotten total control at UGA, much like Saban at UAT.  

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10 minutes ago, norcuron said:

I know its just me, But before Auburn University starts giving pay raises,  perks, and contract extensions. we should see the end of the season.  I am an unhappy boy. But Coach is happy. He didn't have to win did he?


Learned a few things in life.

#1 A new broom sweeps good.  Don't praise it until it gets some wear first

#2 If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence it's usually because there is a septic tank under it.

Unlike many posters on here, I would have much rather told Gus to wait until the season is over and then we will talk or you can go to Arky.  He was under contract until 2020.  I don't blame the thinking of the other posters but I would much rather not overpay for the returns I am currently getting on my investment.  Had Gus left we could have hired a good coach even with all of the searches going on.  It would have killed recruiting and it would have set us back 3 years.  Now we are left with being set back 7 years, at the end of which we will have our recruiting killed and then be set back three years.  So for me I was willing to swallow a recruiting class and 3 years compared to 10 years.

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