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Bama has reached a new low


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IF you are right, you may want to tell strey to pack his books and get off OUR Campus!  :D  :lol:


That was exactly what I thought!! :big:

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The problem I have with this is the amount of time Alabama waited to do something about it. Even if they did try to work this out a couple of years ago, Moore has been producing these paintings for many years with Bama's knowledge.

Now, that being said, Alabama is absolutely doing the right thing here. This is a blatant infringement of Trademark rights and is not a "Free speech" issue as Moore claims it to be. Allowing a Trademark to remain unprotected eventually causes it to become "Generic" and thus public domain. This is not about money, at least not between Alabama and Daniel Moore. It's about continued, unauthorized use of a Trademark for profit. If Alabama does not take action, they can lose the rights to it and then it DOES become all about the money.

Corporations like Coca-Cola, have been extremely proactive in protecting the Trademark term, "Coke" from unauthorized use. They've even gone so far as to send representatives into restaurants that advertise serving Pepsi only and ordering a "Coke". If they are served Pepsi, the restaurant has technically infringed on the Trademark rights. Sounds like nitpicking but as long as Coca-Cola can show it is being proactive and intends to protect it's Trademark rights, they cannot lose their rights to it. That Trademark is Coca-Cola's life blood.

Again, I have a problem with the time frame of the whole thing and it may come back to bite them. But, they need to work out something with Moore(and he needs to cooperate) to show authorized use and the two can continue to benefit from the relationship. He's portaying Alabama in a positive light with his paintings and Alabama is certainly benefitting from their existence.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Regardless of the legal issues, surely they could have gone about this differently. I read in the T'town paper that they had tried and now the last recourse was to let the courts decide. I don't think that Moore is completely right on his assertions, but this just reeks of bad blood between the two.

I liken it to a messy divorce, I don't think either party will be completely happy hwen all is said and done.

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This sounds very petty but a law is a law. But Alabama has decided that Auburn shouldn't be hogging all the bad press in the state so they chimed in with this lawsuit. Alvin Holmes is now upset cause he won't get as much air time on Finbaum :rolleyes: . If Bama is so worried about their trademark then why aren't they going after Georgia Southern or Deshler High School for having uniforms that look similar to the football team? Unless they have agreements with them already then the past sentence is a moot point. I like Moore's paintings, I wish could afford some of them but I'm a poor college kid.

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C'mon, guys, cut UA some slack here! Now that UA can no longer accept "contributions" ;) from one Mr. Young, they have to come up with other ways to increase the "funds." ;) After all, it takes a LOT of money to field a winning football team.

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I was only stating my opinion.  I can not speak for the university, and in all honesty do not know why they dismissed him nor to be frank do I care.  Yes, I do believe(just me not speaking for the entire Bama nation) that students receiving scholarships to cheer for the University of Alabama should be Bama fans. How can you cheer(the key word) for a team that you are not a fan.  It's cheerleading for goodness sake it's not football, and frankly we could probably do with a few less pyramids anyway.

And if you think you only give scholarships at Bama to kids whose hearts are with Bama, you're nuts.  My cousin is a prime example.  He went to Bama because of close proximity to home mainly and because he liked their program for the major he wanted to pursue.  But if you went to his dorm room, you'd have seen an Auburn outpost in the bammer desert.

Now this topic hits close to home. As an Auburn fan from Tuscaloosa that attended the UA, I can tell you that there are numerous Auburn fans at the university. And to answer your question of how can you cheer for a team of which you are not a fan, easily. A group of my Auburn friends along with myself were part of Mark's Madness. We did not do it because we like :ua: , but because we liked :basketball: . We were able to watch all of the games and get free food and drink by paying $10.00 at the start of the season.

That's hard to beat even if it is watching Alabama. :big:

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The reason that Bama is suing ol' Danny boy is because they heard that he was working on a new painting from this years Iron Bowl...........called "The Half" with players on the sidelines standing next to each other with the numbers "6" and "0".

Hell, Moore should have sued Bama years ago for not playing in a game worth painting. He basically had to start painting "Thomas Kinkade" like scenes to pay the bills...

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I have a question about this... you guys keep talking about trademark infringement... what trademark does he have displayed that is against the law? At Auburn we have the :au: , tiger eyes, and stuff like that copyrighted and/or trademarked or whatever and that is on our uniforms so I can see where trademarking could be an issue here, but UAT has nothing but their jerseys and #'s on helmets on their uniforms. Just a thought...

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