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Arkansas Game Report Card


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I just hate it for the defense.  The defensive front and LB’s in particular are good enough to go toe to toe with anyone but not without any help from the offense.  I just don’t see how the offensive coaches can keep putting this crappy product on the field without doing a total reassessment of what they are trying to do.  At some point you have to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, make adjustments, and quit just beating your head against a wall.  I thought we were getting a real coach back for the O line but it sure doesn’t look like it so far.  Stidham is getting happy feet because he has no confidence in the protection.  The RB’s are getting hit at the LOS on half the running plays.  I sure hope they get it straightened out soon because it is an ugly mess to watch right now.  

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So not intended to be an opinionated question, but seeking someone who knows the absolute fax. Is Chip Lindsey or Gus running the O and calling the plays. Because if it’s Chip, it needs to return to Gus!

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Does it really matter who is calling the plays? The offensive line is a mess, is it poor execution, bad recruiting, bad coaching or all the above but it is getting worse every game. Until that problem is corrected then the rest is just window dressing. Our receivers still run basic routes and very few come back to QB when he is scrambling. We won't even go into the lack of imagination in the play calling because until o-Line is fixed there is no time for a play to develop. 

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13 hours ago, ShocksMyBrain said:

How do you interpret @CleCoTiger‘s statement? Not being combative. 

No worries. I misread. I do think this is some hodpodge of his offensive coordinator and Gus. The ultimate goal is an evolving of the offense right? Or at least adapting

Edited by Randman5000
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2 hours ago, 3rdgeneration said:

Question, is Lindsey in the booth calling plays?

I did see him in the booth. If you want to call what were seeing play calling, then I guess he is, who knows it may still be Gus calling the plays for all I know.

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30 point underdogs, and we averaged 2.5 yards per rush, and made virtually no attempt at a vertical passing game. The Peter Principle says: “eventually a man will be promoted beyond his abilities.”  Since we owe Gus for 7 years and $7million per year, and since he’s clearly been promoted beyond his abilities, can we demote him back to OC, and just pay him the seven million a year to run the offense?  Nick Saban hated that offense so much that it’s now all Alabama runs.....except with better coaching and athletes. 

Make Gus the OC, and hire a true leader to run our $100 million a year BUSINESS. He’s definitely not the guy to run such a business. But this is what you get when hire weak sisters like David Housel and Jay Jacobs to run the business. Auburn is a TOP program, financially speaking, and facilities, but we keep hiring weak Athletic Directors, and keep making mistakes in hiring. 

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I am not sure we need to be dogging our returned offensive line coach since he has replaced the truly offensive 'hamburger king', and is now trying to undo some things that were either taught, or allowed by Gus's old friend. I am willing to take a wait and see attitude for the time being. As for Stidham, I am beginning to think that the curtain has been pulled back and the wicked wizard is allowing us to see why he really transferred.  His nervous eyes and happy feet seem to point to someone who is in over his head.

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