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Clean out your desk


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Home? What's next, reeducation camps? Ah, hell. Let's just "string 'em up!"

At the same time, there is reason to fear that something has changed in the national climate when the chief of staff to a U.S. senator -- even if that senator is Tom Coburn of Oklahoma -- tells a public gathering, "I'm in favor of mass impeachment if that's what it takes." An "easier way," the aide, Michael Schwartz, said at last week's conference, would be to oust activist judges for bad behavior. "Then the judge's term has simply come to an end. The president gives them a call and says, 'Clean out your desk, the Capitol Police will be in to help you find your way home.' "

Schwartz went on to provide a helpful, if not exhaustive list, of which judges he had in mind, including the majority of the Supreme Court: "It is tenure for life as long as you behave well . . . as I know that Justice Kennedy and Justice Souter and Justice Breyer and Justice Ginsburg and the rest of that crowd have not done."

Schwartz may be a particularly extreme example, but he's not the only one. "There does seem to be this misunderstanding out there that our system was created with a completely independent judiciary," the spokesman for the House Judiciary Committee chairman, F. James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), told the New York Times. Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has threatened to cut off court funding. "When their budget starts to dry up, we'll get their attention," he said. "If we're going to preserve our Constitution, we must get them in line."


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