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Complete video or wide angle shot of 12 man penalty


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6 hours ago, wareagle13 said:

Just a point of contention, but it was not exactly the same. Yeldon went out of bounds. They had a stopped clock. They did not have to quick snap. Hell gus even called a timeout to put Chris Davis back. We benefited immensely from an unusual situation. It was neither dirty or shady as I have seen some bama fans post, but it absolutely was a crazy lucky scenario that if the clock had operated appropriately we would not have gotten a field goal off.

Maybe @WarTigercan weigh in, but I see this similar to the end of the 2016 LSU game where the clock stopped to reset the chains with not a whole lot of time left in the game.  LSU’s problem was no time outs and people were moving around when they snapped it.

Our situation was there was a review, similar to our 2013 game, that allowed our FG unit to get in place before the clock started.  The review is what got us an *extra Time Out* that allowed the snap before time ran out.  Either way, Saban is very upset. 

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21 hours ago, cptau said:

Saban great asset is his system that includes pregame preparation and game plan.  Once in the game he can be out coached. That last illegal substitution penalty is proof.   The whining he did about Auburn’s formation not being fair is just sad.  

I have been saying this for years. Saban has my upmost respect for his ability to lead and build a program. On game day with equal talent I would take GM and about 20 other coaches over him. Saban has a process and a plan and once it gets outside of that he is screwed. 

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3 hours ago, au701948 said:

Thanks for the info. In the video of the line of scrimmage, the Umpire marks the ball ready for play and steps back. After Bo "starts" the play, Carlson begins to motion to the punter's correct location and all you see on TV is the Umpire stepping forward again and Bo starting to pump his fist. I am just guessing here, but when the Judge near Waddle dropped the flag, he must have also blown his whistle that set the Umpire in motion toward the line of scrimmage. It would seem that the referees had already determined that if AU started it's play, Ala was immediately in violation. Now it makes a little more sense.

good analysis. The key point is the referee in the middle, as he stands over the ball allowing AU AND Alabama to get lined up. As he moves back from the ball to his position, he looks at the line, sees both lines ready and moves his arm(and I guess whistle) to signal ready for play. THAT is when as you said the referee BEHIND Waddle throws his flag, bc NOW they are in violation of too many men on the field.

Saban saying he should have had more time is wrong. His special team coaches and whatever other coach told the D the go back on the field, did not handle it right. AND the referee gave them plenty of time to get who they wanted on the field.

NOT getting Waddle off, since they probably felt it was critical to have him out there to possibly run it back or get them really close to try to win the game, was part of the failure of leaving him out there.

Be ready to see a special teams coach fired....

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