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Complete video or wide angle shot of 12 man penalty


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Does anyone know where there is a complete video or wide angle video (or pics) showing the play with the illegal participation penalty?

CBS botched that one, we can't see where the punt returner was or what substitutions Alabama had already made before CBS switched back to the offensive formation.

That poor CBS video seems to give rise to some that the penalty was less egregious than it was. I have a hunch the entire video from wide angle  will show it as a textbook violation.

I was there and saw it live, but my focus was on the Nix and the O-line, not the punt returner.



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5 minutes ago, rockfordpi said:

Does anyone know where there is a complete video or wide angle video (or pics) showing the play with the illegal participation penalty?

The dropped flag wasn't on the broadcast either. It must have come from one of the back judges near Waddle.

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2 minutes ago, 3rdgeneration said:

I was watching Waddle the whole time. He had no intention of getting off the field.  He was totally clueless.  

Same here, we were there and saw the whole thing. As far as Nick Satan whining they should’ve given him more time to get Waddle off the field...Gus was screaming at the officials to throw the flag for like 10 to 15 seconds before they begrudgingly tossed the flag.

My point: Satan had plenty of time to get them him off the field, he obviously forgot he was there.

Unfortunately, I do not have a pic or video of this.

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16 minutes ago, rockfordpi said:

Does anyone know where there is a complete video or wide angle video (or pics) showing the play with the illegal participation penalty?

CBS botched that one, we can't see where the punt returner was or what substitutions Alabama had already made before CBS switched back to the offensive formation.

That poor CBS video seems to give rise to some that the penalty was less egregious than it was. I have a hunch the entire video from wide angle  will show it as a textbook violation.

I was there and saw it live, but my focus was on the Nix and the O-line, not the punt returner.



It wasn't illegal participation.  It was Illegal Substituion.   CBS didnt' botch anything. They stopped the video and showed the 11 players up near the line and pointed out the returner was downfield. 

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Saban great asset is his system that includes pregame preparation and game plan.  Once in the game he can be out coached. That last illegal substitution penalty is proof.   The whining he did about Auburn’s formation not being fair is just sad.  

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2 hours ago, Randman5000 said:

Thanks for this. Great breakdown of what went right for us and hilariously wrong for them. So unfair. 

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Yeah, "pretty unfair".


I thought he was about to have an aneurism arguing that we should not be allowed to get the snap off to end the half.  Such a hypocrite:  think back to 2013....they had one second and a tv timeout to review: they were allowed the opport to quick snap and kick a FG.  

Exactly the same set up!  

I have never respected him.   All 'this and that' about 'his process'.  Boloney - he has the most talent,  best players and cut throat coaches.  That equals a lot of wins.

Heck one of his assistant coaches quit last year, cleaned out his office and didn't even say goodbye.   Speaks volumes. 


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4 minutes ago, Beaker said:

Yeah, "pretty unfair".


I thought he was about to have an aneurism arguing that we should not be allowed to get the snap off to end the half.  Such a hypocrite:  think back to 2013....they had one second and a tv timeout to review: they were allowed the opport to quick snap and kick a FG.  

Exactly the same set up!  

I have never respected him.   All 'this and that' about 'his process'.  Boloney - he has the most talent,  best players and cut throat coaches.  That equals a lot of wins.

Heck one of his assistant coaches quit last year, cleaned out his office and didn't even say goodbye.   Speaks volumes. 


I am out of likes, apparently. My Auburn husband talks about what a great coach he is, but I just can't stand the guy. That kind of behavior on the sidelines is ridiculous. I hope he gets fined for it. I guess he feels like he's the boss of the refs. 🙄

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32 minutes ago, 3rdgeneration said:

I am out of likes, apparently. My Auburn husband talks about what a great coach he is, but I just can't stand the guy. That kind of behavior on the sidelines is ridiculous. I hope he gets fined for it. I guess he feels like he's the boss of the refs. 🙄

He’s the master at illegal recruiting and breaking rules but when he gets beat by a legal play it’s unfair.

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5 hours ago, Viper said:

The dropped flag wasn't on the broadcast either. It must have come from one of the back judges near Waddle.

Correct. The judge near Waddle dropped the flag.

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5 hours ago, rockfordpi said:

Does anyone know where there is a complete video or wide angle video (or pics) showing the play with the illegal participation penalty?

CBS botched that one, we can't see where the punt returner was or what substitutions Alabama had already made before CBS switched back to the offensive formation.

That poor CBS video seems to give rise to some that the penalty was less egregious than it was. I have a hunch the entire video from wide angle  will show it as a textbook violation.

I was there and saw it live, but my focus was on the Nix and the O-line, not the punt returner.



I would agree, completely botched by CBS. They said two or three times: did Alabama jump offsides? They went on to say: When they jumped, did they make contact? Meanwhile the camera never showed Waddle back there. As far as I know, after watching the replay, at least that we’ve seen, there’s not a camera shot of all 12 men on the field.

I agree with you, terrible coverage of the play by CBS but let’s face it, Gus had the entire country fooled!

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3 hours ago, AU-24 said:

I would agree, completely botched by CBS. They said two or three times: did Alabama jump offsides? They went on to say: When they jumped, did they make contact? Meanwhile the camera never showed Waddle back there. As far as I know, after watching the replay, at least that we’ve seen, there’s not a camera shot of all 12 men on the field.

I agree with you, terrible coverage of the play by CBS but let’s face it, Gus had the entire country fooled!

Yes, initially CBS showed Waddle back for the return and someone wrote that UAT was in its SECOND wave of substitutions when CBS switched back to show the line of scrimmage. They showed Waddle when we needed to see the line of scrimmage and when we needed to see waddle, all we saw was the line of scrimmage.

I immediately noticed and was focusing on and trying to figure our what our offense was doing with the QB lined up in formation and was unable to keep track of what was happening on the other side. 

At some point I am sure AU or someone will release game film showing the whole thing.

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Waddle never realized he was the extra man. Furthermore, no one on the bama side was yelling at him to get off the field. They were in total disarray. I’m sure Nick was embarrassed after the game, but once he has time to digest it (i e yell at his staff), he will see that calling it “unfair” was garbagio. 

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5 hours ago, passthebiscuits said:

Waddle never realized he was the extra man. Furthermore, no one on the bama side was yelling at him to get off the field. They were in total disarray. I’m sure Nick was embarrassed after the game, but once he has time to digest it (i e yell at his staff), he will see that calling it “unfair” was garbagio. 

Thanks PTB. That’s the piece of information I was missing. Really wanted to know if the Bama coaches were trying to get him off the field.

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15 hours ago, Randman5000 said:

When guys try to bring a Sunday game to Saturday, he’s brought a Friday night game to Saturday, and he’s been really great at it for years now,” 

We all know the Friday night play doesn't always work but I'll give Gus credit because those plays work more on Saban than anyone. 

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11 hours ago, Beaker said:

Yeah, "pretty unfair".


I thought he was about to have an aneurism arguing that we should not be allowed to get the snap off to end the half.  Such a hypocrite:  think back to 2013....they had one second and a tv timeout to review: they were allowed the opport to quick snap and kick a FG.  

Exactly the same set up!  


Just a point of contention, but it was not exactly the same. Yeldon went out of bounds. They had a stopped clock. They did not have to quick snap. Hell gus even called a timeout to put Chris Davis back. We benefited immensely from an unusual situation. It was neither dirty or shady as I have seen some bama fans post, but it absolutely was a crazy lucky scenario that if the clock had operated appropriately we would not have gotten a field goal off.

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I think this thread just stumbled upon the name we should use for this IB:  The Pretty Unfair Game.  
It will forever enshrine the wee man’s whining & remind the toothless how they lost!

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2 hours ago, wareagle13 said:

Just a point of contention, but it was not exactly the same. Yeldon went out of bounds. They had a stopped clock. They did not have to quick snap. Hell gus even called a timeout to put Chris Davis back. We benefited immensely from an unusual situation. It was neither dirty or shady as I have seen some bama fans post, but it absolutely was a crazy lucky scenario that if the clock had operated appropriately we would not have gotten a field goal off.

In 2013 the game was tied. If all things were the same except they weren't allowed to kick, we go to OT. But, after review they rightfully were given more time. They kicked and it backfired. 

2019 We get a first down and the whistle should have been blown as soon as the runners forward progress was stopped. Instead, the clock is allowed to run out. Upon review, again rightfully so, there was still time on the clock. The kicking team was lined up during review like any intelligent person would do. The ball was snapped on the whistle to make sure we got it off. Which we did. Nothing out of the ordinary. And just like 2013, if all things stay the same except we aren't given the shot of the FG...then Bamas missed FG leaves the game tied instead of us having the lead. We get the ball with a chance to win the game on the last drive either way. We would be going for the FG to win instead of running out the clock. We either win it on the kick, or go to OT. 

Nick just doesn't have the humility to admit when he is beat. He knows that with the talent he takes in every year that he "SHOULD" win every game, but that isn't the real world. Suck it up cry baby. 

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15 hours ago, creed said:

Correct. The judge near Waddle dropped the flag.

Thanks for the info. In the video of the line of scrimmage, the Umpire marks the ball ready for play and steps back. After Bo "starts" the play, Carlson begins to motion to the punter's correct location and all you see on TV is the Umpire stepping forward again and Bo starting to pump his fist. I am just guessing here, but when the Judge near Waddle dropped the flag, he must have also blown his whistle that set the Umpire in motion toward the line of scrimmage. It would seem that the referees had already determined that if AU started it's play, Ala was immediately in violation. Now it makes a little more sense.

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What was nice is Saban is notorious for wanting to get the "right" personnel on the field for certain situations and that's what cost him that play.  It's why he hates the hurry up because he can't substitute unless offense does.   

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5 hours ago, wareagle13 said:

Just a point of contention, but it was not exactly the same. Yeldon went out of bounds. They had a stopped clock. They did not have to quick snap. Hell gus even called a timeout to put Chris Davis back. We benefited immensely from an unusual situation. It was neither dirty or shady as I have seen some bama fans post, but it absolutely was a crazy lucky scenario that if the clock had operated appropriately we would not have gotten a field goal off.

Ahhh.   Thanks for the clarification buddy.   I am fine with that either way.   It was in the 2nd qtr and both teams knew they had 30 min to work with after that.   


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