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Bryant's Involvement in AU's Investigations


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If you cheat and get caught, you have to pay. No matter the process. You can't say it's not fair because "everyone" was doing and they didn't get caught.

You know the old saying about Paybacks: Payback is *ell!

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well, repeating/perpetuating the selective prosecution cycle is bad. just because bama may have benefitted from the past doesnt make it right now. And until the cycle is broken, it WONT change.

Look at the common thread in all of these: the NCAA. teams and names change...the ncaa is still playing favorites.

Id like to see a more open prosecution environment. I would like to see the NCAA have to SHARE information with its member institutions of who is prosecuting them and what they are saying. Currently, the NCAAs investigative staff has the job of disproving the allegations...not proving them. ANd in their process, it is a conflict of interest to actually disprove them. They dont WANT truth, they want whatever inuendo SUPPORTS their beef.

I want them to be forced to be more consistent. I want them to have to be more accountable. I want them to HAVE to follow precident of prior rulings: You cant rule Diane stanford ISNT a booster but rule that the guy who gave kenny smith money is...

Accountability is really all i ask for.


I agree and your post could easily have been written on several different ocassions by an Auburn grad. But what you seem to be saying is that the cycle should have been broken with bama going free. You won't find many people from other schools who agree with that.

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I never said bama should have gone unpunished. I said the cycle needs to be broken. I said just because it happened in the past doesnt make it right now.

How many times do we have to say we arent mad about bama being punished for you guys to believe it?

Bama fan: the sky is blue

Auburn fan: why do you keep saying the sky is green

Bama fan: i dont i say its blue

AUburn fan: these bama fans are idiots because they keep saying the sky is green

Again, bama did wrong. Im not here saying we should have gotten a free pass. Im saying EVERYONE should be accountable in the whole situation.

To use your illegal immigrant analogy...its more like "3 illegals are heading for the USA...the US govmt says:i know rico he's a prick...but jimmy and tommy are my golfing buddies...so lets go get jimmy"

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The NCAA is a voluntary organization. If uat does not like the way it is governed, leave. :D:poke:

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To use your illegal immigrant analogy...its more like "3 illegals are heading for the USA...the US govmt says:i know rico he's a prick...but jimmy and tommy are my golfing buddies...so lets go get jimmy"


You know in Spanish jimmy would be pronunced "Hi Me" :big:;)

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The NCAA is a voluntary organization. If uat does not like the way it is governed, leave. :D  :poke:


Wow, thats a well thought out position. And original, never heard it before.

All this complaining about Bryant and his supposed cheating...you have no grounds for argument...i mean afterall the NCAA is a voluntary organization.

If the NCAA decided tomorrow that Auburn could only be on television once a year...because they needed to accomodate Utah St and Akron for equal air time, I dont want to hear you whine...because the NCAA is a voluntary organization...they can do WHATEVER they want to their member institutions.

I dont think you should EVER complain or MENTION 'bama cheating' ever again...because if its a problem, auburn can always leave....

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Christmas Day three years ago I was speeding on I-20 when a highway patrolman pulled me over. I had been following the two cars in front of me and using them as a rabbit. I had let them get a little too far in front of me to see the tail lights. I asked the officer why he only pulled me over and not the other two in front of me. He was really sympathetic ... tears came into his eyes as he wrote out my ticket. These are the same tears I now shed that UA has finally been caught up with since they had been the one for years pointing the finger at AU.

I suppose to see through an Auburn man's eyes ... UA would have to have TN point the finger at them a couple of more times. Later TN would have to have someone do it to them and claim NCAA favortism. How hard would it be to get sympathy from UA now? Do you get the picture?

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The NCAA is a voluntary organization. If uat does not like the way it is governed, leave. :D  :poke:


Wow, thats a well thought out position. And original, never heard it before.

All this complaining about Bryant and his supposed cheating...you have no grounds for argument...i mean afterall the NCAA is a voluntary organization.

If the NCAA decided tomorrow that Auburn could only be on television once a year...because they needed to accomodate Utah St and Akron for equal air time, I dont want to hear you whine...because the NCAA is a voluntary organization...they can do WHATEVER they want to their member institutions.

I dont think you should EVER complain or MENTION 'bama cheating' ever again...because if its a problem, auburn can always leave....


You will never "hear" or "read" about me "whinning" about anything. You, on the other hand, seem to have taken it to never before reached levels. :lol::lol:

uat cheated and is now being forced to pay the price. Nothing about that is "wrong" or "unfair".

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Christmas Day three years ago I was speeding on I-20 when a highway patrolman pulled me over.  I had been following the two cars in front of me and using them as a rabbit.  I had let them get a little too far in front of me to see the tail lights.  I asked the officer why he only pulled me over and not the other two in front of me.  He was really sympathetic ... tears came into his eyes as he wrote out my  ticket.  These are the same tickets I now shed that UA has finally been caught up with since they had been the one for years pointing the finger at AU.

I suppose to see through an Auburn man's eyes ... UA would have to have TN point the finger at them a couple of more times.  Later TN would have to have someone do it to them and claim NCAA favortism.  How hard would it be to geth sympathy from UA now?  Can you get the picture?


I think THAT is the point. 1956, 57, 58, 60, and then the late 70s. Now cry me a river. We were put on probation for: dinner and movie, taking kids home from the tennis courts in a thundershower, calling to tell hs coaches that kids were going to be late coming back from AU because of airline problems, and the list goes on.

Is the NCAA selective, YOU BET! But funny BG, we never heard any :ua: fans worried about it when it was happening to us.

Idea: :ut: time is coming, just a matter of time.... ;)

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If the NCAA decided tomorrow that Auburn could only be on television once a year...because they needed to accomodate Utah St and Akron for equal air time, I dont want to hear you whine...because the NCAA is a voluntary organization...they can do WHATEVER they want to their member institutions.

It is funny that you say that because that is exactly what they used to do. It took a lawsuit by Georgia and Oklahoma, I believe, to open up television.

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AF...now the NCAA wouldnt do it because it generates less revenue for them to have smaller schools on.

David, i agree about the UT thing...totally.

But i dont want UT to get hammered only to see alabama go free if they are doing the same thing....id rather the get back at you for wronging me thing stop now...much rather bama to be the LAST team to get screwed over...if it meant the NCAA doing things the right way.

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In my humble opinion, the N C A A has MORE POWER than EVER before thanks to that "lawyer" aka "The TICK on a hound dog". He made it look as if the N C A A was squeaky clean and above board on everything. Be careful what you wish for.... :blink:

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I have every confidence that UATers will find a new scandel in which to embroil themselves soon enough, so I'm pretty tired of the whole Memphis/NCAA/Gallion/Fulmer affair. I prefer eagerly awaiting the premier of the next new soap opera out of Tuscaloosa.

Meanwhile, thank God there's is real college football right around the corner! :cheer:

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This statement by BamaGrad03 reminds me of those made by Auburn fans for decades:

we (Auburn) arent mad that Fulmer (Bryant) told the ncaa strictly based on ratting us out...we are mad that he told the NCAA to keep them from hammering UT(Alabama). And he told them things that were LIES and the NCAA took them as GOLD without investigating them thoroughly. We are mad that EVERY SINGLE TIME since then, when UT (Alabama) has done things that were OBVIOUSLY against the rules...the NCAA has turned a blind eye.

Welcome to a new era, BamaGrad ! We knew what it felt like long before the Bama fans that thought they were untouchable. Justice delayed is justice denied.

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Karma is hell, isn't it BammerGrad! Are you going to whine for the next 20 years or are you going to get over it? I don't care if Bammer ever wins another game! I wouldn't care if the NCAA limited them to 5 schollies a year; it would serve them right for all the years that they cheated and had 150 on scholarship.

Rammer Jammer, go to hell, Bammer!!!!

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To use your illegal immigrant analogy...its more like "3 illegals are heading for the USA...the US govmt says:i know rico he's a prick...but jimmy and tommy are my golfing buddies...so lets go get jimmy"


You know in Spanish jimmy would be pronunced "Hi Me" :big:;)



Way to go Bo :cheer:

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How many times do we have to say we arent mad about bama being punished for you guys to believe it?


Just once if you can say it without it being followed by a lot of spin,rationalization, or excuses and never engage in another discussion about it with an Auburn fan :big::big:

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Amen & Amen. uat got caught , "pink"handed, and is being punished. Some say the punishment does not fit the crime. Others think the DEATH penalty should have been imposed. Either way, there can be no doubt about what happened.

To continue to argue about uat's guilt is pointless. Water under the bridge. ;)

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I was a student at Auburn from 1966-1969 and the common "rumor" was that Bammer was turning us in.... Now I know it was much more than a rumor! Even then, people wondered why it seemed that every time Auburn moved into a position to possibly challenge them for in-state dominance, suddenly another NCAA investigation was on the horizon. Bottom line is, they cheated, they turned others in, they recruited QB's just to keep them away from Auburn and other schools they competed against, they fed crap to the ever present "Tide media" in this state which perpetuated their dominance and spead propoganda about Auburn every chance they got. Hell, Finescum is still doing it as well as several other Bammer homers in the state press... As far as I'm concerned, they not only got what they deserved, they got less than they deserved!

It really must be disconcerting to the tide faithful to have to come to terms with the fact that: (1) Nobody is afraid of them anymore, (2) they can't cheat and get away with it anymore, (3) Auburn has a more outstanding program then them and there is nothing they can do about it, (4) They cannot beat us even at home, (5) Bear isn't coming back, and (6) We are growing in terms of the largest in-state university and facilities for athletics..... War Damn Eagle! :D:au:

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They cannot beat us even at home.


Shug, you said "They [uA] cannot beat us even at home". Winning over AU in Tuscalooser is something they have never done in the history of the program. It took them over 100 years to score on us, and that scoring drive was set up by an AU turnover.

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