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Jeremy Ingle


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My fertile brain is always coming up with all sorts of ideas and theories.

A thought occurred to me the other day. Maybe the best decision that CTT made before the 2004 season was not hiring Al Borges, not demoting Hugh Nall and Steve Ensminger, but moving Danny Lindsay to Guard and Jeremy Ingle to Center. Danny Lindsay was really in over his head at Center in 2003 and it showed on the field, especially against defensive powers like LSU and UGA.

Ingle filled the Center position very nicely in 2004 and our offense could not be stopped. Yes, there were other factors that contributed to our success like play calling and great athletes at every position. However, football fans are quick to underestimate the importance of the center position in this game.

Terry Bradshaw once said that the Steelers would not have won four Super Bowls without their all pro center, I forget his name. The center, as we all know, is responsible for reading the defense in the trenches while the quarterback is responsible for seeing the entire field beyond. A center does more than snap the ball to the QB, he actually reads defensive schemes and is resposible for some audibles at the line of scrimmage.

Remember what happened in 1998 when we played with a sixth string center that we had to move over from guard? I know, I know, painful memories ya'll.

The point is, an offense cannot survive without a good center. I've seen this too many times to believe otherwise.

With all this being said, do any of you think that we will suffer slightly at Center this year with Ingle gone? Who will play at Center this year and do any of you feel good about him. I need to look at the debth chart.

Believe it or not, Ingle may be our biggest loss to graduation. \

Only time will tell.


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Ross now boss for Auburn

Senior lineman set to step to starring role at center

AUBURN - If they gave a football Oscar for best supporting actor, Steven Ross would have been a leading candidate the past three seasons.

Ross has played every position on the offensive line, including tight end. He was always ready when called, but he could never break through and earn a starting role.

As the Tigers, coming off a 13-0 season, move toward their Sept. 3 opener against Georgia Tech, Ross no longer plays a bit part. Barring something unexpected, he'll be the starting center against the Yellow Jackets at Jordan-Hare Stadium.

From the time he arrived, Ross, a 6-foot-6 senior from Nashville, had trouble maintaining the weight he needed to play on the offensive line's interior. He moved to center in the spring of 2004 and started in place of injured Jeremy Ingle in a 35-14 victory at Ole Miss. But as Auburn prepared for the SEC Championship Game, Ross suffered another setback. He suffered a knee injury that ended his season and required surgery.

He's healthy and ready now. His time has come.

"It's real exciting," Ross said. "Tearing my knee up has been kind of a blessing, because I was able to gain the weight I've had so much trouble getting on the last five years. Not being able to practice and being able to work real hard on my upper body has been good."

When he wasn't working out, Ross was in the film room.

"I've been able to study the position, study film of us, film of some NFL guys, film of Georgia Tech, whomever," Ross said. "It's just been really good to settle down in one spot. I'm getting ready to go."

Ross is a key in Auburn's retooled offensive line. Senior tackles Marcus McNeill and junior left guard Ben Grubbs are returning starters. Junior Tim Duckworth is running ahead at right guard, but he is being pushed hard by sophomore Leon Hart.


"Replacing the center is like replacing the quarterback," Nall said. "Everybody is counting on that chemistry and communication. Whatever he says has to go. It's like putting a brand new computer system into an office somewhere. Everybody has to learn from it."

Breaking in new centers is nothing new for Nall. In 2003, Danny Lindsey moved from guard and took over for departed Ben Nowland. Before last season, Lindsey moved back to guard to make room for Ingle. And now it's Ross' turn.

"I really think he'll be a good center," Nall said. "I think he is already a good center, but he has to be a good center within this offensive line. He's smart and he's a really good athlete. He tries very hard


Ross will anchor a line that is the deepest and most talented of any in coach Tommy Tuberville's six seasons. But Nall says talent and depth aren't nearly enough.

"I keep hearing how good the offensive line is," Nall said. "We don't know that. This group has not played one snap together in a football game. You add to that a right guard that really hasn't played and a center that has played very little. All the chemistry is not there yet and won't be there for a while."

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I agree 100% about that. Lindsay IMO, caused us a lot of problems. He always jumped early, etc.

But then again.. during the Ole Miss game (??).. .I believe our 2nd string Center was injured and we moved Lindsay to center, or it may be the other way around, but either way, our offense was able to move the ball again because of this.

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I don't know much about his post NFL life, other than it ended in tragedy...

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I just hope Ross gets the ball to Cox..no more fumbled away TDs... :blink:

`?' Would Britt have started, last year if he would've been healthy, ahead of Lindsay?

`98?? First and goal @ the Tenn 1 and we don't score!! NUFF said! :(

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Ross has been working all summer with his snaps, and I believe that he will done just fine. He has the confidence that he is the starter and the job is his. The main problem you see with a new center in a game, is the lack of rythm between the QB and Center.

Ross and Cox have the rythm down and should be able to anticipate eachothers moves well before the first game. I don't have any worries about him.

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I don't think we will be hurting at Center next year with leon Hart being the probable starter. I do know that if anyone beats out hart we definitely won't be hurting :big:

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Hart has smarts to be a center

Nall says Auburn sophomore may end up starting

AUBURN - Offensive line coach Hugh Nall floated the idea shortly after Leon Hart arrived on Auburn's campus last summer.

When Nall looked at Hart, a prize signee from Columbia, S.C., who was considered one of the nation's top offensive line prospects, he saw a prototype center. But when Hart looked at himself, he saw a tackle. Nall's suggestion that he give center a try was met with no enthusiasm.

"When I first got here, not knowing anything about college, I thought I was strictly a tackle," said Hart, 6-foot-5 and 302 pounds.

Nall saw a big man with uncommon quickness and an honor student's intelligence, just right for blocking fierce nose guards and making calls at the line of scrimmage.


When starting center Steven Ross went out with a hip flexor Saturday, Hart moved into the rotation at center.

"I really think center is his natural position," Nall said. "I think he's a prototype center and/or guard with his size and mobility. With his smarts and everything, we are going to keep working him at center. It might be this year or it might be later, but hopefully one day he'll be the starting center here."

Hart's reluctance is gone. He embraces the idea of playing center at Auburn and beyond.

"It's been going a lot better," Hart said. "It's a little bit more second nature now. I feel a lot more comfortable than I did in the spring. I think I can play center at the next level. I think it might just be my position. Basically, the center is like the second quarterback. He has to make sure everything is right. I like that."


Nall said after Sunday's practice that Hart, who played on the second team behind Joe Cope, had made dramatic progress.

"I think he's improved a bunch the last few days," Nall said. "I've seen more aggressiveness out of him instead of questioning what is going on and who to block. At times, he has a good idea of what we are doing. When he does, he's pretty good at it."

Hart will continue to work at guard and center when Ross returns. He will probably go into Auburn's season opener against Georgia Tech on Sept. 3 more as a guard than center. But next season, when both Ross and Cope will be gone, Hart could be the heir apparent.

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I think Ross will be fine at Center, eventually!! Luckily their first five games are at home so the fans can always help him and Cox out and be extra quiet when we have the ball and hopefully by the time we get on the road they'll havbe their rhythm and will be ready to rock and roll!!!

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