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Anyone heard the new Gorillaz cd?


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Im pretty dissapointed. The released song on the radio is ABSOLUTELY nothing like the rest of the disc. (I should have known since they did the same thing with their first album)

I just dont get it...if you make a song to 'sell albums' why not make the rest of the cd at least sound SOMEWHAT like it? And if you are trying to be 'true to your musical origins'...why not make music that you want to make...and release one of those songs?

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The released song on the radio is ABSOLUTELY nothing like the rest of the disc. (I should have known since they did the same thing with their first album)

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.....

Why? Dude, they're ARTIST, man... they don't have to confine themselves to some narrow view of how you think they sould sound. Or something like that :huh: Who knows, many bands come out w/ 1 song that so DOESN'T define who they are, yet it becomes their $$ maker hit.

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Raptor I agree to an extent. But there's two things to look at:

A. If they think the ONLY reason they will sell CDs is because of the song they release on the radio, then they are building a fan base based on that song. Why, then, would you make the rest of the CD completely different? Wouldn't that basically be shunning your fans and their musical tastes for the sake of 'tricking' them into buying your record based on a false premise?

B. If they are artists and feel the REST of the CD truly reflects their musical ideals, why not release those songs instead? Get the fans that actually LIKE your music buying your cd.

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I bought the CD about a week ago, and I agree with you, BG. I have listened to the whole CD, but I find myself hitting the 'Skip' button about 2 minutes into most songs. Very disappointing, but like you said, the first CD was the same way.

The songs they release are good, and then I blow $17-$20 on the CD and get that crap? C'mon, you're making millions. At least TRY to make another song that will be worth a damn!

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