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Katherine Harris; just a question


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I don't have a link on this, but it has been all over the news so it shouldn't be hard to verify.

Katherine Harris, the Attorney General of Florida is running for the Senate. Her campaign has been losing steam lately and most pundits (dems and reps) were expecting her to pull our of the race. She went on Hannity and Colmes last week to make a statement. Her statement was that she was going to put 10 million dollars of her own money (the bulk of her family's citrus fortune) into the campaign.

I don't have a problem with her running and I don't have a problem with her putting the family jewels in hock to win. The money's hers and she can do with it what she wants.

The thing I need help understanding is what is the logic in spending 10 million dollars (the product of three generations toil) for a CHANCE at a $100,000 per year job. Call me cynical, but I can't believe that she is doing it for the good of mankind

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I think the starting pay for a US Senator is $ 162,000. Then the perks get thrown in , medical, dental, and one hell of a retirement package. But there are only 100 Senators at any one time. That's a mighty exclusive club. And lets face it, no matter which side of the aisle you're on, there'll always be someone ready to butter your toast if you're an US Sentor..... IF you get my meaning. ;)

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Well, anybody who thinks somebody's running for office to get the salary needs a prescription of stupid pills, pronto.

All kidding aside. If you hold the office of Senate, it's almost guaranteed that you will wind up with a lot of scratch, even if it's the legitimate type.

On the other hand, it's amazing how much graft you can milk out of people and still remain under the radar screen.

Case in point? Lyndon Johnson, the most corrupt buffoon ever to be in the Oval Office. Okay, this guy started as a dirt poor schoolteacher and spend his ENTIRE life on the public payroll. Yet, when he left the presidency, his net worth was around $60-$70 million, which is a couple of hundred million today. How is that possible on a civil servant's salary?

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