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AuburnNTexas last won the day on June 2 2022

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About AuburnNTexas

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    Church, Kids, Grandkids, Rugby and all Auburn Sports.
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    Allen, Tx
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  1. So far I have not been overwhelmed by the talent they have brought in so far. I think it is a good hire. Two things must be taken into consideration. One how much NIL they have to work with and two how they develop the talent they have. If they do well in their first year it will be a bonus. I believe in patience year 3 should give us a clue in what type hire we have.
  2. Fantastic.it speaks well for these young men.
  3. This is a good fit. Denver is a great team but lack depth which should give him a shot at making the team.
  4. Happy 4th to you and yours.
  5. Maybe Ulcerative Colitis. My oldest son has been dealing with it for at least ten years.
  6. Fifty I always have appreciated your input. I want you to know you will be missed if you quit posting.
  7. Come signing day 20 to 30 players will sign with Auburn. The great majority will only commit once and sign with the team they committed to. Considering the pressure these young men will get from coaches, friends, parents, etc. That speaks very well for these young men. To many people worry to much about the young men who play games as oppossed to appreciate the ones who play it straight up.
  8. I didn't say it very well. After Miami visit, we went from expecting a commitment to many thinking Miami visit blew him away. That said this staff doesn't give up and if we really want him I expect this staff to keep working hard.
  9. We seem to have lost him. Based on the past I doubt we have given up on him.
  10. It looks like we can add two top notch LB's to 2026 class. This staff is doing a great job on the recruiting trail.
  11. 1st and 2nd are to old and out of eligibility. LOL
  12. I think it would be a great idea, just not sure if they would be allowed to do that.
  13. I agree. He has visited multiple schools and I am sure they have all measured him and timed him with different drills like the shuttle, the 10 yard dash the 40 yard dash, maybe even had him benchpress. The fact that so many schools have seen him and want him means he is talented. When coaches watch film and games they can see certain things against any level of competition. A RB's vision, how quick he can stop and re-accelerate, how the RB users his blockers, If he can cut on a dime, etc. A good recruiter when he watches film often has a stop watch with him, so he can time acceleration out of a stop or a cut. That accleration speed is there regardless of competition. Any player would look better against weaker competition but a good recruiter takes that into consideration he also knows which players on the other team may be Power 5 type competition and the recruiter can compare how the RB does against that player. Recruiting is both a science and also a feel for the game that they can see in players they are recruiting.
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