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Political Correctness


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OpEd - Political Correctness

By Oscar Forbes

The North Country Gazette 

Political correctness has silently evolved toward the disintegration of free-speech, and public assembly.

As Glenn Beck stated recently, political correctness has caused us discomfort and to be uncomfortable in speaking with others who may be different than us, or words to that effect.

Essentially political correctness stifles our ability to verbally communicate with people of different colors and faiths and ethnicities for fear of offending them (in most cases) unknowingly, because of our different cultures; in religion, in politics, and other social divergences, most of which we may not be familiar.

Cultural sensitivity training, they say? One would have to spend a life time learning these things.

Who wants their children and grand children obligated to go through life worrying about offending people like Bin Laden, and his ilk, or some other group of self serving elitist intellectuals, who possess (in their minds) a certain utopian idea of a perfect peace loving society , wherein, some people actually believe what they are doing will create a more harmonious civil society; where there is no mental pain; no God; no harsh rules; no harsh words; no self discipline; no self responsibility; no consequences for certain behaviors, except for using words which hurtfully offends people.

If one commits this awful crime, offending others, they may be taken to court or fired from their job.

The idea of political correctness has the potential to destroy America, her very inner soul and all of that which made her so great.

When humans are not allowed to speak freely and use their own choice of words, no matter who they offend, we have then violated the human spirit, in that, this sort of freedom is an innate component of human nature. Any authority that attempts to take that away from us must first understand that this cannot be good for any society, no matter its culture, politics, religion, or ethnic customs.

These things have consequences which have yet to be fully understood in certain quarters of our society, however, few scholars would question that political correctness is a tool used to control certain undesirable behaviors in people.

The question before us is who does it benefit the most?

Oz is a retired Navy Vet who lives in Tampa, Fla.


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