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American Idol Tour


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I just got back from the American Idol tour in Birmingham. I went with the wife and in-laws.

I must say, it was pretty doggone good. I expected a bunch of "Brady Bunch" style numbers but that isn't what they did. Each did a duet with a performer and then a couple of songs on their own.

Chris rocked it out with Zepplin, Bon Jovi, and did Queen with all the guys sans Taylor. Elliot was not that great except the latest Nickleback song with Chris. I am not a big Nickleback fan but that performance was good. Ace was...well...Ace. A bit girly. Bucky was just Bucky and he said to give his love to Jenny! :big:

Kelly Pickler can't chew gum and walk at the same time and it shows in person. Her voice is great though.

Lisa Taylor has got some pipes! Paris put on a show. Katherine was ok. She had a broken foot so she was limited as to the "performing" she could do. He version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" was powerful.

TAYLOR ROCKED! He did all his songs from the show. What an entertainer! He was a tad more serious than on the show but not totally different either. Full of energy. Gave a War Eagle at one point but also gave a R-T like a good politician.

I wasn't all that hyped about seeing the show but very glad I did. If for nothing else, seeing Taylor Hicks live. That was worth it.


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I was there too and I agree, it was much better than I expected. If you get a chance to catch the show, you should definitely go. Chris and Taylor are going to be huge when they are free from the tour obligations. I have to say my favorite part of the show was Bucky singing, "Jenny, I got your number...." (didn't happen, sorry to get your hopes up Jenny). I will say that Taylor can cut a rug though.

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Kelly Pickler can't chew gum and walk at the same time and it shows in person. Her voice is great though.

I'll go ahead and take it upon myself to improve the quality of this thread. :P


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