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Atta-Boy Hugo


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In fourteen-hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.... And shortly there after the Spanish killed, subjugated, enslaved and exploited the peoples of South and Central America.

The Spanish King gave vast tracts of land to individuals in perpetuity. The grantees were empowered to exploit their land and the people on it for profit with a portion kicked back to the Crown.

The Spaniards brought deceases unknown to the American immune system, the horse, gunpowder and Catholicism. The Catholic priests set about immediately to obliterate the records of history of the indigenous people, they burned what would burn, smelted treasures in fine metals and crushed what was carved in stone. They deliberately severed the link of the native Americans to the history and beliefs of their ancestors to create a docile, compliant work force to enrich the coffers of Spain.

And the treasury of Spain was enriched vastly for a couple of hundred years.. they were only challenged by Portugal... until the Spanish Armada hit contrary weather in the attempt to invade and conquer England... The destruction of the Spanish navy gave the English an opportunity to fill the vacuum of superiority of the seas. They filled the void effectively for the next two hundred years, as the World's bullies. The British navy held control of import/export trade through the British East India Company, (the first 'corporation').

In America, public school history books state that America's original settlers were "the Pilgrims", a group of devout believers in a strict observance of their interpretation of God's will, seeking a place offering a freedom to worship their God according to His dictates. Our children are not informed that the religious refugees were fleeing their defeat of a civil war they instigated in the early 1600's, and the retribution expected for a failed coup on the Hereditary government of England. The refugees were the public faces of powerful financial family groups that financed and supported the revolt from behind the scenes. The true leaders stayed in place in Britain, secretly aiding their kinsmen in the Colonies.

The blood relatives of America's earliest leading citizens, still in high financial standing in England, abetted their status in wealth and renown from England through business relationships with the fur trading from the rocky mountains to the intentional addiction of the people of China to opium. -- type any of these names into Google and add OPIUM after it.. Peabody, Low, Coolidge, Russell, Perkins, Delano, Astor, Barings, and they go on... then look at the Institutions, Industries, Schools, Religions and other bases of our societies tenants of belief, and how our current were/are directed by the wealth these families have maintained control over for the last two hundred years, with the same goal of consummating total power over all people by control of resources and means of production.

When Hugo Chavez was elected as President of Venezuela, he was elected in an over-whelming majority because he promised Land Reform legislation. The original land grants of the European Kings of the 1500's were still enforced. 1% of the people owned 90% of the land. 90% of the people lived on the land of others, and from fear of eviction were equivalent to the serfs of medieval Europe.

To much surprise and shock of the International money dealers, and the elation of the Venezuelan people, Chavez acted on his campaign promises. He took undeveloped land from the 1% and gave it to the squatters to build self-sustaining communities. He nationalized the resources of Venezuela that were held and exploited by international corporations to funnel profits to the education and health requirements of the people of Venezuela, rather than global money trusts.

That was when the American CIA funded, organized and executed a coup against the Chavez government... it was a success until the lowest of Venezuela's citizens revolted and Chavez was released to continue his elected office..Since then, America has only heard what a danger Chavez is to American interests from the media owned by the same international money trusts.

A reading of the factual history of the founders, source of financing, and goals of the United Fruit Co. and their effects on the development of the people and social structure of imperial colonies of the Spanish empire will prove to any Working man that our government NEEDS to be crushed for the preservation of the species.

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First of all where is your link? No link, no post.

When Hugo Chavez was elected as President of Venezuela, he was elected in an over-whelming majority because he promised Land Reform legislation. The original land grants of the European Kings of the 1500's were still enforced. 1% of the people owned 90% of the land. 90% of the people lived on the land of others, and from fear of eviction were equivalent to the serfs of medieval Europe.

When Chavez was elected Dictator of Venezuela it was one of the most crooked, invalid and completely rigged elections in the history of rigged elections. His election was so one sided it could have been taken care of by Chicago democrats.

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Why are guys like BF and TexasTiger such big fans of dictators?

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Why are guys like BF and TexasTiger such big fans of dictators?

I'm not in favor of dictators, I like him because he hates Bush and calls him on his lies.

Sounds like a fan to me.

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And who calls the Dems on their lies? Are you a fan of them?

I do not like dictators at all! Anywhere!

Carter supported Somoza in Nicaraugua, see where that got us...

Carter supported the Shah of Iran and we are still paying for that blunder.

Yeah, Democrats supporting dictators really got us far in this world.

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Our own government props up dictators all over the globe. Democratically elected officials brought down in CIA organized coups have occured throughout history. The reason for the coups is to install American-friendly dictators to quell the dissent of the people and retard real democracy. America has yet to establish democracy anywhere, they always install dictatorships. When was the last time you were able to add an addition to your own house without a city permit? When you must have government permission to do almost anything, that, to me, is the definition of a police-state.

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Dude, you are Hyde from That 70's Show

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America has yet to establish democracy anywhere, they always install dictatorships

I dont know, how about the Phillipines? Where exactly do you think we have installed dictatorships since you say we ALWAYS install dictatorships.

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America has yet to establish democracy anywhere, they always install dictatorships

I dont know, how about the Phillipines? Where exactly do you think we have installed dictatorships since you say we ALWAYS install dictatorships.

Funny, but I seem to remember all the former Warsaw Pact countries giving the US (mostly Ronald Reagan) a lot of credit for helping them establish their democracies. Don't forget Japan, Germany & South Korea, either. The US can't take credit for S. Vietnam falling into a dictatorship -- that one is strictly the Communists' doing. And recently, Iraq & Afghanistan have democracies established due to US intervention.

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America has yet to establish democracy anywhere, they always install dictatorships

I dont know, how about the Phillipines? Where exactly do you think we have installed dictatorships since you say we ALWAYS install dictatorships.

Iran, Iraq, Australia, Bologna, New Zealand, Chile, Vietnam, Haiti, Congo (Zaire), Greece, Indonesia, Angola, etc., and all the other banana republics of Latin America...Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Brazil, El Salvador, Panama - U.S. overthrows it's own dictator. The lists hasn't been updated to include the Chavez coup and any activites in Iran, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, etc.

1. All history concerning CIA intervention in foreign countries is summarized from William Blum's encyclopedic work, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions since World War II, Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1995. Sources for domestic CIA operations come from Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen's The 60 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time, Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1997.


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America has yet to establish democracy anywhere, they always install dictatorships

I dont know, how about the Phillipines? Where exactly do you think we have installed dictatorships since you say we ALWAYS install dictatorships.

And recently, Iraq & Afghanistan have democracies established due to US intervention.

It doesn't look too promising in either of those two countries in the middle of the hornet's nest. Bush should have studied in college instead of partying, then perhaps we wouldn't have the mess we now have. Whose gonna clean-up behind the Baby-Bush?


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