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ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I hope everyone that has been grumping and complaining about this past Saturday's game reads that and it reminds them of how we are SUPPOSED to act. Yeah the guys didn't play as well as WE think they should have. They gave it their all and that is all that matters.


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Not to be a downer here but this was posted earlier! i love it though and it speaks to the why we are AUBURN. We take losses hard and winning isnt everything its the only thing!!!!!!!! We care not the oponenet just the outcome and that is a win for AUBURN!!! We can Beat FLA!!!!

We get back just like we got here ONE GAME AT A TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good job and the right attitude, :thumbsup: but please make sure to scan other threads to make sure something has not been posted already. The helps keep the board clean and prevents good threads from getting buried quickly. This is actually the third time this has been posted today. I am going to merge it to the first thread. :big:

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Hey, I know those people. That's the Spirit. That's Auburn.

I am the 50 year old man who hoped no one saw tears in his eyes when the eagle circled the field.
Georgia and Alabama may have their nations, but we have always been family. Make no mistake, we loathe defeat, but even in defeat, we would rather be an Auburn Tiger than anything else.
It is driving into town on a game day. You may have come from hundreds of miles away and as you get closer and closer to the city limits, you feel it rising inside of you.
It is when your heart leaps with every touchdown, field goal, sack, and option...because those are our boys. And win or lose, they will always have our un-dying support. After all, it is those boys that you are really there for and not a coach or a logo or a trustee or a president.

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Anytime I can be of assistance I will try! I am on here way to mucha nd look for new threads and new thoughts from the family! I have actually seen a tangible change of heart this week (already). And I for one am not going to stand for it. I took this hard because we are better than ARKY. But just because our team lost that game DOES NOT mean we are going to lose this one!!!!!! Tubbs like Nutt finds ways to make things happen when he is on the hot seat and to Tubbys credit he put himself there by taking the blame for the loss. Now lets all hope that we an get that spark and light a fire on FLA's A*********!!!!!!!!!

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Anytime I can be of assistance I will try! I am on here way to mucha nd look for new threads and new thoughts from the family! I have actually seen a tangible change of heart this week (already). And I for one am not going to stand for it. I took this hard because we are better than ARKY. But just because our team lost that game DOES NOT mean we are going to lose this one!!!!!! Tubbs like Nutt finds ways to make things happen when he is on the hot seat and to Tubbys credit he put himself there by taking the blame for the loss. Now lets all hope that we an get that spark and light a fire on FLA's A*********!!!!!!!!!

I here ya. WDE!

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Anytime I can be of assistance I will try! I am on here way to mucha nd look for new threads and new thoughts from the family! I have actually seen a tangible change of heart this week (already). And I for one am not going to stand for it. I took this hard because we are better than ARKY. But just because our team lost that game DOES NOT mean we are going to lose this one!!!!!! Tubbs like Nutt finds ways to make things happen when he is on the hot seat and to Tubbys credit he put himself there by taking the blame for the loss. Now lets all hope that we an get that spark and light a fire on FLA's A*********!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for that post. Some think its the end of the world.... Not Auburn, or at least the AU I know.

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I have goosebumps from reading that great post It makes me want to suit up again and hit somebody thanks for the wonderful post It will make my week!

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