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My 2 Cents on the Florida game....


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Here are my thoughts on this week's game vs the #2 Florida Gators and why I feel Auburn will win:

* Worst thing that could have happened for the Gators was for us to lose to Ark. They will get Auburn's A game, no doubt.

* Our D matches up with the gators very well. We struggle the most against power running teams with BIG OL. (every since we lost to Wisc). Not saying the gators can't run, but they are not a run first team like Ark was. They are more finesse with a focus on the passing game. This plays into the strengths of our defense.

* It's been said on here before. LSU had FIVE turn overs people. I don't care who you are or who you are playing- 99% of the time, YOU WILL LOSE!! UF's win over LSU very deceiving.

* The game atmosphere. It will be "Out of this world". Game Day's presence will only add fuel to the fire.

* Turberville's record against top 10 teams. We do better when we are lower ranked playing a higher ranked team, especially SEC opponents.

And, as I have read on here, I too HAVE A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS GAME, where I was very nervous about the USC and Ark games.

We WILL be Florida and then have a chance to run the table. Ark will lose at Tenn and vs LSU. We WILL win the West again and have a shot to win our 2nd SECC in three years.

One last thing. I have read and heard CTT say when he was a Asst Coach at Miami with Jimmy, he learned to recruit speed and build depth. I agree with the speed part for most positions, mainly the skill positions. However, I believe teams have figured out we are small, but quick on the DL and instead of trying to beat us to the corner (most times they can't), they run straight at us. Teams which utilize a power running game have either beat us or almost beat us and given us a lot of trouble. (See Wisconsin, USC, Arkansas in '06)

I hope CTT has seen this trend and will start placing more emphasis on size in the DL instead of just speed. I am not saying to get "sloths", but WE NEED MORE SIZE ON THE DL or we are going to continue to get pushed around by the better running teams.

That said, now let's go take care of business! I need some new gator boots!!

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Don't disagree with any of your points - and my purpose is not to heap (even more) criticism on the O-line - but the key, in my mind, is whether we can block their front seven. Except for maybe :lsu: , :uf: D-line and LBs are the best we'll see. [NOTE: :uf: held :ut: to -11 (I think) yards rushing.] If there are no holes for Kenny / Brad and no protection for Brandon, none of the other stuff matters. Nall has been conspicuously low profile this week . . . hope he's been working wonders at practice . . .


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I agree with most of the points made above. The issue really is, "[A]re we as good as we think we are?"

If not, our prior performances would indicat that, yes, even the LSU game. If we are capable of playing and beating the best, a second consecutive loss would indicate lack of effort or inept coaching. CTT says we had effort, and I was glad to hear him say coaching was the problem. We have great coaches and players. I expect there to be fire in their eyes when we hit the field Saturday night.

Throughout the season I have felt that FL was not that great of a team. Now, I am not so sure. One thing you cannot deny is that we have the opportunity to play the No. 2 ranked team in the country at home this weekend. I feel good about that. With a victory over FL, we can regain our dignity and move on to an SEC Championship. Another loss, and we'll be the spoiler no one wants to play.

I picked AU!


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One thing I think we need to concentrate on is hitting FL in the mouth from the opening bell. We need a VERY quick start for many reasons. It will get the crowd in it early, it will open up the offense, and it will do wonders for confidence. If we sit back and try to figure out what they are going to do, we may be out of it before we know what hit US. I'm not being negative, I just feel that first strike is pretty important. We don't want to get in a track meet with FL, since that is playing right into their hands. I think a three and out on the first drive will be about the worst thing that could happen (unless FL has the ball B) ). I have heard CTT speak many times of coming out with the guns blazing. If they ever did it before, it is most important that they do it Saturday.

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The worst thing to possibly happen to Florida did when Arkansas beat Auburn.

Now, Southern Cal's weak schedule rating is helped enormously if Arkansas can steamroll the SEC. Even if Florida kills Auburn this week, they'll be second behind Southern Cal in the computer voting.

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