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student endzone behavior


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i am very disapointed in the actions of the students during the game. There is no need to pass the balls back and throw them out of the stadium. That was classless and I for one was embarassed. I hope the ESPN never picked up on it. If they keep that crap up then soon we'll have those stupid allstate nets up.

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they didn't pick it up, and i, as a recent graduate of 2005, have to say that doing that is a total joke. seriously, you're not funny, cute, or clever... you're just a jackass. plus, the first place i ever saw doing this ignorant crap was kentucky. kentucky football. that's what you're emulating. kentucky football. copying them (purposefully or inadvertently) is just plain embarrassing. grow up.

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i am very disapointed in the actions of the students during the game. There is no need to pass the balls back and throw them out of the stadium. That was classless and I for one was embarassed. I hope the ESPN never picked up on it. If they keep that crap up then soon we'll have those stupid allstate nets up.

Give it a rest. Those footballs were covered with bad karma (Florida scores).

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i am very disapointed in the actions of the students during the game. There is no need to pass the balls back and throw them out of the stadium. That was classless and I for one was embarassed. I hope the ESPN never picked up on it. If they keep that crap up then soon we'll have those stupid allstate nets up.

Give it a rest. Those footballs were covered with bad karma (Florida scores).

Each team uses their own footballs. it isn't like Auburn was running any plays with them....except the fact that the florida balls were the only ones that saw the endzone yesterday...unfortunately for the lizzards, an Auburn player was carrying it across the goal line two of those times.... :roflol::roflol:

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i am very disapointed in the actions of the students during the game. There is no need to pass the balls back and throw them out of the stadium. That was classless and I for one was embarassed. I hope the ESPN never picked up on it. If they keep that crap up then soon we'll have those stupid allstate nets up.

they didn't pick it up, and i, as a recent graduate of 2005, have to say that doing that is a total joke. seriously, you're not funny, cute, or clever... you're just a jackass. plus, the first place i ever saw doing this ignorant crap was kentucky. kentucky football. that's what you're emulating. kentucky football. copying them (purposefully or inadvertently) is just plain embarrassing. grow up.

Good lord, you people need to take it easy. The next thing you'll say is that when the opposing team hits a homerun at Wrigley Field, the fans shouldn't throw the ball back on the field, becasue it's classless. :poke: What a JOKE! We just beat #2 and will be back in the top 6-7 in the nation and your concerned about students throwing footballs out of the stadium as being classless. First, I would have more repect if you said, they shouldn't do that becasue if one of those footballs hit somebody on the head they could get hurt really bad. Second, UM and FIU have pretty much taken classless to a whole new level. If ESPN did catch this so called classless act by the AU students, it wouldn't get any air time.

Enjoy the win and move on!


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I thought it was funny....I also thought it was funny when UK did it to us. Don't forget, it was UK. What other fun could they have at their football games?

Anyway, I don't think there's a law that says you have to throw the ball back onto the field anyway.

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We've been doing that in the Carolina student section forever...I've never partaken in the festivities after a PAT, but its kinda funny...we just chant "THROW IT OUT, THROW IT OUT" and its always the freshman kid from Virginia who's never been to a football game that throws it out of the stadium, and is promptly tracked down and arrested lol...but if we get those Allstate nets I could care less.

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Pfft. Hardly an issue.

Gators players were taunting the fans at the endzone section and I don't see anybody calling them out for unsportsman like conduct?

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I thought it was pretty darn funny- I'd rather see them throw drop them over the back rather than actually steal them- Technically, when they got dropped over the top, they still stayed in the stadium, as that is the area with the large gate that the band comes through where the ambulances park (which is a restricted access area; no general fans)

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Pfft. Hardly an issue.

Gators players were taunting the fans at the endzone section and I don't see anybody calling them out for unsportsman like conduct?

thats why they are florida and we're auburn. it won't bother me if this is a one time thing but if they keep it up its just dumb

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It was funny. I didn't get my hands on the ball, but I would have joined in if I had. Two lucky fans might have gotten a cool souvenir, if they got them out of the fence. You don't have to sit quietly like a bump on a log to show "class". That's like a gator fan saying it was terrible that their team chomped at our student section. Nothing to do with class. It is a game. Both teams and fans were pumped. They might describe the chomping with the word "dumb" because it got the crowd extra pumped.

Mod Edit. Please reply to posts that you share a different opinion of without personally attacking the poster. Read the rules of the board again if you need to be refreshed.

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I thought it was hilarious personally...I'm sure UF won't be bankrupt for not getting those balls back...

If thats all we do that makes us classless then I don't care. Sure we booed UF fans before the game when they'd come into the student section but you can tell it was good natured. We're not screaming curses or throwing bags of urine at opposing fans. We're not chanting "BS" after bad calls...

Let the students have a little fun...and personally throwing balls out of the stadium is fun

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some of the signs were a little more classless than us throwing the balls out of the stadium. i doubt they showed it on tv, but there were plenty of "FU UF" signs and one huge one hanging from the upper deck that said "hErbstriet Sucks Pee Niss." but considering the actions of the florida fans, players, and cheerleaders toward those of us in the student section, uf deserved every bit they got till they got out of town and back to gainesville.

speaking of, did anyone catch the car full of uf fans that got stuck in the crowd at toomer's while trying to get out of dodge?

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I was in the student section and if I had gotten my hand on one of the balls, it would have been thrown back onto the field. I think it was incredibly stupid to do that.

For people saying, oh other schools do it, their fans are classless, their players were taunting us....who cares? That is why WE ARE AUBURN, and they are not.

Not to mention the effect it had on the players, the kick-off return team was running onto the field and trying to get the fans behind them and loud, but the whole student section was turned around cheering at some idiots throwing the ball over the stadium.

I'm sure Tristian Davis just loved seeing the student section with their backs turned to him while he was trying to pump them up.

This is the same deal as with the thread with the Iron's brothers...I am all for celebrating after the win, but do it with your own fans, don't taunt the other teams fans. We should be better than that. Who cares what they other teams fans do.

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You people are too much...If it isn't complaining about our team playing with no heart its you complaining about too much heart and fire and passion...

We aren't cleating people or hitting people with our helmets...get over yourselves

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Its not as if we are the first team to do that. LSU does it all the time. Kentucky does it. And Alabama does it. I agree it was stupid and classless, but having been at the game, as cocky and classless as all the Florida fans were, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. It was almost as sweet as an Iron bowl win.

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Its not as if we are the first team to do that. LSU does it all the time. Kentucky does it. And Alabama does it. I agree it was stupid and classless, but having been at the game, as cocky and classless as all the Florida fans were, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. It was almost as sweet as an Iron bowl win.

I vote it was funny.

Lighten up, folks. I don't see that as being classless at all.

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and south carolina

that **** was funny no matter what spin you put on it. Burning couches is bad, riots in the streets are bad, even rushing the field and tearing down goalposts is worse than throwing the opposing team's football over the top. Give it a rest, I imagine that a strong majority of the people complaining about this are also over the age of 35, does that make you feel old? It should, and if you arent that old, it should still make you feel like it. Let the students have their fun. They happen to be the loudest fans in the stadium!

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yeah, being unoriginal is REALLY funny! i don't know WHAT i was thinking. i'll point out that i never, not once, said it was classless. i don't think being dumb or childish is a reflection of how much class you have, but it is a reflection of intelligence. caught up in the moment? fine, you're not a dumb person; you just do dumb things. whatever.

all i'm saying is, enjoy the game! get into it with our players! try to be original every now and then. should you throw the ball back at wrigley? yeah, they started that tradition! personally, i don't want any part of something that is readily associated with kentucky, unc, ole miss, and south carolina football. you'll have to pardon me if that comparison doesn't fire me up.

and if i were there, i promise you. no one would've been louder. i went hoarse after every game last season, except the wisconsin game... couldn't bring myself to get fired up past the second quarter. i missed one game in person over the last 3 years of my college career (at arkansas, i was on a relief trip in the gulf). one. so don't think the only people calling this stuff stupid are just old stiffs. the ones calling it stupid are the ones that realize it's a waste of time when their's football to celebrate.

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