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Get A Load Of This Whine Job

AU Tailgating Rules

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incidently I just pulled the game up on TiVo there are no fans coming out of the stands its actually pretty easy to see that....or not see it... so to speak.

I use this addage when dealing with people like this ...Don't try to match wits with moron, all that does is make you a moron!!

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What a maroon.

Someone paste up a link to the SEC reprimand to Auburn for playing music before Florida broke the huddle?

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i just fired him an email also...tried to be thorough as possible. i agree that matching wits with a tard makes you look like you care what he thinks, but i'd love to think his inbox is flooded with similar messages he has to parse through in his underwear before he writes his appeal to the SEC to have the game stricken from the record.


Mr. Kerasotis,

Where to begin? One, complaining about the noise level being too high is hilarious. You're writing for a team that claims to play in one of the most hostile environments in the nation and moaning about the environment being "unsafe" and it being too loud for your boys to handle it? Please. That "piped in" noise you're talking about is not new, and no other team has complained about it to date. Arkansas seemed to handle it just fine. Two, "high-powered binoculars" make you more competent than the replay officials, who the SEC and most of the non-Gainesville populace agree with? It was a fumble. Sorry, but that did not take the game from the Gators, much less the national title. Not scoring a single point in the second half did. Allowing a blocked punt for 6, a gimme safety, and 4 field goals did. Buckling under the pressure of fans whose ire was aroused before the game by your classless players cutting our band in half and then Gator chomping our student section did. Tray Blackmon did.

Making a comment on a "goodly portion" of our stadium being comprised of drunks? Please, sir, that's just an outright lie. First, if you think any stadium in the country is without its drunks on game day, you've obviously just been to your first football game. I'd believe that. And second, what in the world made you think it wasn't a safe environment? If you had perhaps taken the time and effort to speak to some of our students and alumni, you'd find out why writers for teams from hundreds of miles away have gone home to sing the praises of the hospitality of Auburnites. Perhaps if the Gator faithful had kept their bragging and obnoxious behavior to after the game, there would have been fewer spats, but regardless, we are not uncouth rednecks. You'd need to go to Tuscaloosa for that.

What game were you at where fans rushed the field as time ran out? Sounds like fun. I was at the game in Jordan-Hare, and there were no fans on the field when the clock wound down. We were going nuts, but if you had taken the time to use those "high-powered binoculars" of yours, you'd have noticed there were hundreds of yellow-jacketed security personnel and a handful of policemen with German shepherds to deter a field-rushing. This happens at every game. We do not rush the field. We're not strangers to winning. And before you try a "watch the tape" rebuttal, it isn't necessary. I've seen the game twice, once in person and once afterward, and no one was on that field that was not allowed to be.

Lastly, making half-assed statements about Al Ford being rumored to have kids who graduated from Auburn is just tabloid garbage. He's from Florence, which is a Tide town and much further from Auburn than Ocala is from Gainesville. Regardless, THAT CALL DID NOT KEEP FLORIDA FROM WINNING. You lost because of the performance of Auburn's defense riding high on the emotion of the crowd.

Write like a man with some dignity, and tuck in that lower lip. You'll get over it. Hope basketball goes better.


Blake Hicks

AU Senior and Curber of Bull****


:au: > :uf:

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My email to him is as follows.

Please let me be the first to offer you some cheese with your whine.

It is evident from your column and your 30 minutes of air time a week that your employer keeps you on a very short leash. I can't say that I blame you for the harsh statements made in your article though. After all, it's not your fault. It is very common today, in a media pressed society, for a sports fan to throw some garbage down on paper and tout themselves as a journalist. I guess you decided that it was impossible for the Gators to get beat on the field, so it had to be someone else's fault right?

Be a man a move on. Florida lost and as much as you would like to spin it, the answer is quite simple. They got whipped in the second half. Was it a questionable call? Yes. Did it affect the outcome of the game? No. I will however say that it most certainly affected the momentum for both teams.

The "artificial noise at ear-splitting decibels, especially at crucial moments when the Florida Gators were huddling and approaching the line of scrimmage" is played in every stadium in the country. If not in the country, I know for sure in the SEC. I have attended a football game at EVERY stadium in the SEC including Little Rock. If this had not been your first football game you would have known that. Is it right? Can't say, but they do call it home field advantage for a reason.

I am sure your time is short and I will leave you with this. At what point did fans rush the field? I guess I missed that part. I was on the field Saturday night well after the game was over and never saw it. Maybe I could have used your binoculars. Or maybe it didn’t happen. Maybe your bruised ego is somewhat helped by telling your readers how horrible our fans are. Maybe you should remind your readers of the nineties. Remember the nineties? I do. I came to Gainesville in 94. Auburn left Gainesville with a win. I left with 3 new tires and $1,400 worth of damage to my car. I am not even going to debate the alcohol reference from a fan of a team that plays in the world largest cocktail party every year. Neutral field?

Look, Spurrier is gone. Winning an SEC Championship every year is gone. In the future, pull the plank out of your eye before you begin to complain about the sand in others.

I look forward to your response……

In the spirit of competition,

Patrick D. McCoy

I will fill you in on a response

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For anyone following my email convo with Petey..this was my response to his email...I dazzled him with Science! lol :

Thank you for your response...I'm sure you're getting pounded with emails and I appreciate the time to explain to me what exactly you were thinking.

I checked the tape and the people streaming onto the field were the players, coaches, security, medical staff, ESPN crew and the like. There was no one on the field that shouldn't have been. There were state troopers and German Shepherds out there. There would have been a real problem had anyone gone out there. I find the magnitude of your claim to be just insulting. Incase you forgot what you wrote. Here it is:

"It was not a safe environment, as evidenced by the thousands of fans who rushed the field unhindered immediately after Auburn scored a gimme touchdown on the last play of the game."

Did you really feel unsafe? I have never felt unsafe at an Auburn football game. The crowd gets raucous but by no means does that extend into violence. This isn't like Ohio St. where we riot after football games. After the crowd sings the Alma Mater (which a few Gator fans felt was "boring" at halftime...nice fans you have to yell during a team's Alma Mater) we go toilet paper a tree. What is dangerous about any of that?

The thousands of people you claimed rushed the field was so greatly over estimated, you were off by nearly a factor of 10^2.

Lastly, I did not know that we were reprimanded for playing "Eye of the Tiger" and "Welcome to the Jungle" in between plays...I didn't think it was a big deal because the crowd was louder than those songs anyway. It wasn't the music that got your team flustered it was the crowd noise. (Note: I thought you meant like Seattle Seahawks or Atlanta Falcons allegations of playing recorded crowd noise over the PA system). I also know that we didn't use "artificial noise at ear-splitting decibels." Ear-splitting decibels are in the 130 dB range...the record for crowd noise at a football game is 126 dB in Clemson's Death Valley against Miami. That 130 dB is 2.5 times louder than 126 dB. Because of the shape of our stadium and everything I am estimating the crowd noise at Jordan-Hare last Saturday to be around 124 dB (its probably much less but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt) that is a whopping 4 times less than the threshold for pain...I'm sorry but that's not ear-splitting.

Thank you for reading this and I would really appreciate a response,

Andrew Kunzel

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Where to begin? One, complaining about the noise level being too high is hilarious. You're writing for a team that claims to play in one of the most hostile environments in the nation and moaning about the environment being "unsafe" and it being too loud for your boys to handle it? Please. That "piped in" noise you're talking about is not new, and no other team has complained about it to date. Arkansas seemed to handle it just fine. Two, "high-powered binoculars" make you more competent than the replay officials, who the SEC and most of the non-Gainesville populace agree with? It was a fumble. Sorry, but that did not take the game from the Gators, much less the national title. Not scoring a single point in the second half did. Allowing a blocked punt for 6, a gimme safety, and 4 field goals did. Buckling under the pressure of fans whose ire was aroused before the game by your classless players cutting our band in half and then Gator chomping our student section did. Tray Blackmon did.

Don't forget that :uf: blew all three of its second-half timeouts (the challenge to the "fumble" was the last one), leaving it powerless to stop the clock late in the game. That was huge.

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well first of all, I don't even know why I bothered to read his article.....I sat in the student section the entire time....was in the stadium for a few hours before kickoff, and at no point, even after the game was over did I see any fans storm the field!! this guy is obviously just trying to stir something up. I was also offended at how he basically tried to say every Auburn fan in the stadium was drunk....we weren't. As for the whole fumble thing... I guess he doesn't understand how the replay system works....there has to be indisputable video evidence to overrule the call on the field correct?? so if it was a fumble on the field there'd have to be conclusive evidence it wasn't, and obviously there wasn't....and still a few days after the game, there still isn't any evidence that Leak threw a pass that just happened to pretty much drop straight down to the turf. The other gripe I have is with the artificial noise....it's always been that way for as long as I can remember, and I have never heard of any team complaining.....not Tennessee, LSU or even Alabama, and I give all of them credit for actually knowing that our artificial noise is not interfering with anything, since it has stopped by the time the teams are lined up...but of course that's not to say that fans aren't yelling....would this writer like for opposing teams' fans to have to whisper to one another and not cheer for their team because otherwise his precious Gators might not be able to concentrate???

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I just finished watching a replay of the game. Did anyone go back and look at our possesion just before Leak's fumble? The refs called an illegal shift on a long pass play of ours. Brandon called an audible and moved some people around. It appeared everyone was set for longer than 1 second except for Courtney who was in motion. Since we are playing the game of ifs...... :no::no::no:

Yup...was in my apartment alone, screaming over that one, as I replayed it over and over. It was horse hockey at it's finest! :puke:


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i just fired him an email also...tried to be thorough as possible. i agree that matching wits with a tard makes you look like you care what he thinks, but i'd love to think his inbox is flooded with similar messages he has to parse through in his underwear before he writes his appeal to the SEC to have the game stricken from the record.


Mr. Kerasotis,

Where to begin? One, complaining about the noise level being too high is hilarious. You're writing for a team that claims to play in one of the most hostile environments in the nation and moaning about the environment being "unsafe" and it being too loud for your boys to handle it? Please. That "piped in" noise you're talking about is not new, and no other team has complained about it to date. Arkansas seemed to handle it just fine. Two, "high-powered binoculars" make you more competent than the replay officials, who the SEC and most of the non-Gainesville populace agree with? It was a fumble. Sorry, but that did not take the game from the Gators, much less the national title. Not scoring a single point in the second half did. Allowing a blocked punt for 6, a gimme safety, and 4 field goals did. Buckling under the pressure of fans whose ire was aroused before the game by your classless players cutting our band in half and then Gator chomping our student section did. Tray Blackmon did.

Making a comment on a "goodly portion" of our stadium being comprised of drunks? Please, sir, that's just an outright lie. First, if you think any stadium in the country is without its drunks on game day, you've obviously just been to your first football game. I'd believe that. And second, what in the world made you think it wasn't a safe environment? If you had perhaps taken the time and effort to speak to some of our students and alumni, you'd find out why writers for teams from hundreds of miles away have gone home to sing the praises of the hospitality of Auburnites. Perhaps if the Gator faithful had kept their bragging and obnoxious behavior to after the game, there would have been fewer spats, but regardless, we are not uncouth rednecks. You'd need to go to Tuscaloosa for that.

What game were you at where fans rushed the field as time ran out? Sounds like fun. I was at the game in Jordan-Hare, and there were no fans on the field when the clock wound down. We were going nuts, but if you had taken the time to use those "high-powered binoculars" of yours, you'd have noticed there were hundreds of yellow-jacketed security personnel and a handful of policemen with German shepherds to deter a field-rushing. This happens at every game. We do not rush the field. We're not strangers to winning. And before you try a "watch the tape" rebuttal, it isn't necessary. I've seen the game twice, once in person and once afterward, and no one was on that field that was not allowed to be.

Lastly, making half-assed statements about Al Ford being rumored to have kids who graduated from Auburn is just tabloid garbage. He's from Florence, which is a Tide town and much further from Auburn than Ocala is from Gainesville. Regardless, THAT CALL DID NOT KEEP FLORIDA FROM WINNING. You lost because of the performance of Auburn's defense riding high on the emotion of the crowd.

Write like a man with some dignity, and tuck in that lower lip. You'll get over it. Hope basketball goes better.


Blake Hicks

AU Senior and Curber of Bull****


:au: > :uf:



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This is a post from the forum found on the articles website!

Maggie Mae posted:

Peter gets it right time and time again. How pathetic do you have to get to pipe in loud music? Auburn has been notorious throughout the years in their questionable tactics during games, so sad. As to WARRRREAGL's comment regarding the noise, even the announcers on ESPN commented on the artificially generated noise. But that's neither here nor there, the real issue is that Auburn didn't beat the Gators, the Gators handed them the game. Somehow, for some reason we got bogged down in problem after problem, mistake after mistake. No, Auburn didn't outplay the Gators, the Gators beat the Gators.

We're used to bad calls, heck they are made during every single Gator game. Some are ligit, a lot are not. How many times does a game-determining bad call have to be made before the ref. system is severely overhalled? Who the hell puts an Alabama resident who has been demoted due to bad calls in the replay booth. Did he stop chomping on his hot dog long enough to actually look at the screen? Was he in a drunken stooper? It's really the only explanation for not seeing what the rest of the world saw.

Corso is right on - Gators may have lossed in Auburn to Auburn, but make no mistake, it won't happen again, especially in Atlanta.

This has to be his daughter!

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Maggie Mae seems liks she should be written up for liebel...

"Did he stop chomping on his hot dog long enough to actually look at the screen? Was he in a drunken stooper? "

Defamation of a man's character right there...

Also, has anyone else noticed that they use the term "Artificial noise" as opposed to music? Seems to me like UF fans are playing symantic antics with all of this. "They were playing music" would be greated with a "yeah? so?"...

"Artificial Noise" makes it sound like we were putting out distorted static or high pitched 300 dB disonant sound that made every one in the stadium grab their ears for fear of losing their hearing...

UF fans are dopes...but smart dopes it seems

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Here's an email I sent to this idiot!

I read your article today, and I have never seen a "homer" whine like that in my life! I mean, come on! The music?????? Hell, the crowd was louder than the music that is played EVERY WEEK with no objections from any of our REAL SEC counterparts! Whine, whine, whine!

The PLAY as you like to call it was called correctly on the field. Your Gator colored glasses cannot see what slow motion replay could; the obvious attempt to regain a grip on the ball!!!!!

Lastly, you should be writing about how Florida came out in the second half and fell flat on their face! Of course, you would not want to give Auburn credit for whipping their sorry arses!

War Eagle!

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Is the Tiger Roaring what they're considering artificial noise?! If so, how is that any different from South Carolina's :usc: squealing a deathly sqeal?!??

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I just finished watching a replay of the game. Did anyone go back and look at our possesion just before Leak's fumble? The refs called an illegal shift on a long pass play of ours. Brandon called an audible and moved some people around. It appeared everyone was set for longer than 1 second except for Courtney who was in motion. Since we are playing the game of ifs...... :no::no::no:

Yup...was in my apartment alone, screaming over that one, as I replayed it over and over. It was horse hockey at it's finest! :puke:


I agree, he came set for a good second, but two or three plays before..two plays in a row our fullback didn't come set after Cox made the audible. The fullback came out of his stance turned around to look at the Tailback then turned back around and barely got down into a three point stance before the ball was snapped. Two plays in a row..I was figuring the call on Taylor was a "make-up" call, they were really looking for something close to not being set since they let two get away.

Anybody else see this?

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This is the email that I sent Ole Petey!

As an Auburn Alumni and fan of the Tigers I have to say that the article that you

have put forth about Saturday nights game is exactly what you preached against at

the end of our article.............Bias! Let me help you see the light on a few

of your points!

Your Quote!

What I wasn't sure of was whether the replay official would get it right. Or,

more importantly, if he'd have the guts to get it right in a stadium full of

Auburn Tiger fans, a goodly portion of whom had not only spent the day tailgating,

but doing what goes hand-in-hand with that particular college football tradition.


It was not a safe environment, as evidenced by the thousands of fans who rushed

the field unhindered immediately after Auburn scored a gimme touchdown on the last

play of the game.

1.) I for one don't care to be lumped in with all the people who can not go

to a football game without their bottle but please don't disrespect my University

with your blatant biased generalization. The people that were seated next to me

were sober and drunk..........the majority of the drunks that I saw around me were

wearing Orange and Blue but it was the of the Florida variety. Drinking as a Tradition

a University, you know I have never seen that listed in any syllabus in my lifetime.

I think you owe Auburn fans and the University an apology.

2.) As far as fans on the field I believe we can produce you a video of the field

and all I'll bet you will only see staff, players and band members. Another

biased fallacy.

Your Quote

Leak's arm was coming forward," I said, trying to elevate my voice above

the ridiculously loud, rock-concert cacophony that was Jordan-Hare Stadium. "He

was throwing

1.) Rock Concert? You mean Eye of the Tiger? Give me a Break.............have you

ever been to Tennessee? Rocky Top? Oh that's right...........you won that game!

As far as I can tell you have yourself a case of Sour Grapes and have nobody else

to blame but your Coach and your team and not the People of Auburn University. I

suggest you start taking responsibility for your own actions and be a man and admit

defeat by a superior football team and stop looking for someone to pass the buck

to. Bias is not something to base your arguments on when you plan on using it in

the argument itself!

Jason Caretti

Class of 98

This is his Reply.................


Thank you for such an unbiased reply to my column. Now I know what you mean when you say, "Bias is not something to base your arguments on when you plan on using it in the argument itself!" You've certainly set the example. Thanks again.

-- Peter

So he received another from me!

Once again you have missed the point........show me what was biased in my reply! The fact that you out and out lie in your column about the fans on the field, the fact that you can generalize a few drunks with "A Tradition of the University", the fact that you complain about loud noisy stadiums only when you lose a game, only shows a biased Florida Gator fan's opinion. Black and white as it is, there is nothing wrong with being a fan, just be a journalist and do your best to present the truth, not the one sided sour grape rant that you have written about Saturday nights game! Tell the people that read your article that and you will probably not get as many angry people filling your mailbox.

Thanks again


I have said all I can to this idiot.......He reminds me of some of the folks that I have to banter with from the other school!

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I just finished watching a replay of the game. Did anyone go back and look at our possesion just before Leak's fumble? The refs called an illegal shift on a long pass play of ours. Brandon called an audible and moved some people around. It appeared everyone was set for longer than 1 second except for Courtney who was in motion. Since we are playing the game of ifs...... :no::no::no:

Yup...was in my apartment alone, screaming over that one, as I replayed it over and over. It was horse hockey at it's finest! :puke:


I agree, he came set for a good second, but two or three plays before..two plays in a row our fullback didn't come set after Cox made the audible. The fullback came out of his stance turned around to look at the Tailback then turned back around and barely got down into a three point stance before the ball was snapped. Two plays in a row..I was figuring the call on Taylor was a "make-up" call, they were really looking for something close to not being set since they let two get away.

Anybody else see this?

I may be wrong, but here is my understanding of that play. Any time there are two men in motion at the same time, they both must be set for 1 second before the play can be legal. In this particular play, our tight end went in motion to change sides and before he got set Courtney started in motion (therefore we had 2 men in motion at the same time). In order for the play to be legal Courtney would have had to get in a set position also.

I believe the refs made a good call on this one.

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Well, here's Mr. Whines reply to me:

From: "HeyPeterK@aol.com" <HeyPeterK@aol.com>

To: mswareagle@yahoo.com

Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 1:37:09 PM

Subject: Re: Whine whine whine!

Wow. A gutless anonymous e-mail from a War Eagle fan. How unusual. FYI, you might want to learn about your school getting reprimanded by the SEC for their totally unethical and unsportsmanlike conduct during that game.

Noise in the system | Gainesville.com | The Gainesville Sun | Gainesville, Fla.

I trust that you won't find this news item reported in an Alabama paper.

-- Peter

ps -- i know it must be shocking to learn that auburn was flaunting the rules. it's so unlike that school.

Look who's the gutless idiot! REPRIMANDED??? What a joke!

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This is what I sent the idiot back:

Wow!!!! Gainesville papers printing articles about how music and the refs killed the mighty gators! What's next, have Bowden over at FSWhooo stop their band from playing that annoying war chant? Give me a break! The only thing that happened to Florida on Satdy. night is this.....L! Live with it! Auburn has been using the "Eye of the Tiger" and "Welcome to the Jungle" for years! We need to be playing "Who's Crying Now" for all the Florida lovers out there next time you come up for another state of Alabama beatdown! :)

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I would say that based on the amount of venom that is coming out of each subsequent e-mail he is not very happy with his inbox being filled.

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Nope....I guess he will think a little bit the next time he rubs AUnation the wrong way! :)

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Just sent him a letter.

I'm truly at a loss for words for your article - "You Didn't Even Need Binoculars for This."

So, I'll attempt to type out some sort of displeasure I felt when I read the article. First off, I was at the game. Section 9, row 51, seat 20. Lower level on the 10 across from the student section and directly below a speaker. I didn't have high powered binoculars. I was sitting with my friend who is 25, one year younger than myself, my 56 year old father, 58 year old mother(sorry mom, it's for a good cause), and her roomate from their days at Auburn. I never for once felt my safety was in jeapordy. The only time I felt any unease was before the game when I met my parents to tailgate for a bit and the Gator fans beside them were cursing Auburn and chomping as they walked by. Note to Gator fans: save the taunting for after the game just in case you lose.

Enough about all that.

My first question to you is, why would you lie about "...the thousands of fans who rushed the field unhindered immediately after Auburn scored a gimme touchdown on the last play of the game." If you were at this game, you would know that not a single fan ran on the field, and if they did(tried) they had to get through the security that blanked the sidelines and the numerous K-9 units in the endzones. So please answer the question as to why you would blatantly lie in one of your published articles.

The second question. This one's not so much about you lying, but really more about you making a complete fool of yourself. You say you had high powered binoculars, which I have no doubt that you did. They were probably a gift from the newspaper for your Pulitzer prize, for your "cutting-edge" writing style that focuses on everything from sports to local issues. But the fact that you say you know Leak was passing and there is no question about it, because you saw it live(which is ever so important to note) - as did 87,450 other people in that stadium - is just asinine. Of course you were also looking at the tight end, but those binoculars are special. I've watched the replay several times and to me it seems as though he's slowing his arm down to stop a pass and the ball comes loose. I think if he were trying to spike the ball, he might do it with a little more velocity. Last time I saw a quarterback spike a ball, or at least throw it at the tight ends feet, as you claim, he didn't just let the ball fall from his hands. We can agree to disagree. But, regardless of the call, it didn't change the fact that our defense basically made your offense inept in the second half. Next time you write a column, I'd advise you to not make such claims of grandeur, as if to say you are all knowing and know exactly what people are doing, especially quarterbacks with linebackers in their face.

Third question and final question. Do you really believe that 4-5 seconds of a clip of a song is really going to affect the visiting teams offense? And the fact that you claim it was "...pumped in artificial noise at ear-splitting decibels, especially at crucial moments when the Florida Gators were huddling and approaching the line of scrimmage," is just ridiculous. The music is played and the fans begin to cheer long before the team actually get to the line of scrimmage. Ear-splitting? Sure it was loud, but to claim it was ear-spitting is just foolish. I'll take a picture at the next game I go to and send it to you if you want to see how far away I sit from a speaker. It's no more than probably 15 ft.(We're under the upperdeck overhang) I could lean over and talk to my father as the music was playing.

I guess all I'm really getting at is have some respect for yourself. There is such a thing called journalistic integrity. Sure we have free speech, but that has nothing to do with truth in journalism. You have lied and given ridiculous, if not completely outlandish opinions based on little fact. Do you even have an editor? There are newpapers all over the Middle East and North Korea that would love to have a "journalist" like yourself to spread lies and propaganda, but I guess the Sunshine State, which deserves much better, is stuck with you. I'll apologize to all of Florida on your behalf if you'll admit you've lied.

Knox Gale

Class of '02

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I just finished watching a replay of the game. Did anyone go back and look at our possesion just before Leak's fumble? The refs called an illegal shift on a long pass play of ours. Brandon called an audible and moved some people around. It appeared everyone was set for longer than 1 second except for Courtney who was in motion. Since we are playing the game of ifs...... :no::no::no:

I didnt like that call either, but I think they said Cox was still moving too. I guess the call could have gone either way, it was close.

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do you guys really think that was a fumble? if so, you talk about this bias ideas that your bama rivals have.......look at the actual replay and tell me that was a fumble........Blackmon didnt touch the ball till after it was out of Leaks hand. I would imagne that it didnt really make a difference in the game, AU had plenty of time to come back it UF got a field goal or something.....but come on....that wasnt a fumble.........also i realize this little bit of the truth falls on deaf ears.....you guys will never admit to actually getting a call.

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