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What the Iron Bowl means (long)


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pcola you realize i have the ultimate Lowder trump card...i havent even played it yet.

No actually I don't...I've never heard any UAT fan say one kind word about Auburn...EVER,

Ive said a lot of kind words about AU on this very site.

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pcola you realize i have the ultimate Lowder trump card...i havent even played it yet.

OH..you've slept with his daughter too??? :poke::big:

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So, forgive me if I also forego the lovefest. Nothing personal, BG, but I find it difficult to put away too many years of hard feelings just because we have held the upper hand lately.

It's a game, bud. A game. Enjoy the victories, cry over the losses, but it's just a game played by KIDS.

<soapbox mode off>

Dead , dead wrong. You don't have a clue where some of us have been.

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pcola you realize i have the ultimate Lowder trump card...i havent even played it yet.---what the hell are you talking about? Go ahead...make my day. Then we will talk about Pual Bryant , Jr. and some others.

No actually I don't...I've never heard any UAT fan say one kind word about Auburn...EVER,

Ive said a lot of kind words about AU on this very site.-I guess I missed them. All I see is a futile attempt to convince Auburn people how great bama is. Give it up!!

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This thread is hilarious in so many ways.

BG is full of it as usual.

"Respectful hate"? Does that qualify as some sort of oxymoron or something? Has to be the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.

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So, forgive me if I also forego the lovefest. Nothing personal, BG, but I find it difficult to put away too many years of hard feelings just because we have held the upper hand lately.

It's a game, bud. A game. Enjoy the victories, cry over the losses, but it's just a game played by KIDS.

<soapbox mode off>

Dead , dead wrong. You don't have a clue where some of us have been.

Oh you're right...it's not a game. And you don't have a clue where some of us have been either. Boy, that was a stupid thing to say. Thank God I'm clueless. Otherwise I'd be dragging useless, time-wasting baggage into college football. I feel better knowing that there are smart folks out there looking out for me as I bumble through life.

At the end of the day, all that matters to me is how MY guys played. Did they represent my alma mater well, or no? To hell with what the others said, did, or thought. What did MY guys do?

If you want to spend your days making this intense rivalry into UAT=Global Jihad, then have fun. I'm going to be busy quietly enjoying the Monday morning glow after the victory. I never wear my colors on Monday after a victory. It KILLS my Bama fan employees. Half of them will call in sick!

War Eagle.

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So, forgive me if I also forego the lovefest. Nothing personal, BG, but I find it difficult to put away too many years of hard feelings just because we have held the upper hand lately.

It's a game, bud. A game. Enjoy the victories, cry over the losses, but it's just a game played by KIDS.

<soapbox mode off>

Dead , dead wrong. You don't have a clue where some of us have been.

Oh you're right...it's not a game. And you don't have a clue where some of us have been either. Boy, that was a stupid thing to say. Thank God I'm clueless. Otherwise I'd be dragging useless, time-wasting baggage into college football. I feel better knowing that there are smart folks out there looking out for me as I bumble through life.

At the end of the day, all that matters to me is how MY guys played. Did they represent my alma mater well, or no? To hell with what the others said, did, or thought. What did MY guys do?

If you want to spend your days making this intense rivalry into UAT=Global Jihad, then have fun. I'm going to be busy quietly enjoying the Monday morning glow after the victory. I never wear my colors on Monday after a victory. It KILLS my Bama fan employees. Half of them will call in sick!

War Eagle.

Nothing was aimed at you so don't be so snippy. I just happened to respond to your post and was merely trying to say that you didn't live thru the years when the bammers thought we were just white trash across the state and treated us that way. Since we have held our own with them, and surpassed them in many ways, things are different. But to some of us, that's the reason it's more than just a game....it's a way of life. Some people don't remember the Great Depression. I don't. But my Mom and older family members still bear the scars of those days. Such is life and often the root of differences of opinion between older and younger generations.

But I should not have said you are dead wrong. I should have said I disagree with you.

War Eagle!!

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So, forgive me if I also forego the lovefest. Nothing personal, BG, but I find it difficult to put away too many years of hard feelings just because we have held the upper hand lately.

It's a game, bud. A game. Enjoy the victories, cry over the losses, but it's just a game played by KIDS.

<soapbox mode off>

Dead , dead wrong. You don't have a clue where some of us have been.

Oh you're right...it's not a game. And you don't have a clue where some of us have been either. Boy, that was a stupid thing to say. Thank God I'm clueless. Otherwise I'd be dragging useless, time-wasting baggage into college football. I feel better knowing that there are smart folks out there looking out for me as I bumble through life.

At the end of the day, all that matters to me is how MY guys played. Did they represent my alma mater well, or no? To hell with what the others said, did, or thought. What did MY guys do?

If you want to spend your days making this intense rivalry into UAT=Global Jihad, then have fun. I'm going to be busy quietly enjoying the Monday morning glow after the victory. I never wear my colors on Monday after a victory. It KILLS my Bama fan employees. Half of them will call in sick!

War Eagle.

Nothing was aimed at you so don't be so snippy. I just happened to respond to your post and was merely trying to say that you didn't live thru the years when the bammers thought we were just white trash across the state and treated us that way. Since we have held our own with them, and surpassed them in many ways, things are different. But to some of us, that's the reason it's more than just a game....it's a way of life. Some people don't remember the Great Depression. I don't. But my Mom and older family members still bear the scars of those days. Such is life and often the root of differences of opinion between older and younger generations.

But I should not have said you are dead wrong. I should have said I disagree with you.

War Eagle!!

I did live through that time. I also grew up in a family where Bryant was god. I met him as a small kid. I had a Bama jersey before I had shoes. I still have a Bama football helmet from when I was five years old. Somewhere there are pictures of me at BDS and at the chimes where my family dreamed that someday one of us would go to college at Bama.

However, I always knew that the scorn and derision thrown at AU by my uneducated family somehow was wrong, so I became an AU fan when it was VERY unkosher to do so. I was the FIRST in my family to cheer for AU, and when I went to AU it absolutely killed my grandfather (he knew the Bear, ya know). Now I have an MS from AU, I am a long-term TUF donor, and I decided long ago to never act or think like my Rammer Jammer family. That includes hating folks because of they are Bammers.

Now, if you want me to scream at them on the field, well I'm all about that. I will be shouting and hoping that the LBOH upends Sarah Jessica into the turf. I also hope that it hurts! I want KI to hang 200 yards again so he can improve his draft status. I hope CT makes a TD catch in his last game, DI gets a pick for a TD, and Karibi and Herring each get a sack and a Darby drop-for-loss.

After the game, though, I have to live with these folks, so I won't hate them. I'll enjoy the thumb if my boys deliver, but to me it'll just be my favorite pastime. Life's too short to let them waste my time hating them....regardless of how they misbehave. B)

Not trying to be snippy.

War Eagle!

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Ahhhh pcola. I was waiting for you to chime in. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. But forgive me while I disagree. See some of us (maybe just me) respect this STATE and its Universities enough to not let a football rivalry get in the way. I love this rivalry and I am opposed to all things Auburn. BUT...when I go out of state, you dont think I brag on Auburn UNIVERSITY as a positive educational reference for the state of alabama? Im sorry but I hate the SACS thing just as much as any Auburn fan because it reflects ultimately on the state of alabama.

So when some outsider comes in and starts bashing AU...chances are, Im gonna take up for Auburn. Because hell, my tax dollars go there. Its a university in the state that Im so very proud to live in...to be from.

Yes I do pull for other teams when they play Auburn. Im not a fan of the team. But I am a fan of the university. Because ultimately, it reflects on me. UAB has great doctors. Alabama has an excellent business and law program, and Auburn trains some of the best engineers you'll ever find. So again, forgive me if there are some times when I DONT bash my rival. Especially at the expense of the state that I love so much.

BG, you may think this way but you are definitely in the significant minority. Like maybe 1 in 100,000 or so. A good portion of my wife's family are Alabama fans (curiously only one of the entire bunch attended the school, but I digress). They know nothing about Auburn other than they revel in any misery that comes our way. Sadly, they are typical.

Yours is not the attitude with which Bama fans treat Auburn at home or outside the state. Most of your bretheren live in a fantasy world where Auburn is inferior (due, of course to a brief, now 25-year past era of success and nothing else). Not only do they accept this as fact, but they are clearly befuddled to find that the rest of the world doesn't share their narrow-minded myopia. They assume the rest of the known universe is "in" on their delusionally smug self-confidence that renders Auburn insignificant on the grander scale. Most of your bretheren are idiots and behave as such. By you declaring allegiance to Auburn, they think that somehow elevates them to a status above you.

I will take your missive in the spirit in which you intended it. But I will say that it is much easier to be a good sport and write misty treatsies of mutual respect when your program is the one mired in mediocrity and hoping for (secretly banking on) a win over your biggest rival (yes, that's still Auburn). You generally don't see these declararions of camraderie when your team's a prohibitive favorite. Maybe your attitude won't change at 6 pm Saturday when the game is won or lost. But depending on the outcome, I can think of about 99,999 of your brothers-in-arms who will immedatly revert to the ignorant breast-beating braying that characterizes their very existence. And depending on the outcome, despite four years of being polite to my wife's family and not wearing AU gear in their presence or mentioning the game in any way shape or form, I'll be treated to mashed potates dyed red, that god-awful donkey-sounding fight song will be blaring from the stereo and speakers on the porch as we arrive and my children will be ridiculed unmercifully to their face by alleged adults who may all (again for the first time in four years) be decked out in bammer apparel at the Christmas dinner.

I don't hate you, BG, but I do despise EVERYTHING your alma mater stands for and the contemptible, despicable behavior the vast majority of your so-called fans display. It sickens me that supposedly grown and mature men and women would use a football game as a platform to exorcise their own feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing by attacking children. Maybe I'm alone in this, but it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if Alabama never won another game of any kind in any sport, never placed in any competition of any sort whatsoever, if their average ACT score fell to 7 and if the National Guard was finally called in to knock down all the buildings and they built a new Super Dollar General where that eyesore of a campus once stood. I don't support Shaun Alexander on Sundays. I used to like the Seahawks, but when he signed with them, I threw away my 'Hawks hat. I'd rather my fantasy team (if I had one) finish in last place than I would put a former Bama player on it.

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So, forgive me if I also forego the lovefest. Nothing personal, BG, but I find it difficult to put away too many years of hard feelings just because we have held the upper hand lately.

It's a game, bud. A game. Enjoy the victories, cry over the losses, but it's just a game played by KIDS.

<soapbox mode off>

Dead , dead wrong. You don't have a clue where some of us have been.

Oh you're right...it's not a game. And you don't have a clue where some of us have been either. Boy, that was a stupid thing to say. Thank God I'm clueless. Otherwise I'd be dragging useless, time-wasting baggage into college football. I feel better knowing that there are smart folks out there looking out for me as I bumble through life.

At the end of the day, all that matters to me is how MY guys played. Did they represent my alma mater well, or no? To hell with what the others said, did, or thought. What did MY guys do?

If you want to spend your days making this intense rivalry into UAT=Global Jihad, then have fun. I'm going to be busy quietly enjoying the Monday morning glow after the victory. I never wear my colors on Monday after a victory. It KILLS my Bama fan employees. Half of them will call in sick!

War Eagle.

Nothing was aimed at you so don't be so snippy. I just happened to respond to your post and was merely trying to say that you didn't live thru the years when the bammers thought we were just white trash across the state and treated us that way. Since we have held our own with them, and surpassed them in many ways, things are different. But to some of us, that's the reason it's more than just a game....it's a way of life. Some people don't remember the Great Depression. I don't. But my Mom and older family members still bear the scars of those days. Such is life and often the root of differences of opinion between older and younger generations.

But I should not have said you are dead wrong. I should have said I disagree with you.

War Eagle!!

I did live through that time. I also grew up in a family where Bryant was god. I met him as a small kid. I had a Bama jersey before I had shoes. I still have a Bama football helmet from when I was five years old. Somewhere there are pictures of me at BDS and at the chimes where my family dreamed that someday one of us would go to college at Bama.

However, I always knew that the scorn and derision thrown at AU by my uneducated family somehow was wrong, so I became an AU fan when it was VERY unkosher to do so. I was the FIRST in my family to cheer for AU, and when I went to AU it absolutely killed my grandfather (he knew the Bear, ya know). Now I have an MS from AU, I am a long-term TUF donor, and I decided long ago to never act or think like my Rammer Jammer family. That includes hating folks because of they are Bammers.

Now, if you want me to scream at them on the field, well I'm all about that. I will be shouting and hoping that the LBOH upends Sarah Jessica into the turf. I also hope that it hurts! I want KI to hang 200 yards again so he can improve his draft status. I hope CT makes a TD catch in his last game, DI gets a pick for a TD, and Karibi and Herring each get a sack and a Darby drop-for-loss.

After the game, though, I have to live with these folks, so I won't hate them. I'll enjoy the thumb if my boys deliver, but to me it'll just be my favorite pastime. Life's too short to let them waste my time hating them....regardless of how they misbehave. B)

Not trying to be snippy.

War Eagle!

OK, but if you read my posats you will see I have said I don't hate bama people per. se. I just hate anything to do with bama FB and athletics in general. You may not have picked up on it but my oldest daughter is a bama grad and we get along pretty good :)

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