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1 Thing I love About AU

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With just a little under 2 days left before the BIG GAME, I thought it might be fun to hear from EVERY member on the board ( if you have never posted before, here is a good chance to start). Please give a one line response to the two following questions:

1. Why I love Auburn University

2. Why I despise UAT

Heres mine to start

1. Auburn is the definition of family. The times spent at games with my father and brothers are truly some of my most precious memories.

2. My ex wife was the most obnoxious Bama fan ever :):)

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1. Because it has brought me great pride, spirit, and family.

2. Because it's BAMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough said!

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1. I believe Reggie Torbor said it best, "To me Auburn is not in Auburn, Alabama. Auburn is the people who care about Auburn, the people who love Auburn. Wherever they are, that’s Auburn, Auburn is in your heart. You play for it."

2. They have an excuse for everything (e.g. sanctions, injuries, refs, the list goes on)

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1. Almost all Auburn fans actually attended the university. The one's who didn't aren't even old enough to go to college yet.

2. Most bama fans never attended and never will go to the other school in the state.

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1.) I don't know that I can find the words to adequately express the depth of emotion

I feel for Auburn, it's coming home from a long, stressful journey, it's seeing your favorite

person when you open the door, it's pride at it's best, it's love for all who share your feelings

about Auburn, and it is the "War Eagle" at the least expected moment or place.

2.) I despise UAT and all it stands for, the arrogance, conceit, deception, ignorance, hatefulness,

and for 53 years of being put down for being an Auburn fan.

WAR EAGLE!! BEAT BAMA!! :cheer::au::cheer:

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I could do hours on this so I will try and not be repetitive.

1) I love Auburn because the AU Family SUPPORTS AU. We support the support the University that fields a great football team. We support the students, players, and faculty, etc.

2) I dislike how the UAT fans are so ANTI-everything not Crimson. The VAST majority of Bama fans could not care less about the school either. A good deal of them actually have written on the web and have called into PF and other radio shows wondering why Bama spent $200M upgrading anythnig but the football facilities. One in particular said it point blank: "Paul, all anyone cares about is the football team anyway. That money should have been spent to upgrade the football facilities only. At the end of the day who but the students care about the basketball team or a computer lab?"

( I provided videos to support this earlier.) This is why when we sing the fight song at the game you can hear every single word of it because we all know it. That is why even at a pep rally not even the cheerleaders for Bama really knew their fight song. They dont know a word of the fight song but every single member of the mullet nation knows the words to Rammer Jammer.

In short, AU fans SUPPORT AU, the school and the team. UAT fans hate everything that is not Bama football and most could not care less about the school.

I have a question for everyone. After beating UT back in the Fran days, there was a video of the bama football team singing: "...I hate Rocky Top, **** You Tennessee." The UAT fans went all smiles about that. Video was everywhere. Could any AU fan see CTT EVER and I mean EVER having his team doing something that classless?

The Rammer Jammer thing is not Bama tradishun. I was a Bama fan for years. They NEVER did that until long after Bear died. But now, they will defend rubbing Iowa State, FIU, Duke, and Vandy's noses in the ground after three point wins.

Funniest thing I saw all year was :msu: , that's right :msu: , singing it to them in Tuscaloser two weeks ago. :lmao:

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1) I love Auburn because it is a worldwide family that stays with you forever.

2) I hate UA because of the hell I was subjected to as a kid in the 70's. I'll never forget being constantly ridiculed by grown men and women who had never been within 100 miles of Tuscaloosa.

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There is no way to single out one thing I love about Auburn, I just know that everytime thos eguys come out of the tunnel I cry, everytime Tiger flys over my head I cry, everytime I take my little girl to a game with me I cry. What is 1 thing I love about Auburn? I LOVE AUBURN. War Eagle!


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1) Auburn can not be defined in human words, it is that good

2) Bama is the complete opposite. Every tree in Alabama leans to the west because Bama sucks

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I love Auburn because the years I spent there were among the best of my life and I believe going to Auburn made me a better person.

I don't despise UAT. I dislike the arrogance and pretension of some of their fans, and enjoy it greatly when Auburn beats Alabama, but I don't hate them. And as shocking as this is to some Auburn fans, some Alabama fans and grads are actually nice folks.

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1. I love Auburn because of that feeling when I exit onto Wire Road and the explosion of butterflies in my gut when I see the stadium.

2.I hate Bammer because their Class, Dignity, Respect, and Loyalty is big hoax and they are the exact opposite of all these things.

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I love Auburn for all the reasons in the thread I started earlier in the week entitled "I Am Auburn."

I hate anything in a bama athletic uniform. I actually like most of the bammers I know. Their utterances are a source of humor for me since they live as delusioned creatures in a world far past Oz, relegated there forever with nothing but their blessed tradishuns. So pathetic.

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I love Auburn; to me its Family, Friends., A Home away from Home. A place you never Really want to Leave...EVER!!!!!!

Hate About BAMA.... Its Dark Pink....Its Evil ...and its BAMA Enough Said and as my

Vaniety Plate Reads DYE BAMA

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1. Auburn represents the forces of goodness and light.

2. Alabama represents the forces of evil and darkness, not to mention a bunch of stump-neck, gap-tooth, knuckle-dragging, polyester-wearing, stoop-gait, slack-jaw, biscuit-eating, book-burning, cousin-kissing backwoods lackwits.

Really what we're looking at is the forward-looking Alabama versus the backward-looking Alabama.

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I love Auburn because Auburn represents pride and dignity to me and my family.

I dislike UAT fans.......mainly because they think that UAT is better than AU

OK, I posted this story when I first got on AUNATION, but here it goes again. This is the reason I became an Auburn fan.

I was born to Alabama parents. I knew nothing about Auburn or Alabama, except that Paul Bear Bryant was the Alabama coach, and Alabama hated Auburn. In the first grade, I had this really hateful old lady for a teacher. She would raise my pants legs up everyday and spank with a freaking paddle on my calf! I dispised her to no end. I never saw any emotion out of her except meaness untill the day the PBB died.

On this day, she rolled one of those big ass TV's into the classroom (you know the kind that you had to change the channel with a knob) and made us watch his funeral. She began to cry. I saw this as an opportunity to get her back, and so I walked up to her and said " I'm glad he's dead, I'm an Auburn Fan". I got my butt blistered at school and at home for being "hateful" and I even got suspended for 1 day. Because I was treated so meanly, I knew that Alabama people sucked and were really the "hateful" ones. I never changed, and have been loyal to my Auburn Tigers ever since. After high school, I decided to go to Auburn. My parents never once came to see me until the day that I graduated! I hope they never win agian, and we all know who is the best, most loyal, and classiest team in the state. WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!

FEAR THE THUMB BAMMERS! :au::au::au::au::au:

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1. Auburn truly is a way of life. No lie, as I was being born, my father was singing the Auburn fight song. Fan since birth, baby!

2. I hate Bama, because of the ignorance they show daily. As a child I was ridiculed by Bammer fans for one reason- because I should be rooting for a team that's "in the state." Um, check a map and look south, geniuses.

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Auburn: Auburn is not just a team. It is a feeling, a way of life. I can see someone wearing the orange and blue and feel like they are family. I look back on my childhood and realize I always wanted to be part of the Auburn family, but I did not dare mention it. I always noticed even then how much more class Auburn had. After moving to Auburn in 1981, the change started and I now I cannot imagine not being a member of the Auburn family.

UA: Being raised a child of the pink nation, I really appreicate the difference between the two fan bases. Bama has no real appreciation of anything that is not football related. I still have family in Birmingham that are Bama fans and they still don't get it. Shallow, narrow minded and absolutely no respect for Auburn.

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1. Auburn truly is a way of life. No lie, as I was being born, my father was singing the Auburn fight song. Fan since birth, baby!

2. I hate Bama, because of the ignorance they show daily. As a child I was ridiculed by Bammer fans for one reason- because I should be rooting for a team that's "in the state." Um, check a map and look south, geniuses.

I'm very proud. This is my son's note above. My wife and I followed the Bible teaching of train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it".

I love Auburn because we are families tied to real traditions and caring about things far greater than one game a year. We have season tickets and spend weekends with my old AU roommate and his family. Just one example of "family" ties to something that transsends a name.

Bama fans think bear still walks the sidelines whispering into the ears of the players and coaches. Look at their quotes today in the papers. Whine, whine, whine but with attitudes. Haven't they heard of " Bragging Rights" ?

Seems like they think they're somehow ENTITLED to say and do nasty things to Auburn, even when they lose.

No class Ken Darby and company. You would have never acted like this under Shug, Dye , bear or Johnny Vaught ( spell ? ) who were gracious (mostly ) in xictory and defeat.

I despise bama because I am BETTER than they are. WDE !

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1. Auburn truly is a way of life. No lie, as I was being born, my father was singing the Auburn fight song. Fan since birth, baby!

2. I hate Bama, because of the ignorance they show daily. As a child I was ridiculed by Bammer fans for one reason- because I should be rooting for a team that's "in the state." Um, check a map and look south, geniuses.

I'm very proud. This is my son's note above. My wife and I followed the Bible teaching of train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it".

I love Auburn because we are families tied to real traditions and caring about things far greater than one game a year. We have season tickets and spend weekends with my old AU roommate and his family. Just one example of "family" ties to something that transsends a name.

Bama fans think bear still walks the sidelines whispering into the ears of the players and coaches. Look at their quotes today in the papers. Whine, whine, whine but with attitudes. Haven't they heard of " Bragging Rights" ?

Seems like they think they're somehow ENTITLED to say and do nasty things to Auburn, even when they lose.

No class Ken Darby and company. You would have never acted like this under Shug, Dye , bear or Johnny Vaught ( spell ? ) who were gracious (mostly ) in xictory and defeat.

I despise bama because I am BETTER than they are. WDE !

Raise your children right, and they won't grow up to be Alabama fans. Already mine know the way of light and truth.

And I, too, look down on Alabama fans as a lower order of species. Kind of the way we look down on Neanderthals today.

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I love AU because it's in my blood. There's a feeling of home in the city, even though I rarely make it there once a year (less now that I'm in KS). When I hear an old Pat Dye locker room speech or read a Shug Jordan quote, I feel like I'm a part of it.

My best freind is an Alabama fan. He's one reason that I fully gave into to being an AU fan (I was oreviously a stronger UF fan like my dad, mom is an AU alum). The first Iron Bowl I watched with him was in '01. We got slaughtered but I knew I wanted no part of the Crimson nation. AU hasn't lost since. I've never once rubbed it in his face unless provoked. If Bama wins again (if) I'm sure he will not hesitate to let me know. That makes my proud to be an AU fan. CLASS :)

My AU influence has rubbed off him lately though. Here's a quote of his in recent weeks: "I think AU football is beautiful right now."

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