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I think he should be fired for it....well, OK for my amusement. It would be perfect to see him lose his job without coaching a game, just like Price...then UAT is back on the hunt for their next 5th choice for hc... Everytime i drive by Arety's on fairfield, I still LAUGH out loud as I cruise on by.... So, for my entertainment, YES he should be fired..

And what else is bama really here for if not our amusement?


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it sounds like the argument is starting to play itself out, but I thought I should throw in that my girlfriend is of Acacian descent and they are very proud of their heritage. Her grandmother used to tell her that cajun's are nothing but rednecks with funny accents, but it was all in jest. They both would've been offended if anyone outside the cajun influence had used that term, esspecially in reference to them.

When somone that the term refers to, uses it, then they understand that people of that color, race, religion, etc... are not necissarily to be held to that stereotype, but when someone from outside the group uses it, its offensive becuase they don't know what its like to be from that group. A white person wouldn't use the n word, not because it refers to a person of a specific color, but to the negative actions that people tend to associate with that skin tone. But when a black person uses that term, it is aparent that they use it only in reference to those of their color who choose to act in the way that the term refers to.

Saban knows better, he shouldn't have done it whether he was repeating something or not, he should not be fired, but for some reason, time-out seems like the appropriate punishment for such a childish action.

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For what it's worth, ESPN is currently running a poll on whether Saban should be punished for his remarks. Curiously the state most strongly in favor of penalty is Louisiana. The state least in favor? Alabama of course. It's completely hilarious how many Bama fans suddenly have a "best friend" or "relative" from Louisiana who relishes being called coonass.

Yeah...what kind of people living in Louisiana would be on ESPN.com's COLLEGE Football page? Maybe sports fans? Maybe the LSU fans who absolutely HATE Nick Saban now?

Real scientific.

Truth be told, do you think any of the people who post here would have the same arguments/discussions with you in person that they do here?

I would hope so...getting a beer and playing overly nice would be no fun.

BG -

Never met a Bama justification he didn't like.

He tried to justify Shula to us for 4 years. We saw how that work out for him. ;)

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I think it is hilarious, to compare fans to the head coach who makes 4 million a year...I thought Saban was going to bring the dignity back to the Bama program...well....this is NOT the way to do it! Surely he is smart enough to realize he is under a microscope and his every word is heard..If not I bet he does now. Maybe we as Auburn fans will hear less about the cigar incident, I think this way over shadows that!


Karen :au:



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"if the AUN posters said it, then its ok for CN$ to say it!!!" is that really your defense of your coach?

No. I'm merely stating that its QUITE hypocritical for people who commonly use the phrase to get on Nick Saban about it. You don't think that's being a bit of a hypocrite?

to answer you question, i'd say no, it isn't necessarily hypocritical.

here's hypocritical, IMO:

if person A used the phrase in a derogatory manner meaning it to be a racial slur, and

then slammed $aban for using it, claiming $aban was a racist for using it, and

then person A denied that he, himself, is also a racist,

then that is hypocritical.

unfortunately, not everyone get a pass for their comments...especially handsomely paid representatives of classy and tradishun-laden programs like Alabama. :roflol:

let's have it, BS: are you OK with his comments or not? really, that's all it boils down to. you're not going to change an entire state's mind. to pretend his comments were "ok" in toto simply isn't rational, given the uproar that has occurred. that puts you squarely at the same level as finebaum.

btw, you should be very comfortable with your head coaches displaying a lack of class and substance by now.

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AND THE REAL LOSER IN ALL OF THIS IS...........................

Saban will not feel any heat for this after the next 5-10 days, if that long. It will long be forgotten by the time spring practice start. The real losers will be the bammar fans. This incident will cause the bubbling personality ;) of cns to pull back into his shell. He is not a media coach to begin with. All this will accomplish is to make comments from him, his staff, and his players almost IMPOSSIBLE to come by. For a state that eats, sleeps, and breathes football and hangs on every word either of the 2 headcoaches says, the bammars will not have any info to feed on.

I can just hear his first press conference after his first game:

cns slowly walks up to the podium and says "We won/lost this game today. No questions today. Thanks for your time." He then exits stage right.

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Yea, but what if he said, "So easy, even a caveman could do it."

Would you defend him then? Huh? No, I didn't think so. Wait, Ive got a call coming in. It's my mother, I'll put it on speaker.

:roflol::roflol::roflol: I love that commercial!!! Over the last 5 years which posters have commonly used this term?? I have rarely seen it.

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Was watching some show at lunch on ESPN. Skip Bayless and three other talking heads.

Unanimous in their declaration that Saban's comments are "definitely a firing offense!"

I BRAYED LAUGHTER in the restaurant.

Do you think he should be fired?

Yes, but not for that. For my amusement, perhaps, but not for that.

It's your amusement park, I'm just enjoying the rides.

you :moon: .......haha............

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I mean really, how many of you here are speaking on behalf of a group of people you know nothing about?

Whhhaaaaaattt? What the heck do you think you're doing?

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It seems to me that with all the attention focused on one word, a lot of other questionable or poorly considered actions in the incident are being overlooked. First of all, while Saban did say the story wouldn't be usable on the air and might have intended it to be off the record, he nevertheless was repeating it in a public place, surrounded by press, where he knew there were microphones and where he should have been more careful, PR-wise. It's not like it was in the privacy of his own den after a few beers with his closest friend. That shows bad judgment at least, IMO.

Secondly, besides the question of whether the word is derogatory, his attitude toward the dialect/accent seems somewhat negative. He sort of makes fun of the dialect, saying that he can't speak that way but the person who told him the story could, then tries poorly to duplicate it anyway. Maybe many of us would do the same in private, but on the job in a public place? Again, at the very least, seems to show a little weak judgment from a media-savy standpoint.

Finally, even if I'm repeating a word-for-word a story from a friend, I'd use better judgement of when or where to drop the f-bomb. I might quote a story word-for-word in the privacy of my own home to friends, but I'd clean the language up if I were repeating it in a public place, surrounded by people, press and microphones. Of course, even some in Washington have had trouble staying away from the f-bomb & the like in public.

Head coaches at major college programs, particularly in the South, are public figures. Like politicians or movie stars, they should know that public relations is a major component of the job and the public eye is always on them. Certainly this is far removed from the seediness of the Mike Price incident, but it also isn't going to win any Oscars for "Best Publicity Move by a Major Program Head Coach".

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"if the AUN posters said it, then its ok for CN$ to say it!!!" is that really your defense of your coach?

No. I'm merely stating that its QUITE hypocritical for people who commonly use the phrase to get on Nick Saban about it. You don't think that's being a bit of a hypocrite?

to answer you question, i'd say no, it isn't necessarily hypocritical.

here's hypocritical, IMO:

if person A used the phrase in a derogatory manner meaning it to be a racial slur, and

then slammed $aban for using it, claiming $aban was a racist for using it, and

then person A denied that he, himself, is also a racist,

then that is hypocritical.

unfortunately, not everyone get a pass for their comments...especially handsomely paid representatives of classy and tradishun-laden programs like Alabama. :roflol:

let's have it, BS: are you OK with his comments or not? really, that's all it boils down to. you're not going to change an entire state's mind. to pretend his comments were "ok" in toto simply isn't rational, given the uproar that has occurred. that puts you squarely at the same level as finebaum.

btw, you should be very comfortable with your head coaches displaying a lack of class and substance by now.

Please explain to me how Coach Saban can be considered a racist for what he said. Since when did being from Louisana or a Cajun become a race. If this is a race; then are rednecks now a separate race?

Come on, I think people are just being a bit picky and need to grow up. Especillay people that are not from the South and have no idea what the word means. I think that from now on if we are called rednecks, that could be implied to insult our "Native American" citizens, and we should all be upset and demand that this stop.

I am personally insulted that more was made of this than when a year or so back, Jo Peterino made an off the cuff remark about females, and had all these women groups up in arms. The entire nation and especially ESPN didn't take up for women did they?

So, no coach is perfect, and all of them probably say things that they should not say. But the media can't complain that a coach will not meet with them, and will not keep them informed when such a thing happens.I think that the biggest mistake Coach Saban made was trusting a reporter, and I can bet that will never happen again.

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Since when did being from Louisana or a Cajun become a race. If this is a race; then are rednecks now a separate race?

Officially? 1980.


The Cajuns are an ethnic group mainly living in Louisiana, consisting of the descendants of Acadian exiles and other peoples with whom the Acadians eventually intermarried on the semitropical frontier, including Louisianians of Spanish, German, and French Creole heritage.
Descending from Acadian exiles, the Cajuns retain a unique dialect of the French language and numerous other cultural traits that distinguish them as an ethnic group. Cajuns were officially recognized by the U.S. government as a national ethnic group in 1980 per a discrimination lawsuit filed in federal district court. Presided over by Judge Edwin Hunter, the case, known as Roach v. Dresser Industries Valve and Instrument Division (494 F.Supp. 215, D.C. La., 1980), hinged on the issue of the Cajuns' ethnicity. Significantly, Judge Hunter held in his ruling that:

"We conclude that plaintiff is protected by Title VII's ban on national origin discrimination. The Louisiana Acadian (Cajun) is alive and well. He is “up front” and “main stream.” He is not asking for any special treatment. By affording coverage under the “national origin” clause of Title VII he is afforded no special privilege. He is given only the same protection as those with English, Spanish, French, Iranian, Portuguese, Mexican, Italian, Irish, et al., ancestors."

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Please explain to me how Coach Saban can be considered a racist for what he said. Since when did being from Louisana or a Cajun become a race. If this is a race; then are rednecks now a separate race?

Come on, I think people are just being a bit picky and need to grow up. Especillay people that are not from the South and have no idea what the word means. I think that from now on if we are called rednecks, that could be implied to insult our "Native American" citizens, and we should all be upset and demand that this stop.

I am personally insulted that more was made of this than when a year or so back, Jo Peterino made an off the cuff remark about females, and had all these women groups up in arms. The entire nation and especially ESPN didn't take up for women did they?

So, no coach is perfect, and all of them probably say things that they should not say. But the media can't complain that a coach will not meet with them, and will not keep them informed when such a thing happens.I

think that the biggest mistake Coach Saban made was trusting a reporter, and I can bet that will never happen again.

BMH, i didn't call him a racist...others have. oh, sure...i've called him Nick $chott, and to the extent that you believe she was a racist, i guess you could say i implied as much. but that was just in fun.

as i've alluded to before, its not his intent that matters, its how his words are received by the parties in question. whether you like it or not, that's the way it is. if they choose to be offended and make a big deal out of it, then that's the way it is. he gave them that right when he uttered his words.

let me just say that your post is very interesting inasmuch as you state,

the biggest mistake Coach Saban made was trusting a reporter

don't you think his bigger mistake would have been saying the disparaging remarks in the first place?

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Please explain to me how Coach Saban can be considered a racist for what he said. Since when did being from Louisana or a Cajun become a race. If this is a race; then are rednecks now a separate race?

Come on, I think people are just being a bit picky and need to grow up. Especillay people that are not from the South and have no idea what the word means. I think that from now on if we are called rednecks, that could be implied to insult our "Native American" citizens, and we should all be upset and demand that this stop.

I am personally insulted that more was made of this than when a year or so back, Jo Peterino made an off the cuff remark about females, and had all these women groups up in arms. The entire nation and especially ESPN didn't take up for women did they?

So, no coach is perfect, and all of them probably say things that they should not say. But the media can't complain that a coach will not meet with them, and will not keep them informed when such a thing happens.I

think that the biggest mistake Coach Saban made was trusting a reporter, and I can bet that will never happen again.

BMH, i didn't call him a racist...others have. oh, sure...i've called him Nick $chott, and to the extent that you believe she was a racist, i guess you could say i implied as much. but that was just in fun.

as i've alluded to before, its not his intent that matters, its how his words are received by the parties in question. whether you like it or not, that's the way it is. if they choose to be offended and make a big deal out of it, then that's the way it is. he gave them that right when he uttered his words.

let me just say that your post is very interesting inasmuch as you state,

the biggest mistake Coach Saban made was trusting a reporter

don't you think his bigger mistake would have been saying the disparaging remarks in the first place?

Haven't you interacted with bammers long enough to know that nothing is EVER a fault of their own? The real offendor here is the guy who recorded it. Where are the ESPN polls about whether or not he should be fired???

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