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Who trusts this idiot to protect them?


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Utterly incompetent with lousy judgement:

Critics also point to Giuliani's decision to place the city's emergency command center in the World Trade Center complex, even though the towers had already been targeted in a 1993 bombing. The office, on the 23rd floor at 7 World Trade Center, was destroyed in the Sept. 11 attacks, forcing the mayor and other officials to establish makeshift command posts.


What idiot builds a 13 million dollar "bunker" on the 23rd floor in the complex of buildings that were previously bombed and the most likely target?

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Man, you are an all-American arm chair quarterback!

How incompetent, in your backward facing eyes, was the decision to blind our intelligence agencies during the mid-late 90's that led to this attack being so successful? Do you judge these people with the same "fairness" as you have in this instance , or does your blind partisanship shield you from reality?

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So Giuliani is the new "Hitler", or "worst president of all time", or "idiot", or "effing moron", or "retard in office"? I was really hoping to hear a different tune from the left after Bush leaves office, but I guess that was asking too much. Why is it so hard to disagree with someone without vulgarity and belittling them?

Is it really that hard to say: "I disagree with your policy, here's why, here's what could be done better." Instead, we get a whiny: "<insert Republican President's name here> is the most despicable, corrupt, evil person to ever hold office. He's a druggie, hates gays, and is doing everything for personal financial gain. Hey young 15-25 year olds... since you can't think for yourself, I'm gonna tell you its cool to disrespect your country and the president - go ahead and put that 'F the President' sticker on your car, let your hatred and lack of common sense be known to everyone."

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Everyone knows that Harlem is the best place for any emergency command centre. Just ask Bill Clinton. :rolleyes:

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Man, you are an all-American arm chair quarterback!

How incompetent, in your backward facing eyes, was the decision to blind our intelligence agencies during the mid-late 90's that led to this attack being so successful? Do you judge these people with the same "fairness" as you have in this instance , or does your blind partisanship shield you from reality?

Guiliani was accurately advised by the FBI and his own police chief to put the command center elsewhere. He didn't listen. So I guess you would have made the same asinine decision that he did since you see no problem with it.

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The office, on the 23rd floor at 7 World Trade Center...

Consider yourself called:

PLEASE provide us with links where 7 WTC was "previously bombed and the most likely target?"

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So Giuliani is the new "Hitler", or "worst president of all time", or "idiot", or "effing moron", or "retard in office"? I was really hoping to hear a different tune from the left after Bush leaves office, but I guess that was asking too much. Why is it so hard to disagree with someone without vulgarity and belittling them?

Is it really that hard to say: "I disagree with your policy, here's why, here's what could be done better." Instead, we get a whiny: "<insert Republican President's name here> is the most despicable, corrupt, evil person to ever hold office. He's a druggie, hates gays, and is doing everything for personal financial gain. Hey young 15-25 year olds... since you can't think for yourself, I'm gonna tell you its cool to disrespect your country and the president - go ahead and put that 'F the President' sticker on your car, let your hatred and lack of common sense be known to everyone."

Already drunk so early on a Saturday morning or have you gone completely psycho? Your post has to logical connection to mine. This man just said he was the best choice people could make to avoid another terrorist attack. He said he would make the best decisions to protect us. I pointed out at an objective fact that called his judgement itno serious question. Do you think it was a good decision to build the command center at the most likely point of attack? Do you disagree with my assessment that his judgement to do so was lousy? Why can't you then say, "I disagree with your opinion that this was lousy decision. I think it was wonderful," instead of making up a bunch of crap that I called Giuliani the next Hitler?

BTW, I hope you apply the same standard to the Democrat who is elected in 2008 and that you call your friends on their belittling of that person. I'm sure that you will never engage in it yourself and that you, in fact, never did in relation to Kerry, Dean, Clinton, etc.

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Do you think it was a good decision to build the command center at the most likely point of attack? Do you disagree with my assessment that his judgement to do so was lousy?

SO, 7WTC was the most likely point of attack? Please give us links proving that 7WTC was duly judged by the FBI and the NSA as the "likely point of attack."

Tex, the stuff about 7WTC has so far caused more of the 'tin foil hat liberal conspiracy theorists' to be discredited than any other single event in history. As far as I am concerned, 7 WTC conspiracists are the penultimate Moonbats.

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The office, on the 23rd floor at 7 World Trade Center...

Consider yourself called:

PLEASE provide us with links where 7 WTC was "previously bombed and the most likely target?"

To be fair, TT DID say it was a 'complex of buildings' which had been bombed, and not WTC 7 itself. Of course, TT might as well have claimed NYC had been bombed too, so putting the E.C.C. anywhere with in the city limits leaves one to seriously question Giuliani's judgement.


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Do you think it was a good decision to build the command center at the most likely point of attack? Do you disagree with my assessment that his judgement to do so was lousy?

Tex, the stuff about 7WTC has so far caused more of the 'tin foil hat liberal conspiracy theorists' to be discredited than any other single event in history. As far as I am concerned, 7 WTC conspiracists are the penultimate Moonbats.

That has nothing to do with my post.

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The office, on the 23rd floor at 7 World Trade Center...

Consider yourself called:

PLEASE provide us with links where 7 WTC was "previously bombed and the most likely target?"

To be fair, TT DID say it was a 'complex of buildings' which had been bombed, and not WTC 7 itself. Of course, TT might as well have claimed NYC had been bombed too, so putting the E.C.C. anywhere with in the city limits leaves one to seriously question Giuliani's judgement.


This was a building close to the real WTC in lower Manhattan. Seems like a good place to me. Close to the real likeliest place of attack, etc. Maybe the 23rd floor was for quick helicopter access? Who knows, but 7WTC doesnt sound that bad to me. It was also a building that would have had power, no matter what due to the diesel generators located there. The same fueling system that eventually made it fall after the attacks damaged that building due to rubble from the complete failure of the WTC. Who was forecasting the complete destruction of the WTC? I really want to know!

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This is purely partisan politics. From the link Tex provided:

... Now, some groups at the center of the 9/11 experience are laying aggressive plans to tarnish that image and undermine a central pillar of his candidacy.

Officials from a national firefighters union, along with some relatives of Sept. 11 victims, say they will

publicly attack decisions Giuliani made as New York mayor before and after the terrorist strikes. ...

Anthony V. Carbonetti, a strategist for Giuliani who was also mayoral chief of staff and later a business partner, said Giuliani's presidential campaign would respond by showcasing Giuliani's long-standing relationships with rank-and-file firefighters and police officers.

The mayor opened firehouses, Carbonetti said, and pushed for new "bunker gear" that protected firefighters from intense heat. He attributed the union's anger to disagreements over city pay issues and partisan interests — the International Assn. of Fire Fighters was an early supporter of Kerry, the Democratic nominee, in the 2004 presidential campaign.

"The union is not the firefighters. You have to separate the two," Carbonetti said. "I don't think they'll have any success. The more we keep talking about Rudy's record, the more people will see how much he did to support all the uniformed services in the city."

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