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Seems like I read (or heard) that the average tenure of a university president in the United States is about 7 years. And I am reasonably certain that I have read that university presidents determine whether or not we have a playoff system or keep the bowl system. If this is the case and if the BOT, or whomever has the final say about who is hired as a university president, and considering that the final two, three, or four prospective presidents are equal in everything else, why not ask the prospective president one other question? "Are you in favor of a playoff system or are you in favor of keeping the bowl system." If a president is hired based on this one question, how long would it take for us to have a playoff system? I'm obviously not an English major nor am I a Math major. Maybe a mathemetician can answer this for me.

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I'd love to see a play-off as well, but if the hiring decision from MY Board of Trustees pertaining to MY University's PRESIDENT came down to whether or not he favored a play-off or bowl system, I'd be extremely concerned about the candidates AND the Board of Trustees!

That decision will be more influenced down the road by media and a collective agreement at all levels of Division 1 school's administrations.

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You should read the article pertaining to the Big Ten Commisioner - I believe the article laid out everything regarding WHY we continue to not see a playoff. The Big Ten and the TV deals with Bowl games have too much money at stake to consider a playoff system.

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auburnchopper1 - If you will go back and re-read my original post I think you will see that I said "if everything else is equal" by "everything else" I was referring to qualifications. I stand by that but I will re-word it. If the qualifications of the last two, three, or four prospective presidents are equal, why not ask the question "are you in favor of a playoff system or are you in favor of keeping the bowl system?"

Eagle's Claw - TO HECK with the Big Ten. Let them have their own national championship playoff since the media thinks so much of them anyway. And yes I have read these reasons (excuses) for not having a playoff system. As has been pointed out in this forum a number of times, there is NO reason that the playoffs couldn't be incorporated into the bowl system. That way we have a win-win situation.

I firmly believe that the majority of the college football fans want a national playoff, even without the

Big Ten. And if these same fans don't start taking things into their own collective hands we will never have one because we continue to be duped by the powers that be.

And no, I am not an Auburn graduate, and should not have a say but current students, graduates, former students, and contributors should have. Now that I've got that off my chest let the criticisms begin.

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