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Good for the goose...


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"My attitude is he's doing everything he can to rectify the mistake he made and should be allowed to do so," Hatch said. "I'm a great believer in redemption."

The senators turned skittish, however, when asked by reporters if they were concerned that Vitter may have broken the law. Solicitation for prostitution is a misdemeanor although it's probably too late to prosecute a 2001 offense. The statute of limitations in Washington, D.C., is three years and two years in Louisiana.

"That is not my area," said Hatch, who served for years as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee where he was responsible for confirming judges and writing criminal laws.

"I don't know what the law is," Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., a former federal prosecutor, said tersely before walking away.

"I'm not an expert in prostitution law, I'm pleased to say," Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said.


Had this been a Dem, this would have been one hot topic here.

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Solicitation for prostitution is a misdemeanor although it's probably too late to prosecute a 2001 offense. The statute of limitations in Washington, D.C., is three years and two years in Louisiana

Says it all right there. It's not like he banged them in his office last week. ;)

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Solicitation for prostitution is a misdemeanor although it's probably too late to prosecute a 2001 offense. The statute of limitations in Washington, D.C., is three years and two years in Louisiana

Says it all right there. It's not like he banged them in his office last week. ;)

See, in Louisiana, I thought it was state law that you were required to use prostitutes every once in a while. Something about bolstering the tourist industry or something. So Senator Vitter was just giving his all for the Louisiana economy.

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For some reason, I sense a multi-million dollar inquiry about to be sprung on the taxpayer over a 6 year old misdemeanor.

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He should resign. He cannot campaign and run for election under "family values" format and then behave like this. It shows lack of character and lack of principle. If he will not resign then I hope the voters of LA turn him out at the first opportunity. I am tired of politicians saying one thing and then doing another. I am equally tired of those that try to justify someones actions with "it was a long time ago", "it was a misdemeanor", "everyone else does it" or " your guy did worse".

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He should resign. He cannot campaign and run for election under "family values" format and then behave like this. It shows lack of character and lack of principle. If he will not resign then I hope the voters of LA turn him out at the first opportunity. I am tired of politicians saying one thing and then doing another. I am equally tired of those that try to justify someones actions with "it was a long time ago", "it was a misdemeanor", "everyone else does it" or " your guy did worse".

I agree with the need to cleanse this country of career politicians. I just find it hypocritical that someone who acts as the mouthpiece for the democrat party is going to post an article about a politician having illicit sex.

Anyone that thinks Vitter is the only person in DC to get himself a $100 horn scraping is fooling themselves.

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Had this been a Dem, this would have been one hot topic here.

What is the deal? It was only sex.

Since Dems have no morals standards or ethics, it would not have been much of an issue.






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I hope the voters of LA turn him out at the first opportunity.

Should the vote out Jefferson as well? What's worse?

I still remember the bumper stickers when Edwin Edwards had the runoff against David Duke. "Vote for the Lizard, not the Wizard." That's LA politics at it's best.

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I hope the voters of LA turn him out at the first opportunity.

Should the vote out Jefferson as well? What's worse?

They should have already. But there is no forced choice here. They can choose to vote both out. Vitter sold himself as something he's not. Jefferson's a crook. There's no need to bring up anyone else on a thread about Jeffferson and there's no reason to bring up anyone else on a thread about Vitter. Judge each of them on their own merit.

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