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If I had the chance, this is what


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I read this on the Politico Board but it's an excellent list to ask each candidate and really should be answered by each one!you believe in leaving troops in Afghanistan , if so how many for how long ?

Will you close Gitmo, if so will you bring all POW / detainees to the USA and give them a fair trial in our legal system ?

What is your plan for the Israel Palestinian question ?

What is your plan for Iran, if they continue to make nukes what will you do ?

What is your plan for North Korea, if K. I. Jung goes back on his word and cheats what will you do ?

what is your plan for Pakistan, do you favor sending troops in to go after Al-Qaeda , if so how many and for how long ?

what is your plan for Syria, and Lebanon ?

what is your plan for Sudan, if the genocide continues what will you do ?

what is your plan for Venezuela and Chavez and for Cuba ?

Before ever using US troops in combat anywhere, will you go to congress with a declaration of war ?

What are your plans for trade with China, their human rights violations, their pirating and recent shoddy quality of products ?

Do you favor outsourcing, if not, how will you stop it ?

Is it okay to abort ( kill ) a unborn child just weeks or days before it will be born ?

What is your plan for Health Care ?

What is your plan for Immigration ? Do you condone amnesty for illegal immigrants?

How will you fix Social Security ?

What will you do about Global Warming ?

Are you for stricter Gun Control, if so how ?

Are you against capitol punishment, if so will you pardon all death row inmates ?

Will you raise taxes, if so, how much and on who ?

What will you do about the so called war on drugs ?

How will you improve the education in the USA ?

How you feel about teachers in elementary and secondary schools giving there political views to students when it it clearly off topic from the subject matter being taught ?

Do you favor reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, if so, what about all the other media too ?

My God, if we could NAIL them down on each of these issues or just 60% of them, we would know more about what we're getting...... :thumbsup:

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Guest Tigrinum Major

You might be on to something there. I bet no one has ever thought of asking those questions before.

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Prisoners of war aren't allowed our legal system, so you can take that off your list.

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Do you favor reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, if so, what about all the other media too ?

Affirmative action for liberals!

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Presidential candidate Tiger in Spain's answers are in red.

I read this on the Politico Board but it's an excellent list to ask each candidate and really should be answered by each one!you believe in leaving troops in Afghanistan , if so how many for how long ?

Will you close Gitmo, if so will you bring all POW / detainees to the USA and give them a fair trial in our legal system ? Not only no, but hell no. If anything, I would expand it. Our legal system can't handle the perverts, dopeheads, and racketeers it has now. What effect do you think flooding it with over 10,000 foreign terrorists is going to have on our overburdened system?

What is your plan for the Israel Palestinian question ? Turn the Israelis loose on their terrorist problem. They're more than capable of handling anything thrown at them over there. Remember 6 days back in 1967? I guarantee you the arabs do. We've seen the Israelis shackled and handcuffed for too long, and this act has done nothing but get innocent Israeli women and children murdered.

What is your plan for Iran, if they continue to make nukes what will you do ? Absolutely nothing and here's why. The minute my administration makes a move, we will be undercut at home by liberals. If we've learned anything from Iraq and Afghanistan, it is this. Any war we fight will be fought both at home and abroad. Some of our citizens are p***ies and don't have the stomach or machismo to endure the long road we are on. So, unless the Europeans do something, I am perfectly satisfied with sitting back while Amanutjob develops all the weapons he wants. The minute he strikes, I know I will hear, "Why didn't you do anything to prevent this, Mr President?" To that I will reply, "Frick you, jackass."

What is your plan for North Korea, if K. I. Jung goes back on his word and cheats what will you do ? The same thing I'll do for Iran. Next question. No, wait a minute. Who in the hell is this K. I. Jung turd? I know a Kim Jung Il. Is this like his 3rd cousin or did he decide to go all Prince on us and change his name? I never got the memo. Dang Shug, if you want me to fight someone, fine. I can't fight imaginary people. I'm not Batman.

what is your plan for Pakistan, do you favor sending troops in to go after Al-Qaeda , if so how many and for how long ? Are you freaking deaf. You didn't support us when we had these guys on the run, so why should you give a shait now? Besides, you people bitch and complain about an illegal occupation of Iraq, how the hell would it be any different if we were to invade Pakistan? You're contradicting yourself.

what is your plan for Syria, and Lebanon? Jesus Christ, would somebody else in here ask a friggin' question? Tony, get me some water.....and an aspirin.

what is your plan for Sudan, if the genocide continues what will you do? Nothing. Let Hollywood and Bono handle it. Why aren't you worried about the genocide occurring in Iraq, especially that which will inevitably happen if we turn yellow and run? Are you saying the lives of brown people are less valuable than that of a black person? Why do you favor intervening to thwart one genocide while condemning our efforts to offset another? Aren't you being a bit hypocritical?

what is your plan for Venezuela and Chavez and for Cuba? For Cuba, I am interested in getting some primo cigars. Who is Venezuela?

Before ever using US troops in combat anywhere, will you go to congress with a declaration of war? Hell, I may as well go petition the UN. By the time anything makes it through all the congressional politicking and grandstanding, we'll all be speaking Chinese.

What are your plans for trade with China, their human rights violations, their pirating and recent shoddy quality of products? Do you want to pay $1500 for a sh*tty constructed American union made product, or buy that same product, with better quality, for $25? You and I both know the answer.

Do you favor outsourcing, if not, how will you stop it ? Why do you want government meddling in this? Why are you so in favor of padding the pockets of corrupt unions? Who is hurt most by the astronomical prices stores have to charge to make a profit on their substandard goods?

Is it okay to abort ( kill ) a unborn child just weeks or days before it will be born ? No.

What is your plan for Health Care ? Get a job and get some insurance. No one wants government involved in healthcare, and it won't happen in my administration. Quit standing around with your hand out and put it to work. Malpractice insurance is one of the primary reasons healthcare costs what it does. Giving free care to illegal immigrants is another. I would fight for legal reform and a very strict immigration policy that would fix this.

What is your plan for Immigration ? Do you condone amnesty for illegal immigrants? No, but I would allow guest workers. Otherwise, you'll be paying out the ass for your food.

How will you fix Social Security ? Privatize it. Another thing the government doesn't need to be involved in. <Laughs> If you are looking at the government as your retirement plan, you are royally screwed (unless you consider living in a cardboard box under an overpass as your retirement dream).

What will you do about Global Warming ? Nothing. Its boogeyman persona is nothing more than a trumped up myth designed to make several snake oil salesmen extremely rich off ignorant suckers.

Are you for stricter Gun Control, if so how ? No. The best defense is a good offense.

Are you against capitol punishment, if so will you pardon all death row inmates ? No, I am very much pro capital punishment. I'm all for frying them, and doing it quickly. You get 1 appeal and mandatory DNA testing of crime scene evidence. If you're convicted after that, make your peace because you'll soon be meeting him. I would also make execution more economically feasible for the taxpayer by bringing back hanging. A piece of rope is a lot cheaper than drugs or electricity.

Will you raise taxes, if so, how much and on who ? Not unless I absolutely had to.

What will you do about the so called war on drugs ? The first thing I would do is smack the ever loving sh*t out of the next person that used the phrase "so called" or made the quotation sign thing with their hands. I would legalize marijuana and tax the hell out of it. All the others would be illegal and subject to very severe penalties. You don't want to know what they are, because they even scare me.

How will you improve the education in the USA ? Abolish the teachers union and get back to teaching the basics. Implement teacher testing, and vouchers for the students that want to learn to attend a school willing to teach them.

How you feel about teachers in elementary and secondary schools giving there political views to students when it it clearly off topic from the subject matter being taught ? They should be fired on the spot. School is for learning subjects that will allow them to function as a productive member of society, rather than some burned out dopehead with an overbearing sense of entitlement. It shouldn't be a liberal propaganda factory. Students, in addition to being taught how to write a proper sentence and add 2x2 without a calculator, would also be taught patriotism, recite the pledge of allegiance each day, and to take some pride in themselves and their country.

Do you favor reinstating the Fairness Doctrine, if so, what about all the other media too ?Only to give conservatives a fair voice in media. We do not have that now. Too many liberals are calling for conservative voices to be silenced, and this doctrine would be the tool that allows them to achieve their fascist goal. I would end government funding and subsidies for Nazi Public Radio and PBS. Either they make it on their own merits, or they go the way of Air Amerika. I have to admit though, those Car Talk guys crack me up!

My God, if we could NAIL them down on each of these issues or just 60% of them, we would know more about what we're getting...... :thumbsup:

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TiS, I've gotta say...you've got my vote! Can I be the Cheney to your Bush?

Why do you like TIS's Bush?

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I nominate TiS to appear on every ballot in every state across the union. Here here!

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AUman, your questions are a mixed bag, but this one needs some work:

Are you against capitol punishment, if so will you pardon all death row inmates ?

Any jackass that starts pardoning murderers needs his head examined, not the keys to the Oval Office. I would prefer that he just commute their sentences to life in prison. Would that pass muster? ;)

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TiS, I've gotta say...you've got my vote! Can I be the Cheney to your Bush?

You've got it. Howard, you're Karl Rove!

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I meant to answer those questions the same way TIS did. But many times it just came out, "Kiss my ass. Next question, please?"

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I meant to answer those questions the same way TIS did. But many times it just came out, "Kiss my ass. Next question, please?"

I think an honest and succinct presidential candidate would be refreshing.

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