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Shame on NY Times


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The "BetrayUs" ad was sold to MoveOn.org for $60,000+ when it should have been priced over $140,000. It would have still then been a standard ad without any promise of date of placement. It just happened to be published in tune w/ the general's testimony.

The Times now say it was a mistake by one of its sales representatives.

If anyone believes that, I've got some "Magic Air" for sale!

I'll bet this sales rep. wasn't fired either.

Doing stupid stuff makes you look stupid no matter your viewpoint.

This is so blatant, no one should consider the NY Times a valid reference without corroboration from a legitimate source.

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This is so blatant, no one should consider the NY Times a valid reference without corroboration from a legitimate source.

Dang Legal, I agree with you! ;):thumbsup::thumbsup:

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The group, Hoyt wrote, paid $64,575, which is the paper's "standby" rate -- meaning it cannot guarantee placement on a certain day.

The group wanted it to run on September 10, the day Gen. David Petraeus testified to Congress about the state of affairs in Iraq. The ad did run on that date, meaning MoveOn should have paid $142,083, he wrote.

:angryfire: The NYT sux, not that that is news to anyone around here.

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