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DKW 86

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There is no more truer reflection of the state of Alabama Football than this. Cecil Hurt has been covering the Keller case for years and never said a word to his employer or his readers about his financial dealings with Keller. When you are the Number One source for info on Alabama and you are in bed with rogue boosters upto your wallet, then you have no credibility at all.

Cecil, PF can defend the indefensible, hell, he does that all the time. But to lie to your employer and to your readers for YEARS is unbelieveable. Your credibility is shot for good. But I guess when your readership's favorite drink is kool-aid who really cares.

Why didnt the NYT-Tuscaloosa pay his medical bills while on assignment?

How little does he get paid anyway?

How poor is his medical coverage?

How embarassing for all this to come out?

I just got off the phone with an :ua: pal of mine. He wondered out loud what kind of medical bills do you not want made public? Could it have been an STD? An embarassing emergncy room trip from some adult activity gone wrong? Too many variations to ponder.

BTW, We laughed ourselves silly.

BTW, knowing how well disciplined they are in Tuscaloosa, I bet he got a 5 gallon can of pistachio ice cream for a reprimand.

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I think the lack of disclosure is what is so damning.

Here's a good question to ask ********. "If a business reporter was writing a story about Enron, and had secretly accepted a $4,000 loan from an Enron executive, and continued covering the story, is that a breach of journalistic ethics? And if so, how is this any different from Cecil Hurt's controversy.

I just get the feeling that things are really beginning to unravel down there in Tuscaloosa.

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THAT is how uat "pays back" it's "friends".

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An embarassing emergncy room trip from some adult activity gone wrong? Too many variations to ponder.

Wonder if he had a scuba suit or two on.....

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what we don't know is the "cash" end of this, not the loans....the stuff the IRS or NY times or Newhouse News (that own the Bammerham, Hville, or Mobile newspaper markets) never knew about or never cared to know about......this is pretty serious to me, especially after the year we got screwed..maybe 1993, too.

In fact, didn't CBS, that crucfied Pat Dye, get their payroll checks from the NY Times?

Sounds worse than a communist plot........maybe exchanging Bromberg diamonds?...

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I think it was highly unethical of Cecil. Not necessarily because he took the loan initially, but because he opted hide it when it became apparent that his benefactor was embroiled in a story he was covering. I've never thought Hurt was anywhere close to objective and I have no respect for his ability as a writer. I've seen third grade essays that are more insightful and well-written than his usual dreck. But this revelation renders his credibility null and void. The good news for Hurt is that Bama fans won't care. They'll celebrate him as being a part of the Bama tradition.

Finebump today defended Hurt vociferiously (predictable) and made the excuse that when Cecil took the money he probably wasn't aware that Keller was involved. That may be true. Cecil may have considered the "help" completely charitable at the time. But when it was obvious that Keller was a central figure in a story he was charged with covering -- and in many instances was the primary source of information -- he owed it to his bosses and to the readers to recuse himself or at the very least disclose this information. That he failed to do so is a serious and significant breach of ethics.

There is much more to this story, things I cannot say because I don't have corroboration, but if you think hard, there are questions that should come to mind when you consider his position and the rather insignificant amount of the debt.

Finally, I had a bama friend (also predictably) pooh-poohing this as no big deal and lamenting the fact that friends can't do favors for friends without there being some underlying motive. First, Hurt and Keller were not friends. They were acquaintances and Hurt was well aware of Keller's vested interest in Alabama football. He clearly preyed on that. And acquaintances don't co-sign with acquaintances unless there is some reason for doing so. This wasn't Keller's good nature showing through. The Godfather. Goodfellas. The Sopranos. Casino. If you learn nothing from those movies/tv shows you know that nothing in life is free. When a man of more power/status than you does you a favor, at some point that chit will be cashed in.

Long story short (too late) you can never trust Cecil Hurt again.

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most big companies have ethics agreements........and if you are an officer in a corporation you go to prison for crap like this....I know because I'm going to send one to the big house soon

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone heard anything new on poor little Cecil, the uat apologist?

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I don't claim to know a lot about what is going on, but I have yet to hear much else on the subject since it was first brought up. He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

A good writer he is not.

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

Yes. :lol:


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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

A good writer he is not.

yeah, we're supposed to check our homerism at the door yet he claims that cecil is a good writer? If by good writer you mean bammer sunshine pumper.

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I just got off the phone with an :ua: pal of mine. He wondered out loud what kind of medical bills do you not want made public? Could it have been an STD? An embarassing emergncy room trip from some adult activity gone wrong? Too many variations to ponder.

I do believe it's a breach of professional ethics for a journalist to accept money or have financial dealings with a subject he is investigating without disclosing those financial links. However, I don't think that is grounds for speculation and innuendo regarding his health and private life. We all have a right to privacy when it comes to our medical history, and exercising that right should not lead to innuendo regarding STD's or "adult" activities. I hope no one ever suggests I'm guilty of illicit conduct just because I choose to protect my medical privacy.

Yes, it is important that Cecil's financial dealings with Keller be public. His specific medical problem is not the story however and does not need to be public. IMHO, speculation of this sort borders on libel/slander.

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

He's a piss poor writer. Wouldn't matter if he was writing about Alabama, Auburn, politics or chinese checkers. He's AWFUL.

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

He's a piss poor writer. Wouldn't matter if he was writing about Alabama, Auburn, politics or chinese checkers. He's AWFUL.

On top of that he is a Bammer :homer:

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He still writes good articles and talks on ******** every now and then.

Your post should have read:

He writes like a monkey on dope and drones like a douchebag on Fagbomb.

Monkey on dope b/c he covers Alabama, or you just not like his writing style?

He's a piss poor writer. Wouldn't matter if he was writing about Alabama, Auburn, politics or chinese checkers. He's AWFUL.

On top of that he is a Bammer :homer:

But, you know, we really should pity him for that.

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yeah, we're supposed to check our homerism at the door yet he claims that cecil is a good writer? If by good writer you mean bammer sunshine pumper.

He writes about Alabama Football and Basketball... both of which I like. So why wouldn't I like to read about something that I care about?

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yeah, we're supposed to check our homerism at the door yet he claims that cecil is a good writer? If by good writer you mean bammer sunshine pumper.

He writes about Alabama Football and Basketball... both of which I like. So why wouldn't I like to read about something that I care about?

You know, I have to wonder about how interesting Alabama football and basketball are when the writers are needing to borrow money from boosters.

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