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Les Miles and the coaching announcement by ESPN.


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Imagine if ESPN was sued for defamation of character and Libel for going to press with an unsubstantiated rumor announced by an Ohio State alumni on a National sydicated sports show. No information backing up the claim, no verfied sources.

The case would be based on potential of lost revenue and Defamation of character as the ESPN anaylsts put him in a situation where he was unable to pursue future employment opportunites outside of LSU and attempted to color him a liar to his employers and staff.

Think news reports of these coaching changes prior to announcements or press releases would stop?

I think its time for these coaches to stand up for themselves.

What if Miles really wanted the Michigan job or wanted to use it as leverage against LSU. What if Herbstreet simply wanted to sabotage a possible Les Miles to Michigan possibility. I see so many problems with early reports like that.

If one coach would stand up and sue ESPN for the false report it would most likely stop that early announcement crap right away.

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What if Miles really wanted the Michigan job or wanted to use it as leverage against LSU. What if Herbstreet simply wanted to sabotage a possible Les Miles to Michigan possibility.

I don't think any of these scenarios are necessarily far-fetched. Just based on the way everybody involved (including Miles) reacted, I'd be willing to bet that Miles had the deal in hand and would be at Michigan today had the story not been broken early. I can see Bertman coming to Miles and forcing his hand -- "either put this to rest or we're going in a different direction"

As an Auburn fan, I'm glad Miles is staying. As a fan of Michigan as well, I'm glad he's staying at LSU.

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Same here Galen, I root for Michigan in any game that isn't against Auburn.

Old family thing from when I was a kid.

I just see the announcement on Arkansas television and ESPN about coaches taking jobs before there is an announcement to be despicable meddling.

I am glad to see Miles stay out of Michigan but I think the interferance has to stop somewhere. If not with this one, what will it take for there to be an outcry?

It jerked the Michigan and LSU fanbase around. It muddied contract negotiations and soured possible job interviews. It cast a negative light on the LSU coach for making a back room deal before the announced interview was supposed to occur. etc....

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Imagine if ESPN was sued for defamation of character and Libel for going to press with an unsubstantiated rumor announced by an Ohio State alumni on a National sydicated sports show. No information backing up the claim, no verfied sources.

The case would be based on potential of lost revenue and Defamation of character as the ESPN anaylsts put him in a situation where he was unable to pursue future employment opportunites outside of LSU and attempted to color him a liar to his employers and staff.

Think news reports of these coaching changes prior to announcements or press releases would stop?

I think its time for these coaches to stand up for themselves.

What if Miles really wanted the Michigan job or wanted to use it as leverage against LSU. What if Herbstreet simply wanted to sabotage a possible Les Miles to Michigan possibility. I see so many problems with early reports like that.

If one coach would stand up and sue ESPN for the false report it would most likely stop that early announcement crap right away.

The problem is the coach would never win because he would have two problems

1) He would have to prove that ESPN did it with the INTENT of hurting him and that would NEVER be proven. ESPN may have done it for ratings but unless a coach can PROVE that ESPN did it with the INTENT to hurt the coach, it would never go anywhere.

2) Miles is a public figure and that only RAISES the standard meaning a LOT more lee-way is given to what people have to say about him

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even if he couldn't win, maybe it would get them to think a little harder before they started spreading stuff.

the profession of journalism has gotten so bad these days. people can say what the want whether they've checked facts or not and there's no accountability.

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Just for the record...I HATE Meeeeeeeeeechigan...because they're another undeserving "glamor" team that takes away from AU. So screw em....

There...I feel better. Was that a little over the top? :)


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Nah, everyone has a right to feel how they want.

Said Glory school is having problems (due to their lack of desire to open checkbooks) to seduce any coach to come there. Almost like Alabama, the alure of the job isn't going to do it alone. Its checkbook time.

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Miles will bolt for UM after the title game.

Even though he signed and extension @ LSU?

Unlike IamButtPlug's usual comments of zero worth, this one is 1% possible. I think the buyout is only 1.2 million, or maybe that is a misunderstanding on my part. If Michigan really wanted him, they could afford it.

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