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Life is not SIMPLE anymore... if you are a democrat!

DKW 86

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Life is not SIMPLE anymore... if you are a democrat!

To All My Democrat Acquaintances:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an

environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive,

gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within

the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or

secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular

persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice

religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally

successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of

the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due

respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to

society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is

necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the

Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race,

creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of

the wishee.

To My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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If Governor Huckabee loses I will vote for either Hillary Clinton or the Constitution Party canadate no other Republican is acceptable :usc:

What's wrong with Tom Tancredo in your opinion?

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I was referring to the Neo-Cons that would not be exeptable to me like Guiliani,Romney,McCain and Thompson are all RINO's and there would be no differrence between them and Hillary.

I could see myself voting for Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter absolutely!!

I reaaly would love to see Ron Paul run as a 3rd party canadate as either a Libertarian or Constitution Party canadate. :au::)

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Life is not SIMPLE anymore... if you are a democrat!

To All My Democrat Acquaintances:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or explicit, my best wishes for an

environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive,

gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within

the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or

secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular

persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice

religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally

successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of

the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due

respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to

society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is

necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the

Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race,

creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of

the wishee.

To My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well first I'd like to say I am offended that you wouldn't wish me a merry Christmas.

On a second note, it is funny how some people get offended when you say merry Christmas, while others get offended when you say happy holidays. Just seems hypocritical.

Except you DKW, I guess you went for both.

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Unless the third party candidate is Ralph Nader. Thanks to him, no President Kerry.

As for Tancredo, he dropped out earlier this week and endorsed Romney. He was leaning to Thompson and pulled a switcheroo at the least minute.

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Unless the third party candidate is Ralph Nader. Thanks to him, no President Kerry
Nader received many fewer votes than he had in 2000, dropping from about 2.9 million votes (2.74% of the popular vote) to 405,623 (about 0.35%).[28] Nader's vote total placed him only slightly more than 63,000 votes ahead of the fourth-place candidate, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party, who appeared on 49 ballots. Fears that Nader would play a "spoiler" role that would harm the Democrats proved unfounded — unlike 2000, Kerry's margins of loss in states won by Bush were all substantially larger than the percentage of votes gathered by Nader.


Nader really had no affect on Kerry. He still would have lost even if he had recieved Nader's votes.

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Unless the third party candidate is Ralph Nader. Thanks to him, no President Kerry
Nader received many fewer votes than he had in 2000, dropping from about 2.9 million votes (2.74% of the popular vote) to 405,623 (about 0.35%).[28] Nader's vote total placed him only slightly more than 63,000 votes ahead of the fourth-place candidate, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party, who appeared on 49 ballots. Fears that Nader would play a "spoiler" role that would harm the Democrats proved unfounded — unlike 2000, Kerry's margins of loss in states won by Bush were all substantially larger than the percentage of votes gathered by Nader.


Nader really had no affect on Kerry. He still would have lost even if he had recieved Nader's votes.

Pesky facts. Now Gore on the other hand...

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Unless the third party candidate is Ralph Nader. Thanks to him, no President Kerry
Nader received many fewer votes than he had in 2000, dropping from about 2.9 million votes (2.74% of the popular vote) to 405,623 (about 0.35%).[28] Nader's vote total placed him only slightly more than 63,000 votes ahead of the fourth-place candidate, Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party, who appeared on 49 ballots. Fears that Nader would play a "spoiler" role that would harm the Democrats proved unfounded — unlike 2000, Kerry's margins of loss in states won by Bush were all substantially larger than the percentage of votes gathered by Nader.


Nader really had no affect on Kerry. He still would have lost even if he had recieved Nader's votes.

Pesky facts. Now Gore on the other hand...

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I was referring to the Neo-Cons that would not be exeptable to me like Guiliani,Romney,McCain and Thompson are all RINO's and there would be no differrence between them and Hillary.

I could see myself voting for Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo or Duncan Hunter absolutely!!

I reaaly would love to see Ron Paul run as a 3rd party canadate as either a Libertarian or Constitution Party canadate. :au::)

I don't know where you're coming from. First of all, who are the 'neo cons' ? What makes them a neo con ? Secondly, ALL the GOP candidates would vastly be better than Hillary, as she plans to raise taxes and take profits from American industry ( big oil ) and use that $$$ for her social engineering projects. No GOPer comes close to that, so you can't claim they're the same.

Duncan Hunter is the most sensible thing I've seen you post, which makes it all the more confusing.

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You are right.

I originally typed President Gore and then thought... no, surely it was not that long ago. My mistake entirely. Note to self, check on facts before hitting the ADD REPY button.

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I said I was deeply dismayed. I did not say I was surprised.

I keep having the feeling of deja vu. When Sadat was assassinated, everyone I worked with was "Yeah, okay, no big deal." It was a huge deal then and put the peace process back decades. This will put the likelihood of calm in the Middle East and Asia even further back.

Sorry, I am AU Mom at home.

You could do what AURaptor does and just write whatever you wish was a fact and have other people do the fact finding for you.


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I said I was deeply dismayed. I did not say I was surprised.

I keep having the feeling of deja vu. When Sadat was assassinated, everyone I worked with was "Yeah, okay, no big deal." It was a huge deal then and put the peace process back decades. This will put the likelihood of calm in the Middle East and Asia even further back.

Sorry, I am AU Mom at home.

You could do what AURaptor does and just write whatever you wish was a fact and have other people do the fact finding for you.


And then deny, deflect and play word games for thirty-two posts.

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Sounds like what the dim party has been doing for 8 long years. Sad part is, the damn stupid a** Bush never loses to you guys. And the republican party has addressed its issues and will become stronger.

So as you accuse others of the deny, deflect, word game ploy, look back through the years as you have completely mastered that art. Funny how you point it out in others....

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Sounds like what the dim party has been doing for 8 long years. Sad part is, the damn stupid a** Bush never loses to you guys. And the republican party has addressed its issues and will become stronger.

So as you accuse others of the deny, deflect, word game ploy, look back through the years as you have completely mastered that art. Funny how you point it out in others....

First of all Bush beat Gore and Kerry. Gore got more votes than Bush meaning he was more popular, thus winning the popular vote(not saying he should have been president, just that he was more popular) and then there was Kerry. Well, Kerry should never had gotten the nomination.

As far as the republican party addressing their issues: HA! That's a good one. What issues is it that they have addressed and taken care of?

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