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Maybe this is how the N.H. poll numbers were so wrong


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...perhaps they wasted their time polling people who actually live there and failed to account for the bussed-in one-day "residents":

...New Hampshire allows same-day registration at the polls, has no minimum residency period and defines a voter's home as the place where he or she sleeps most nights or intends to return after a temporary absence. The state, not the parties, runs the primary, and changes to residency laws have been hotly contested.

This year, New Hampshire Democrats pushed through a change that some Republicans contend would enable campaigns to bus in people who could cast a ballot and then vote again in their real home states.

"You can vote in New Hampshire without being a resident," said Republican state Sen. Bob Clegg. "You can vote in the primary because you someday may want to live here."

Democratic state Sen. Peter Burling calls such arguments "part of the campaign of fear to restrict people's right to vote."

David Scanlan, New Hampshire's deputy secretary of state, acknowledged the law is ambiguous about prohibiting people from voting in more than one state. But he insisted there are no widespread problems.

"Everybody has the right to vote somewhere," he said. "The question is where that place is."...


Is it really too much to expect that a state wouldn't have loopholes like this someone could drive a truck through and tilt the election?

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Yeah, the Right has a campaign of fear to restrict the people's right to vote. Silly conservatives, thinking that folks need to be legal residents of the state in which they vote, should be able to prove their legality, and such wackiness as to vote only once. Imagine!!

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I've also heard an interesting theory around independents. Because most of the pre-polling was predicting such an easy win for Obama, a lot of the independent vote could have gone to McCain.

On another note, an Obama/McCain ticket would be very strong imo - although I'm not sure how they would reconcile their Iraq differences. Maybe Obama/Biden makes a lot more sense.

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The dems are mad that their new and improved anointed one, Obama had the primary in NH stolen by Hillary.

If you think I'm making it up, check out this post over at DailyKos, and note the accompanying poll on whether the New Hampshire primary was rigged by those evil, Hillary-loving dudes at Diebold.


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Hey, I thought Diebold was under OUR control. When did Hillary get her wicked old paws on them ??

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