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Why are dims so against Privatizing Social Security?

I'm no dem, but what makes you for privatization?

Do you realize how stupid the average American is about the stock market? Do you realize how many would have sold at the recent bottom and wiped out a few years' of retirement income?

If I invest and lose all of my money, what will the government do about me and all like me? Let me starve?

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What few folks understand is that our SSI system is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme, and those who were first in are the only ones who come out in the + side of all this.

Let folks keep their own $$, and put it where they want.

LegalEagle, why should we be forced to pay for your screw ups? Seriously. We may OFFER, out of our own compassion, assistance, but why do you get to use the force of Gov't to take from us, at a pont of a gun, our earnings to give to another ?

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Nothing simple about this question.

But my return "simple question" would be the one that already has been raised: what are you going to do with those who invest poorly - let them rot on the street?

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I must be misinformed about the privatization thing. I thought the government was still going to take and keep the money, however the citizens (hopefully) would each have their withholdings put into an individual account. That money would be invested and grow without any input from the citizen. When they retired or whenever they drew SS, they would withdraw funds from the account set up for them. Is that now how it would work?

If not, and the citizens do make choices with their money, then I guess it would just suck to make bad decisions with that money. That doesn't make me or anyone else a bad person because no one said we wouldn't help them out, but no one or nothing should FORCE me to help them out. Plus, I guarantee it would only take a generation or so to figure it out, and the number of bad decisions would be incredibly low.

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Are you going to force me to save? How much? How will you make me do it? Garnish my wages? *grin*

Where will the money come from to help me in my poverty since I invested in drugs, alcohol, rock & roll and loose wimmen? Tax you to bail me out? Sounds like a plan.

What happens with Social Security once we get over the baby boomer years? Will it not work again then?

We have individual investment opportunities now. They should remain in place along with SS. Those who are wise will invest wisely and retire comfortably. Those who fail to invest or invest and lose will still have SS to fall back on.

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Those who fail to invest or invest and lose will still have SS to fall back on.

Except people my age won't, despite the fact we poured tons of money into it.

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Nothing simple about this question.

But my return "simple question" would be the one that already has been raised: what are you going to do with those who invest poorly - let them rot on the street?


This is what drives me out of my mind with the democrat view. People make poor decisions all the time and have to deal with the consequences. Why does the government feel like they have to step in and control peoples life and hold their hand like little children? Guess what? If the government DIDN"T help, I bet that if someone "invested poorly" they would only do it once..at that time, they would learn from their mistakes and make a "smarter" investment the next time. Instead, if someone invests poorly and they lose some money, they expect the government to bail them out because "it's not fair." I just really don't understand this kind of dependency and non-accountability from the American left...

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Because we are a compassionate country. And some of us believe that it's not enough for just some of us to prosper. "For alongside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga. A belief that we are connected as one people. It's that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper — that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family."

I guess it's the same reason Jesus tried to help the poor.

I'm all for self-reliance and I don't expect the government to solve all our problems. But I do believe in a system of shared responsibility and shared prosperity.

Just a difference in philosophy, that's all.

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Because we are a compassionate country. And some of us believe that it's not enough for just some of us to prosper. "For alongside our famous individualism, there's another ingredient in the American saga. A belief that we are connected as one people. It's that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper — that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams, yet still come together as a single American family."

I guess it's the same reason Jesus tried to help the poor.

I'm all for self-reliance and I don't expect the government to solve all our problems. But I do believe in a system of shared responsibility and shared prosperity.

Just a difference in philosophy, that's all.

No one made Jesus help the poor...

Why shouldn't the people who work the hardest prosper???

And no...it doesn't sound like you are for self-reliance. Your "simple question" was what happens if people make a mistake, let tem rot on the streets? I am all for helping people through tough times...god knows I have needed it...but the question is Why is the government in control (and not very succesful I might add) of peoples money and financial future from start to finish? What part of "self-reliant" is that???

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I have no problem with people prospering from hard work. But also don't think it's wrong to ask the people who have succeeded the most in this environment to give a little more (I'm talking 3-4% or the tax levels of the 90s - which, If I recall were some prosperous times for all).

Let me also go on record by saying that I think that anything that can be done by the private sector, should be done. But, the fact is that there are some things (national defense probably being the best example) that the private sector either can't or won't do.

Privatizing Social Security would be a huge mistake.

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I have no problem with people prospering from hard work. But also don't think it's wrong to ask the people who have succeeded the most in this environment to give a little more (I'm talking 3-4% or the tax levels of the 90s - which, If I recall were some prosperous times for all).

Let me also go on record by saying that I think that anything that can be done by the private sector, should be done. But, the fact is that there are some things (national defense probably being the best example) that the private sector either can't or won't do.

Privatizing Social Security would be a huge mistake.

You didn't answer any of my questions. You must be related to Clinton. You mention that you want self-reliance...and when I ask you how...you simply state that wealthy people should pay more in taxes as if that is the answer to everything. Where we even talking about tax or SS levels? Figures. :no:

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SS - everyone pays tax up to the first 97k they make. Any amount after that is exempt from taxes. I think the wealthy should pay SS tax on more than just the first 97k - problem solved. You guys are so stubborn sometimes.

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Why are dims so against Privatizing Social Security?

Do you realize how stupid the average American is about the stock market? Do you realize how many would have sold at the recent bottom and wiped out a few years' of retirement income?

If I invest and lose all of my money, what will the government do about me and all like me? Let me starve?

All those democrats could opt to leave their monies in the current system couldn't they?

Nothing simple about this question.

But my return "simple question" would be the one that already has been raised: what are you going to do with those who invest poorly - let them rot on the street?

All those democrats could opt to leave their monies in the current system couldn't they?

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Even if all the money were put into government bonds, which yield low but are very safe, the investment would be much better than the current system.

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Even if all the money were put into government bonds, which yield low but are very safe, the investment would be much better than the current system.

So, the government is going to mandate that all investments must be into gov. bonds? How much must I invest? What if I don't want to? Are you garnishing my check? If I have a private business and no check to garnish, will you sell my car or house to get my investment money?

I want answers to this simple question NOW! :roflol:

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The simple question was

Why are dims so against Privatizing Social Security?

Even if all the money were put into government bonds, which yield low but are very safe, the investment would be much better than the current system.

So, the government is going to mandate that all investments must be into gov. bonds? How much must I invest? What if I don't want to? Are you garnishing my check? If I have a private business and no check to garnish, will you sell my car or house to get my investment money?

I want answers to this simple question NOW! :roflol:

Who said anything about the government mandating that all investments must be in govt bonds?

That would be for all those stupid people you referred to earlier. If you fit in that category so be it.

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I'm merely pointing out the facts that show privatization to be a simply stupid idea. I thought you wanted to know the answer to your question.

It's not just Dems who see that it is stupid. If you are too stupid to see how stupid it is then "Run Forrest Run!"

:roflol: "Stupid is as stupid does."

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I'm merely pointing out the facts that show privatization to be a simply stupid idea. I thought you wanted to know the answer to your question.

It's not just Dems who see that it is stupid. If you are too stupid to see how stupid it is then "Run Forrest Run!"

:roflol: "Stupid is as stupid does."

I will say this real slow for the stupid one. Over the years I have made much more with my own investments than I will ever make on the return from "investing" in SS. If you are too stupid to see how stupid your remarks are then go chase an ambulance.

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I'm merely pointing out the facts that show privatization to be a simply stupid idea. I thought you wanted to know the answer to your question.

It's not just Dems who see that it is stupid. If you are too stupid to see how stupid it is then "Run Forrest Run!"

:roflol: "Stupid is as stupid does."

I will say this real slow for the stupid one. Over the years I have made much more with my own investments than I will ever make on the return from "investing" in SS. If you are too stupid to see how stupid your remarks are then go chase an ambulance.

I think we all realize how superior you are to everyone we know. I'm not worried about your finances. It is the rest of us simpletons who lack that superior intellect who also face retirement some day. Not being perfect like you and Jesus, many of us will make mistakes and lose our investments. We will have less than SS would provide. With the streets teaming with the elderly homeless brought about by privatization, what should we do? I know what Hitler would do. What would you do?

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I'm merely pointing out the facts that show privatization to be a simply stupid idea. I thought you wanted to know the answer to your question.

It's not just Dems who see that it is stupid. If you are too stupid to see how stupid it is then "Run Forrest Run!"

:roflol: "Stupid is as stupid does."

I will say this real slow for the stupid one. Over the years I have made much more with my own investments than I will ever make on the return from "investing" in SS. If you are too stupid to see how stupid your remarks are then go chase an ambulance.

I think we all realize how superior you are to everyone we know. I'm not worried about your finances. It is the rest of us simpletons who lack that superior intellect who also face retirement some day. Not being perfect like you and Jesus, many of us will make mistakes and lose our investments. We will have less than SS would provide. With the streets teaming with the elderly homeless brought about by privatization, what should we do? I know what Hitler would do. What would you do?

I'm sure that made you feel much better about yourself but it just proves you are a retard. No offense meant to people with disabilities. You are the one who started the comments about all the stupid people.

Hitler would ask you what should be done since you would be working for him in his propaganda department.

The dimocrat response: The current social security system is great and in not in jeopardy of being completely bankrupt in the near future so don't do a damn thing to fix it. Keep the Ponzi scheme going because Americans are too stupid to know any better or want a better system.

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Why privatize social security?

Same reason you keep healthcare private.

Look at ANY industry run by the goverment and compare it to the private sector.

Who has a better track record with handling money...the government? Or private sector?

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I thought the plan was to allow a percentage of the money to be invested privately. And only certain low risk options would be available. Kind of like an IRA today. When SS is only getting a return of 1.5%, any idiot advocating that it is fine, is just that...AN IDIOT.

I do not think it was ever proposed to go totally private. And it would be voluntary. The money could NOT be withdrawn until you reach a certain age. But it could be willed if you died early. It was a damn good start. But of course, the dims would lose control of the poor.

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