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Pro GUN group endorses Obama,,,,,,


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Information you will NOT get from the MSM. Information you will NOT get from Obama or Hillary.

Some group I've never heard of called the American Hunters and Shooters Association has endorsed Obama. Why would a pro-2nd amendment group endorse a man who would find the District of Columbia's gun ban constitutional ?

Well, they'd endorse him because they are not a pro-2nd amendment organization and neither is Obama As we see repeatedly on the left, when they can't compete on the same playing field, they try to mimic the right — sincerest form of flattery and all that.

The League of Duck-Slaying Moonbats


Well! Who would ever have thought? The American Hunters and Shooters Association has endorsed Barack Obama.

Who they? you may ask. Ignoring your appalling grammar for the moment, the AHSA is a flakey-fakey “gun-rights” organization set up solely to endorse far left entities like Barack Obama so all you beery gun-humping rednecks will think he’s a bit of okay.

It was founded in 2005 by Ray Schoenke, a Kos diarist who, in fairness, really does shoot ducks, apparently. At least, most of his conversations seem to take place in a duck blind. Schoenke has pissed away thousands on Handgun Control, Inc., Americans Coming Together and a dozen of the sleazeballingest Democrats ever to run for public office. So when Schoenke says “nonpartisan” you can be sure he’s just said a word that has four syllables.

The AHSA domain was originally registered to DCS, a Democrat new media operation, but they must have realized that didn’t look good.

Also not looking so good? Having John Rosenthal, once Chairman of the Massachusetts gun-grabbers Stop Handgun Violence, on the board. Under the bus with you, sir! Or, as they put it, “we acknowledge that his active involvement with certain gun control organizations made it very difficult for Mr. Rosenthal to subscribe to and support our policies that at times could be inconsistent with those of a pro-gun hunting and shooting organization.” I haven’t diagrammed a sentence in a real long time, but I’m pretty sure that one is accidentally WAY closer to the truth than they intended.

Their web site reads like somebody sat down of an afternoon and thought, “okay, but what if I really did like guns? What would that sound like?” Or as David Petzel of Field and Stream put it, “Mostly, their position statements are vapid, along the lines of ‘Don’t push old ladies into moving traffic. Don’t set stray dogs on fire.’”

In fact, the web site appears to be all there is to the AHSA. That, and press releases. And it’s working…kind of. US Snooze briefly reported the endorsement with a straight face. The Washington Post did a bit on them, too. I loved this part:

As proof of his gun-toting credentials, Schoenke says he likes nothing better than heading to Maryland’s Eastern Shore and shooting a duck, then cleaning it, cooking it and eating it. “I own guns,” he boasts. “I have guns everywhere.”

I have guns sticking out all over my body. When I open my mouth, guns fall out. On hot Summer days, guns ooze out of my pores. I s*** guns, I swear to god. It’s hard to say which part of murdering a small fluffy animal I like best: the warm, slippery lifeblood pouring over my fingers, or the part where my teeth meet in its throat and the terrified thrashing and kicking get slower…slower…slower.

I love when lefties play pretend ‘winger: they’re so delightfully tone deaf.

Schoenke hopes this macho, carnivorous image will make pro-gun voters more open to accepting “common sense” limits on gun buying. Such changes can’t be so bad, he wants gunners to say, if fellow enthusiasts also support them.

Ch’mere! Ch’mere, rednecks! Gun! Pretty gun! No, no…lookit the gun! No, don’t look at the legislation, lookit the gun!

I’ve heard of these guys before, through the NRA (Schoenke has a massive hate-on for the NRA). Then Jonn of This Ain’t Hell posted about the Obama endorsement a couple of days ago. I went from there to Confederate Yankee to Say Uncle. Lots of stuff out there about them; there’s nothing new here. But it’s important to pile on. The AHSA exists solely to give pro-gun cred to anti-gunners.

That dog won’t hunt.


Then, of course, there is their endorsement record to stand on. In 2006, the AHSA endorsed Claire McCaskill in Missouri for "her strong support for public lands." In both 2004 and 2006, the NRA gave McCaskill an "F" rating for her lack of support for gun owners. The major backers of AHSA also are donors to Handgun Control, Inc.

Putting this all in context: Obama opposes the 2nd amendment, until he ran for President he was always on record opposing the second amendment, but now to give him cover the left is using an anti-2nd amendment group that they are calling a hunters rights group to give Obama cover. Naturally, the media is treating this group as a legitimate organization.

Oh, and Schoenke, the Kossack founder of AHSA, is a regular contributor to Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Ted Kennedy. Do you really want to rely on them to support your 2nd amendment rights? And if they support Obama, can you trust him on gun rights?


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Any true hunter or shooter has already been warned of this org. They created the name so it would look friendly. But instead it's just another arm of the anti-gunners.

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