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Here's one bammer fan's take on Auburn's Recruiting....so far

The Prowler

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Damn drawers. I'm just trying to have a nice, leisurely shark or two with my meal and you're trying to get all tore up.

Okay, you said 101 Rum. Is that dark or clear?

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What's inaccurate?

Are you going to sign Nico Johnson, AJ McCarron, Tana Patrick, DJ Fluker, or Dre Kirkpatrick? Of course not.

What's your point? You've got a good current football team, while we have a a lot of good freshmen. Brag about the recent ownage of Alabama, but leave the recuiting smack along. Your getting your rear end handed to you there.

Based on what? Because some recruiting gurus say so?

Based on the fact that I've talked with every one of those guys and can assure you that none will sign with Auburn. No recruiting guru told me this. It came straight from the horse's mouth. Nico's a good friend of mine.

And this matters to you, why?

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but why wouldn't it matter to me? Recruiting is a big deal with a lot of people.

For the record, I disagree with the 'Bama guys statement. I don't think CTT is thinking he's now forced to sign AIhttp://www.aunation.net/forums/style_images/1/folder_rte_images/italic.gifSA players, but do feel like he sees the writing on the wall when it comes to the state's (and region's) top talent. I'm sure some of the guys that Auburn signed in the past class will go on to have fantastic careers, some possibly even in the NFL, but as of right now... you have to agree that Saban won and is well on his way to doing it again in 2008.

Not bragging, by the way. Just calling it the way I see it. Most of you regular posters know how objective I am. While I love the University of Alabama, I can give props to other programs and criticize my own when I think it's justified.

Wincrimson, you are so talented. I wish I had your ability to talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time. You should be a politician with fence stradling statements like that. And I don't think you are being objective at all.

Well, I am bragging. You have to agree Tuberville has won head to head matchups in games and is well on his way to doing it in 2008. Now what is it that Saban has won? What is he on his way to winning again?

By the way, is there anyone not your friend? And how is it that you are speaking to all these prospects?

There's a difference in Julio Jones (the state's top talent) and AISA players. What I was saying, and I think it was crystal clear, is that while you may not get the Julio's of the world, you won't be forced to sign private school prospects.

Not all private school players are weak, mind you. One former AISA player is a quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs.

How do I talk to these prospects? I always meet up with my friend, Nico, when he comes to Tuscaloosa. It's nothing that unbelievable.

Here's that patented bammer arrogance that is so rampant in your fan base. Exactly how do you even get that over inflated ego in bed with you at night? The "you may not get the Julio's of the world, you won't be forced to sign private school prospects." just smacks of that total bammer arrogance. Exactly what makes you think we can't or won't sign TOP players? Exactly what makes you THINK that julio is anything? What has he done at the college level? NOTHING. Why do you uaters think you are so above everybody else? There is a reason that uat signed the top recruiting class ( read POTENTIAL nothing else) in the country while being mired in mediocrity for years. No that reason is not the overpaid 5th choice HC. There is no other reason anybody other than a liftetime uater would want to be a part of that mediocre program. None.

Now, a few tidbits of true info. 1. uat historically signs more state players than auburn. 2. with 2007 being very abnormal, the state of alabama is generally very average on in state talent. 3. Auburn has recruiting pipelines at brentwood academy (tennessee) and Dillard High School (florida) as well as bringing in TONS from Georgia. 4. Those players that are brought in from Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida to play at auburn are better talents than anything in the state of alabama, with a few minor exceptions. 5. Auburn has won 50 games on the last 5 years while signing those players from Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida.

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Lets just play ball.

As far as Landsharks, try a Loaded Landshark. Pour out the 1st ounce of beer, replace with 101 Rum.


He can stay. B)

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

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Damn drawers. I'm just trying to have a nice, leisurely shark or two with my meal and you're trying to get all tore up.

Okay, you said 101 Rum. Is that dark or clear?

You are so easy Esquire...could you atleast TRY and play a little hard to get?

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Wincrimson is pretty full of his britches for a 17-20 year old.

Such a big time insider with so much knowledge at an age where most kids are still trying to get to class and or make a living. This kid has a lot of insights. Someone should let Saban know that he has a kid stalking him.

Btw, a 19 won't qualify him to play at Auburn. So he is a Non Qual for Auburn. Having higher acedemic standards for its students makes it a bit harder to compete for the Kids who can't achieve over a 20 on their ACT but can really catch a ball and witness murders with great recolection while being unable to figure out which college they commited to.

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There are rumors going around the Rivals network that AJ McCarron is going to officially commit to the Bammers next Saturday. I am sure wincrimson and the rest of the Bammers will be over here beating their chest about that. As I said earlier, I have heard Auburn stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin was hired as Auburn's offensive coordinator. I am not sure very many Auburn fans really care where AJ McCarron winds up.

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Wincrimson is pretty full of his britches for a 17-20 year old.

Such a big time insider with so much knowledge at an age where most kids are still trying to get to class and or make a living. This kid has a lot of insights. Someone should let Saban know that he has a kid stalking him.

Btw, a 19 won't qualify him to play at Auburn. So he is a Non Qual for Auburn. Having higher acedemic standards for its students makes it a bit harder to compete for the Kids who can't achieve over a 20 on their ACT but can really catch a ball and witness murders with great recolection while being unable to figure out which college they commited to.

Who said I'm a "big time insider" outside of yourself? For the record, I do go to class and make a living. I also don't stalk Nick Saban, though I do appreciate your concern.

Your last sentence makes no sense. Not only is the last paragraph a grammatical train wreck, but it reeks of racism. For a kid whose tongue has never tasted alcohol and fingers have never held a cigarette, you hurl a generalization that he's witnessing murders? Stay classy.

There are rumors going around the Rivals network that AJ McCarron is going to officially commit to the Bammers next Saturday. I am sure wincrimson and the rest of the Bammers will be over here beating their chest about that.

Why would I beat my chest about his commitment? Have I ever beat my chest about getting a particular recruit? No, sir.

It's true that AU is no longer interested in him, though they haven't withdrawn their scholly offer. He just doesn't fit the new system.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Oh really? based on what? because you say so? That's just laughable. Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans. That is quite possibly the most ignorant post on the board this year. 1 year of PAPER success doesn't mean it will stay that way, nor does it mean anything until Aug-Nov when those kids have to take the field. Continue to embrace the potential. We know its all you have. Our classes have been just fine since tuberville got here, and if you think we can never out recruit uat again, that's just got to be the most arrogant and ignorant statement I've ever seen here. I mean, thats right up there with the posts of your fellow uat fans, bammerperry and baby grid congrats.

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Your last sentence makes no sense. Not only is the last paragraph a grammatical train wreck, but it reeks of racism. For a kid whose tongue has never tasted alcohol and fingers have never held a cigarette, you hurl a generalization that he's witnessing murders? Stay classy.

I was referencing Julio Jones as he was brought up in this thread earlier. All the hints like witnessing a murder, forgetting which college he signed with, and catching balls would make the jab obvious. You said we wouldn't get the Julio Jones of the state and thats where my comment stemmed.

There's a difference in Julio Jones (the state's top talent) and AISA players. What I was saying, and I think it was crystal clear, is that while you may not get the Julio's of the world, you won't be forced to sign private school prospects.

I would say you should read more into the post before climbing to the moral high ground to begin taking your shots.

And racism, son, watch your mouth. I have never and will never tolerate being called a racist. You don't know me and made many assumptions in your reaching response to color what I said the way you desired it to sound. Watch how you intereact with people. I was speaking directly of someone who had these issues and their color wasn't a factor outside of what you may want to project onto the issue.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

I look down on you and hear what you're saying. Now go get me a bourbon and coke.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

yeah, ok shire...whatever makes you sleep at night. The difference is what I feel about uat and its idiot fans I say here. I don't run off to uat boards proclaiming my thoughts and feelings about your university or fans. But we have to deal with uat fans here that are always claiming some vast superiority to us on our board. When you see me post anything anywhere regarding what I think about uat or its fans on a uat board, you be sure and call me out on it, ok? I can guarantee that you will never see me post on a uat board in any way, shape, or form. I have no need to lower my iq points by visiting a uat site. While I am here, however, I will continue to say how much I hate uat and its fans and their arrogance. Don't like it? Too bad.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

yeah, ok shire...whatever makes you sleep at night. The difference is what I feel about uat and its idiot fans I say here. I don't run off to uat boards proclaiming my thoughts and feelings about your university or fans. But we have to deal with uat fans here that are always claiming some vast superiority to us on our board. When you see me post anything anywhere regarding what I think about uat or its fans on a uat board, you be sure and call me out on it, ok? I can guarantee that you will never see me post on a uat board in any way, shape, or form. I have no need to lower my iq points by visiting a uat site. While I am here, however, I will continue to say how much I hate uat and its fans and their arrogance. Don't like it? Too bad.

I think you misunderstood. Every fan base has a group of people who are arrogant and have an air of superiority...I guess I worded it wrong. There are definately Auburn fans who do exactly as you described above. And...reread your post...you basically couldn't sound like more of an arrogant tool if you tried...pot meet kettle.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

yeah, ok shire...whatever makes you sleep at night. The difference is what I feel about uat and its idiot fans I say here. I don't run off to uat boards proclaiming my thoughts and feelings about your university or fans. But we have to deal with uat fans here that are always claiming some vast superiority to us on our board. When you see me post anything anywhere regarding what I think about uat or its fans on a uat board, you be sure and call me out on it, ok? I can guarantee that you will never see me post on a uat board in any way, shape, or form. I have no need to lower my iq points by visiting a uat site. While I am here, however, I will continue to say how much I hate uat and its fans and their arrogance. Don't like it? Too bad.

I think you misunderstood. Every fan base has a group of people who are arrogant and have an air of superiority...I guess I worded it wrong. There are definately Auburn fans who do exactly as you described above. And...reread your post...you basically couldn't sound like more of an arrogant tool if you tried...pot meet kettle.

Again, when you see me post anything about my feelings concerning uat on a uat board get back to me, k?

Hold your breath.....

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

yeah, ok shire...whatever makes you sleep at night. The difference is what I feel about uat and its idiot fans I say here. I don't run off to uat boards proclaiming my thoughts and feelings about your university or fans. But we have to deal with uat fans here that are always claiming some vast superiority to us on our board. When you see me post anything anywhere regarding what I think about uat or its fans on a uat board, you be sure and call me out on it, ok? I can guarantee that you will never see me post on a uat board in any way, shape, or form. I have no need to lower my iq points by visiting a uat site. While I am here, however, I will continue to say how much I hate uat and its fans and their arrogance. Don't like it? Too bad.

I think you misunderstood. Every fan base has a group of people who are arrogant and have an air of superiority...I guess I worded it wrong. There are definately Auburn fans who do exactly as you described above. And...reread your post...you basically couldn't sound like more of an arrogant tool if you tried...pot meet kettle.

Again, when you see me post anything about my feelings concerning uat on a uat board get back to me, k?

Hold your breath.....

Your reading comprehension is terrible. I couldn't care less that you don't post on UA boards...you're still a hypocritical, arrogant ass.

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From what I understand, Auburn pretty much stopped recruiting AJ McCarron once Tony Franklin became Auburn's offensive coordinator. Most Auburn fans probably don't care where AJ McCarron winds up. Nico Johnson probably will commit to Bammer, but I have heard rumors that he could have problems actually getting into school. I don't know if wincrimson knows anything about Nico Johnson's academic situation or not.

Nico just found out that he made a 19 on the ACT the other day. He's also got an overall B average in school.

He'll be a full qualifier.

-edit- WarTiger, I don't think Auburn will find a hard time in getting solid talent. They may not have the glorious high school accolades, but you'll get your fair share of future pros. I'm not doubting that, regardless of what anyone says. You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

Again, uat arrogance at its best and I prime example of why we hate uat and its fans.

Why do you guys think we hate you guys so much? Arrogance and an air of superiority go with football like cheese and grits. Every fan base has them....they just refuse to see it in themselves.

yeah, ok shire...whatever makes you sleep at night. The difference is what I feel about uat and its idiot fans I say here. I don't run off to uat boards proclaiming my thoughts and feelings about your university or fans. But we have to deal with uat fans here that are always claiming some vast superiority to us on our board. When you see me post anything anywhere regarding what I think about uat or its fans on a uat board, you be sure and call me out on it, ok? I can guarantee that you will never see me post on a uat board in any way, shape, or form. I have no need to lower my iq points by visiting a uat site. While I am here, however, I will continue to say how much I hate uat and its fans and their arrogance. Don't like it? Too bad.

I think you misunderstood. Every fan base has a group of people who are arrogant and have an air of superiority...I guess I worded it wrong. There are definately Auburn fans who do exactly as you described above. And...reread your post...you basically couldn't sound like more of an arrogant tool if you tried...pot meet kettle.

Again, when you see me post anything about my feelings concerning uat on a uat board get back to me, k?

Hold your breath.....

Your reading comprehension is terrible. I couldn't care less that you don't post on UA boards...you're still a hypocritical, arrogant ass.

:roflol::roflol: First of all loser, the post that started all of this was by one of your own ilk with a ridiculous assumption that embodied the very arrogance that uat and its fans portray at EVERY turn. Now, this may get difficult for you so stay with me....ready? My post was in response to HIS post, not anything from you. I have absolutely no idea how you figure me as an arrogant tool because I hate everything uat and despise its fan base. I know every fan base has them, but that is not my point. What you can't seem to get through your water brain is that the point I'm trying to make is this: I'm keeping my feelings about uat HERE on an AUBURN BOARD. That is the ONLY thing I'm trying to point out. It's the uat fans such as yourself and others that are on an AUBURN board claiming this vast superiority to us.

If you uaters want to believe you are superior to the rest of the football world, and will never lose at anything to anybody, then do it with your own kind. It's a win, win situation for everybody.

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To be completely honest, I'm not claiming superiority. How could I when we've lost seven of the last eight?

While I am feeling good about the direction in which we're headed, winning the recruiting battle doesn't equal wins and championships.

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You're not going to out recruit Alabama, but as of right now you own us so I don't see a reason to brag too much...

It's good to have personal opinions. Certainly no fact here.

Actually the last part of his sentence is very factual :cheer:

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