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Here's one bammer fan's take on Auburn's Recruiting....so far

The Prowler

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I think it's funny that the Auburn fans on this board:

In January : "Recruiting is not over yet, signing day is in February. Lots of time to turn things around. Commitments are non-binding. There are some big time names out there that we have a great shot at and will likely get. So we have to remember to keep these guys in our minds."

In April / May : "We have all the recruits so far this recruiting season. Bama has few big named athletes, but they haven't commited yet, so they don't count!"

The fact that this thread is about recruiting and the future and yet the Auburn folks want to turn this into "What has Saban done on the field so far?"

Fact is: According to the recruiting gurus, Bama is whooping Auburn in recruiting since Saban has gotten here (yes, we may be "ahead" of them now, but you know Bama is going to get some great talent that haven't committed yet, but they mine as well do so). Saban is doing a better job than Tuberville in regards to the top athletes according to the gurus. Whether or not that means it will produce the expected results in the future is yet to be seen. But the expectations alone are that Alabama should be better than Auburn in 2-3 years.

Why doesn't everybody accept the fact that Bama is going to out recruit Auburn according to the gurus out there and that Auburn will get decent players and try to find some diamonds in the dirt while on the way there.

I also find it funny and ironic that last season we didn't get many big named athletes and everyone was like "we don't need the big named athletes - CTT goes after character and not magazines", but this season we have received a few and interest from some others and everyone is like "It's good to see things changing around already."

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I think it's funny that the Auburn fans on this board:

In January : "Recruiting is not over yet, signing day is in February. Lots of time to turn things around. Commitments are non-binding. There are some big time names out there that we have a great shot at and will likely get. So we have to remember to keep these guys in our minds."

In April / May : "We have all the recruits so far this recruiting season. Bama has few big named athletes, but they haven't commited yet, so they don't count!"

The fact that this thread is about recruiting and the future and yet the Auburn folks want to turn this into "What has Saban done on the field so far?"

Fact is: According to the recruiting gurus, Bama is whooping Auburn in recruiting since Saban has gotten here (yes, we may be "ahead" of them now, but you know Bama is going to get some great talent that haven't committed yet, but they mine as well do so). Saban is doing a better job than Tuberville in regards to the top athletes according to the gurus. Whether or not that means it will produce the expected results in the future is yet to be seen. But the expectations alone are that Alabama should be better than Auburn in 2-3 years.

Why doesn't everybody accept the fact that Bama is going to out recruit Auburn according to the gurus out there and that Auburn will get decent players and try to find some diamonds in the dirt while on the way there.

I also find it funny and ironic that last season we didn't get many big named athletes and everyone was like "we don't need the big named athletes - CTT goes after character and not magazines", but this season we have received a few and interest from some others and everyone is like "It's good to see things changing around already."

With Saban at Bama, they are going to get high-ranked recruiting classes. Saban works his ASS OFF in recruiting and it pays off. He always has and he completely turned around LSU recruiting wise, imo, and I am saying that KNOWING that DiNardo had his ESPN Ranked #1 recruiting class in '96 I believe it was.

Now, where does that leave Auburn. I think that AU will just adapt. I know that sound really vague but I don't know exactly what will happen. If AU is forced to recruit cities they usually don't, I think they will. If AU recruits Georgia more, I think they CAN and they will. Listen, Tubs and AU won't be shut out from getting consistent Top 20-25 classes if they continue winning. They just won't.

Beating Alabama AGAIN next year will only help AU come recruiting time.

I didn't think the UA/AU game last year was as big as some thought but I do believe that the UA/AU game could go a LONG, LONG way towards Saban's tenure at Alabama

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Year before last, Auburn had one of the best recruiting classes in the country. From the looks of the what happened this past year and the number of true freshmen that played big time roles and took over several starting positions, I'd put it up against any in the country. This year, with 8 verbals right out of the gate, many of which are flat out studs, CTT is right back on track. This program is loaded and only getting better.

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Alabama has usually drawn most of the top players in state. Auburn does well in Georgia and Florida.

I didn't know that this was news.

See BG, this argument in this thread is a perfect example of the inconsistent rambling, and chest thumping that comes from your crimson bretheren.

One day it's recruiting national championships and how we're dominating the state. The next day, it's we did good in the state, but Auburn does well in Georgia and Florida. The next day Auburn has five in state commitments, Alabama has 3, but it doesn't matter anymore. It matters today. It doesn't matter today. I like crack. I really don't like crack. Recruits like spring games. Recruits get that spring games don't show much. Recruits know that recruits know that spring games kick ass as long as you have 70K at them. 70K doesn't really mean anything. It means a lot though. It matters that Auburn has six in a row. It doesn't matter that Auburn has won anything in the past. It doesn't matter because Alabama's going to win next year. Auburn will probably win next year. Saban is a good coach. Saban is not very good on the field as a tactician. He's a great on the field general. He's terrible in the press. Saban handles the press beautifully. I prefer rocky road ice cream after a good lashing from coach. Coach doesn't give ice cream, he deals car washing duties. Car washing is bulls*it. Ice cream is yummy. I don't like ice cream. We will continue to dominate the state in recruiting. Auburn is right there this year. Auburn doesn't have a chance. Roll Tide. Roll Tide Roll. Tide Roll Roll. Rammer Jammer.

Jammer Rammer lammer lammer ding dong.

Just shoot me in the head now.

That's the best post I have ever seen on this board. :roflol:

:roflol::roflol::roflol::roflol: :roflol:

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