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John Hagee: Part III


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WASHINGTON - John Hagee, an influential Texas televangelist who endorsed John McCain, apologized to Catholics Tuesday for his stinging criticism of the Roman Catholic Church and for having "emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholic and Protestant relations with the Jews."

Hagee's support for McCain has drawn cries of outrage from some Catholic leaders who have called on McCain to reject Hagee's endorsement. The likely Republican nominee has said he does not agree with some of Hagee's past comments, but did not reject his support.

In a letter to William Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights, Hagee wrote: "Out of a desire to advance a greater unity among Catholics and evangelicals in promoting the common good, I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful."

Donohue, one of Hagee's sharpest critics, said he accepted the apology and planned to meet with Hagee Thursday in New York.

"I got what I wanted," Donohue said in an interview. "He's seen the light, as they like to say. So for me it's over."

The controversy had threatened to pursue McCain throughout the campaign, potentially hurting his standing with Catholic voters. A narrow majority of Roman Catholics voted for President Bush in 2004 and for Al Gore in 2000, critical votes in close elections.

The letter came after Hagee met Friday for lunch in a French restaurant in downtown Washington with 22 influential religious activists, virtually all of them Catholics.

Hagee has cited the Inquisition and the Crusades as evidence of anti-Semitism within the Catholic church and has suggested that Catholic anti-Semitism shaped Adolf Hitler's views of Jews.

"In my zeal to oppose anti-Semitism and bigotry in all its ugly forms, I have often emphasized the darkest chapters in the history of Catholics and Protestant relations with the Jews," Hagee wrote. "In the process, I may have contributed to the mistaken impression that the anti-Jewish violence of the Crusades and the Inquisition defines the Catholic Church. It most certainly does not."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

The remarkable 2 1/2-page letter was no doubt inspired by the political storm Hagee's endorsement caused. Hagee leads a San Antonio, Texas, megachurch with a congregation in the tens of thousands. He has an even wider television audience.

When he endorsed McCain in late February, Donohue and other Catholic leaders demanded that McCain repudiate him. The Democratic National Committee also weighed in, highlighting Hagee's remarks over the years.

Some commentators even likened Hagee's affect on McCain to the controversy Democrat Barack Obama faced as a result of the views expressed by his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

McCain initially embraced Hagee's endorsement, eager to reach out to religious voters by securing the support of a prominent Christian conservative. But he was soon forced to put some distance with Hagee.

"Any comments that he made about the Catholic Church I strongly condemn, of course," he said during an April appearance on ABC's "This Week."

Campaigning in North Bend, Wash., McCain on Tuesday said Hagee's apology was "very helpful."

"Whenever somebody apologizes for something they did wrong, then I think that that's a laudable thing to do," he said.

Asked if he or his campaign played a role in brokering Hagee's letter, McCain simply said: "I certainly wasn't."

During the early primaries, McCain won strong support from Catholic voters. But Hagee threatened to become an issue heading into the general election.

Hagee is no stranger to provocative remarks. On National Public Radio in 2006, he said Hurricane Katrina was God's judgment because "New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God." He has written that the feminist movement represents "a rebellion against God's pattern for the family." On Tuesday, the Democratic National Committee said that considering those and other comments McCain still should renounce Hagee's endorsement.

But Donohue said Hagee, by offering his apology now, may have defused a potential problem from the Arizona senator.

"Had this happened after Labor Day I think it would have been an insurmountable problem for McCain to reach out to Catholics," Donohue said. "Now, with this behind him, I think the raised eyebrows in the Catholic community will begin to normalize."

In a statement posted in the Catholic League's Web site, Donohue added: "What Hagee has done takes courage and quite frankly I never expected him to demonstrate such sensitivity to our concerns."


Whether you like the guy or not, this is far more of a positive step than Jeremiah Wright ever took for the parts of his sermons that went over the line.

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Sorry, Titan. His "apology" is akin to me slapping you in the face and saying, "I'm sorry that you feel offended."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

This is a backpeddaling lie. In the video clip he specifically says, "The Roman Church." And the phrase The Whore of Babylon is the one Evangelicals always equate with the Catholic Church. For him to claim a lack of understanding is BS.

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I don't think it's a "sorry you feel offended" apology at all. He said "Out of a desire to advance a greater unity among Catholics and evangelicals in promoting the common good, I want to express my deep regret for any comments that Catholics have found hurtful." He went on to say that his comments emphasized the darkest moments of the Catholic Church but that "...I may have contributed to the mistaken impression that the anti-Jewish violence of the Crusades and the Inquisition defines the Catholic Church. It most certainly does not."

That's a far cry from I'm sorry if you got offended.

Whether he understood the ways in which those terms are used in full or not, I don't know. I've heard "Whore of Babylon" in eschatalogical talk many times during my life in dispensational, "Left Behind" type teaching on the end times. It's not always code for the Catholic Church. In fact, most of the times I've heard it that wasn't what the person was referring to, though I know that it is a term bandied about by some of the hard core rapture watchers. The point is, he's emphasizing now that he is not equating the Catholic Church with those terms. And he sat down and met with 20 something Catholic leaders and heard them out. Doesn't sound like some mindless religious bigot to me.

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Sorry, Titan. His "apology" is akin to me slapping you in the face and saying, "I'm sorry that you feel offended."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

This is a backpeddaling lie. In the video clip he specifically says, "The Roman Church." And the phrase The Whore of Babylon is the one Evangelicals always equate with the Catholic Church. For him to claim a lack of understanding is BS.

Last time I checked, there's not a direct quote from Jesus Christ denouncing the Catholic church as the "great whore." Plenty of things in the bible are left for liberal interpretation and this is one of those things. We'll just have to wait & see.

Everyone's religious beliefs are there own & so be it. The world would be a better place if everyone weren't so wrapped up in picking their neighbors religious beliefs apart. You focus on yours & I'll worry about mine.

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Sorry, Titan. His "apology" is akin to me slapping you in the face and saying, "I'm sorry that you feel offended."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

This is a backpeddaling lie. In the video clip he specifically says, "The Roman Church." And the phrase The Whore of Babylon is the one Evangelicals always equate with the Catholic Church. For him to claim a lack of understanding is BS.

Last time I checked, there's not a direct quote from Jesus Christ denouncing the Catholic church as the "great whore." Plenty of things in the bible are left for liberal interpretation and this is one of those things. We'll just have to wait & see.

Everyone's religious beliefs are there own & so be it. The world would be a better place if everyone weren't so wrapped up in picking their neighbors religious beliefs apart. You focus on yours & I'll worry about mine.

I don't think I said Jesus said that, did I?

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Sorry, Titan. His "apology" is akin to me slapping you in the face and saying, "I'm sorry that you feel offended."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

This is a backpeddaling lie. In the video clip he specifically says, "The Roman Church." And the phrase The Whore of Babylon is the one Evangelicals always equate with the Catholic Church. For him to claim a lack of understanding is BS.

Last time I checked, there's not a direct quote from Jesus Christ denouncing the Catholic church as the "great whore." Plenty of things in the bible are left for liberal interpretation and this is one of those things. We'll just have to wait & see.

Everyone's religious beliefs are there own & so be it. The world would be a better place if everyone weren't so wrapped up in picking their neighbors religious beliefs apart. You focus on yours & I'll worry about mine.

I don't think I said Jesus said that, did I?

Well you sure seem to be siding with the fact that's what everyone always equates it with. It's not like you have to worry about McCain taking office & making some radical sweep to convert the entire nation to Catholicism.

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Just for the record, listening to John Hagee preach makes me want to stab my ears with an ice pick. I don't like his theology pretty much at all. I don't buy the dispensationalist end times stuff or the other huffing and puffing he does. If my only choices in churches were to become Catholic or join a church like Hagee's, I'd be buying a rosary tomorrow without hesitation. But as bumbling as he can be, I think he was sincere.

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Just FYI, McCain is going to be on Ellen Degeneres on Thursdays episode. I'm sure he's probably going to seek spiritual advice from her too. Better watch out!! At this point, it's all about the endorsements & the supporters that follow those endorsers. Whatever it takes to get votes.

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Al, I go to an evangelical church and I have never heard my pastor, nor anybody in our Bible study groups say they think the Catholic Church is the "great whore" as spoken about in Revelations. We have talked about how we have heard others say that, but to say it is a regular teaching by evangelicals is a bit exaggerated.

I do admit that there are too many that hear something and then just believe it without studying themselves, because if they did read the scriptures better, then the "great whore" spoken of in Revelations is more then likely not a church that millions of are already a member of. It is going to be a church that deflects totally from the belief of the death and resurrection of Christ. Even with the issues I have with Catholicism, it is religion about the resurrection and salvations of Christ Jesus, so it would be hard for the anti-Christ to support and build up a church that recognizes anybody but him as the savior. The church that the False Prophet creates for the anti-Christ more then likely will not resemble any one pre-rapture major religious denomination.

Anyway, you've done messed up now Al. You have awakened the fiery Blonde Wasabi and have her posting in the political forum now. Everybody run for cover!

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Sorry, Titan. His "apology" is akin to me slapping you in the face and saying, "I'm sorry that you feel offended."

Hagee has often made references to "the apostate church" and the "great whore," terms that Catholics say are slurs aimed at the Roman Catholic Church. In his letter, Hagee said he now better understood that his use of those descriptions, taken from the Book of Revelations, are "a rhetorical device long employed in anti-Catholic literature and commentary."

He stressed that in his use, "neither of these phrases can be synonymous with the Catholic Church."

This is a backpeddaling lie. In the video clip he specifically says, "The Roman Church." And the phrase The Whore of Babylon is the one Evangelicals always equate with the Catholic Church. For him to claim a lack of understanding is BS.

Last time I checked, there's not a direct quote from Jesus Christ denouncing the Catholic church as the "great whore." Plenty of things in the bible are left for liberal interpretation and this is one of those things. We'll just have to wait & see.

Everyone's religious beliefs are there own & so be it. The world would be a better place if everyone weren't so wrapped up in picking their neighbors religious beliefs apart. You focus on yours & I'll worry about mine.

I don't think I said Jesus said that, did I?

Well you sure seem to be siding with the fact that's what everyone always equates it with. It's not like you have to worry about McCain taking office & making some radical sweep to convert the entire nation to Catholicism.

I have no idea what your first sentence means.

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The Rev Wright has yet to apologize to anyone for anything he's said.

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