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Props are due to three AUN members...

Tiger Al

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First, for being the first member to post the name 'Barack Obama'. The winner is...

We, in Illinois, will make history be voting in the 5th American of African Heritage into the U.S. Senate. Both, John Kerry and Barack Obama will both go to Washington D.C. one as a Senator and the other as an ELECTED President of the United States of America.

"liars shall not enter into the Kingdom of God."

Obama's child can speak better than Bush, and she's only two years-old. How about that gene pool, huh? Harvard and Columbia law school grad. Obama actually studied, whereas, Dubya can't even speak in complete sentences without having to take a snort.

His prediction, sadly, was only half right! :)

Second, for most prophetic pawning-The Background:

I think the big tent analogy will go away as soon as Rice, Thomas, Keyes, or Powell are finally recognized as real people.

Name me one black Democrat that has a real chance of winning the White House in the next 12 years. There are none.

I just named 4 for the Republicans.

As far as for the Latinos, the Bush family itself is interacially married with Latinos and the Pres is fluent in Spanish himself.

You named one, and he ain't running. And if he did, he would never pass the Republican litmus test, even for VP-- he's pro-choice and pro-affirmative action. And BTW, none of them have ever been elected to anything, except maybe homeroom representative.

Next twelve years? Dem possibilities include Barak Obama and Harold Ford, Jr. There are 38 other black congressmen and congresswomen, all Dems. Like most in Congress, they don't have great odds at being President, but their odds are probably better than those of the nonexistent black Republicans in Congress.

And...the Pawning:

Typical Democrat: :yes:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1=4 not 1 :rolleyes:

Get upto speed with the Republicans Dude.


I will give you Ford and no other. Thanks for playing...

The rest you talk about are really just like Julian Bond, Kweisi Mfume, et al. IE Democratic Party House N@#$$%rs. You know those are the ones allowed to hang out around the white folks that run the Dem Party, but not actually particicpate.

Hang out in the White House and not participate? Sounds like Powell at a Cabinet meeting. Do you really think Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas could be elected President? Arsenio Hall and Clarence Clemons have a better chance. I used to think Bush would dump Cheney and pick Condi. If he gets really desperate he still might, but as THE candidate, she would bomb on the campaign trail.

You may not know who Barak Obama is...but you will.

TexasTiger, you lose 1 style point, though, for misspelling 'Barack!' :big:

And third, the first Conservative to give Obama props goes to...

I did watch a good portion last night. Barack Obama was a very good speaker. And if he really believes the things he was saying, he seems like a very decent man and a breath of fresh air coming from the Dems. His positions on abortion and some other things would probably prevent me from voting for him if I had the opportunity, though.

Good post, Titan! :thumbsup:

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Dang! I didnt know Obama had already won the Presidency. Shows what I know. ;)

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Dang! I didnt know Obama had already won the Presidency. Shows what I know. ;)

No it doesn't. What did you say...

Name me one black Democrat that has a real chance of winning the White House in the next 12 years.

I'd say Obama qualifies as having a 'real chance' doesn't he?

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Second, for most prophetic pawning-The Background:

I think the big tent analogy will go away as soon as Rice, Thomas, Keyes, or Powell are finally recognized as real people.

Name me one black Democrat that has a real chance of winning the White House in the next 12 years. There are none.

I just named 4 for the Republicans.

As far as for the Latinos, the Bush family itself is interacially married with Latinos and the Pres is fluent in Spanish himself.

You named one, and he ain't running. And if he did, he would never pass the Republican litmus test, even for VP-- he's pro-choice and pro-affirmative action. And BTW, none of them have ever been elected to anything, except maybe homeroom representative.

Next twelve years? Dem possibilities include Barak Obama and Harold Ford, Jr. There are 38 other black congressmen and congresswomen, all Dems. Like most in Congress, they don't have great odds at being President, but their odds are probably better than those of the nonexistent black Republicans in Congress.

And...the Pawning:

Typical Democrat: :yes:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1=4 not 1 :rolleyes:

Get upto speed with the Republicans Dude.


I will give you Ford and no other. Thanks for playing...

The rest you talk about are really just like Julian Bond, Kweisi Mfume, et al. IE Democratic Party House N@#$$%rs. You know those are the ones allowed to hang out around the white folks that run the Dem Party, but not actually particicpate.

Hang out in the White House and not participate? Sounds like Powell at a Cabinet meeting. Do you really think Alan Keyes and Clarence Thomas could be elected President? Arsenio Hall and Clarence Clemons have a better chance. I used to think Bush would dump Cheney and pick Condi. If he gets really desperate he still might, but as THE candidate, she would bomb on the campaign trail.

You may not know who Barak Obama is...but you will.

TexasTiger, you lose 1 style point, though, for misspelling 'Barack!' :big:

Oh well, I can spell it now. I was thinking about this discussion a few weeks ago. The dude's ahead of schedule! B)

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