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Karlos Dansby


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In tonight's NFL game of the Colts vs. the Cardinals, when they show the players introducing themselves with that quick video clip stating their name and their school, Karlos didn't say Auburn, he said some high school. I couldn't believe it. Kinda pissed me off with that lack of love for his old school. WTF? :no::thumbsdown: Has anyone else noticed him doing that?

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It might have been him that done it last year, there was a thread last year about someone on a monday night game. The reason supposedly is a mentor thing for youths in their community.

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It's nothing against Auburn; I believe the formal reason for him doing this is that Woodlawn High School is not well known in any facet, and is also not a force in any athletic activity as of recently. Therefore, he wants to send a message to the youth on that school that they can make something of themselves if they put forth effort.

I don't see it as a big deal as I believe other NFL players do similiar things on occasion.

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I guess I care. I can see him helping out the kids at his old high school. That's an easy way to help out. It'd be sweet if they let him say both schools. I've noticed other players saying their high school too, but in some cases, I thought it was players coming out directly from high school. But I don't think that really happens in the NFL. It does in the NBA and MLB. But for MLB, they have a minor league system that takes care of them. But I digress.

I must have missed the thread from last year. You can see from my post count, I don't post often. I'm not here as often as I'd like to be either.

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He has talked about it before on Jox radio. He is VERY involved in the community where he grew up and he has always said Woodlawn as a way to show the kids that you can go from there and do great things and be someone without doing drugs. He gives a lot of money and support to the area and the kids and does it for them. They need it more than Auburn does. But he certainly has no bad feelings towards AU since he comes back yearly.

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We need to put this somewhere where everyone can see it the next time Dansby plays in Prime Time. This will come up again and we someone will be angry over such.

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He's a big boy and is free to say whatever, but he can't say so & so high school and Auburn Univ? as if our public & media relations wasn't zero already. This is not minor stuff folks, a star NFL player mentioning he went to AU on nat'l coverage is HUGE for recruits watching the tube. Unlike chearleading boots...

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Yeah, we had this thread last year about Dansby. As has been already said Dansby is very involved with his old highschool which is not very well know and he says this all the time for the benefit of his highschool. I know we all want him to say "Auburn", but I think the reason why he says his high school's name shows why he is an Auburn guy.

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i wish he said auburn too, but woodlawn is a very very rough area of birmingham for those of you not familiar. i am glad to see someone that rose out of a difficult place like that and has made something of himself and now wants to help other kids too. as someone above said, i think that shows that he is an AU man.

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Sorry I brought it up. I didn't know. Like I said, I don't read here as often as I would like. I used to live near B'ham, and work near Woodlawn. I used to work at Century Plaza when I was in high school. That was right near Woodlawn, IIRC (including what we called Gate City back then). Let's close this thread.

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When did the AU Majorettes stop wearing boots???

Save the boots???


Running away.........

This did not go unnoticed. A caravan of rabid squirrels will now invade your attic unless you take it back.

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In tonight's NFL game of the Colts vs. the Cardinals, when they show the players introducing themselves with that quick video clip stating their name and their school, Karlos didn't say Auburn, he said some high school. I couldn't believe it. Kinda pissed me off with that lack of love for his old school. WTF? :no::thumbsdown: Has anyone else noticed him doing that?

He's always done it. It's no big deal. Lots of guys say their high school. I've heard some say their Jr. High and even their Pop Warner team.

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When did the AU Majorettes stop wearing boots???

Save the boots???


Running away.........

This did not go unnoticed. A caravan of rabid squirrels will now invade your attic unless you take it back.

I'll take it back when the football team dresses in all Orange!

The horse is dust. Not just dead, but total dust to dust..... "ashes to ashes, funk to funky, we know Major Tom's a junkie"-David Bowie

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Yes he was a great player. One play that sticks in my head was during an Iron Bowl game where he covered the QB and running back on an option play and made the tackle on the running back after the pitch. It was a thing of beauty.

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The play that sticks out in my mind is the 2001 Florida game, where Rex Grossman overthrew the receiver, and KD took it and returned it 18 yards. I was there and that was one of our great wins.

Also, some of you probably know this, but I just wiki'd Woodlawn and learned that Bobby Bowden went to high school there too, finishing in the mid-1940's (1946?).

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The play that sticks out in my mind is the 2001 Florida game, where Rex Grossman overthrew the receiver, and KD took it and returned it 18 yards. I was there and that was one of our great wins.

Also, some of you probably know this, but I just wiki'd Woodlawn and learned that Bobby Bowden went to high school there too, finishing in the mid-1940's (1946?).

So now Dansby loves FSU? hehe

Here is hands down Dansby's BEST collegiate play:

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