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All Blue Uniforms


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Ok, I'm not trying to bring up another thread on whether or not people approve of our team wearing all blue uniforms, I just have a quick question to ask everyone who was in the stadium Saturday night. I love our traditional uniform, but as last week progressed I found myself excited that our team might actually mix things up and go "all in" by wearing all blue uniforms. While in the stadium watching the teams warm up I kept thinking about how the stadium would explode if we came out in all blue. The crowd was decked out in their blue and the stadium kept playing songs with a blue theme, i.e. "blue" by eiffel 65. As the anticipation grew I waited for the doors of the locker room to open and from behind the words "Fearless and True" our Auburn Tigers would emerge in all blue, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Then the doors opened and our players took the field in their normal uniforms. I was still yelling and cheering, but I couldn't help but feel like I had been let down. I know the coaches said we'd wear our traditional uniforms, but I hoped they were just trying to keep the big surprise under wraps. So anyway...to my question...

Does anyone else feel that somehow a bit of disappointment came through when we didn't take the field with alternate uniforms? I know I didn't hear any boos, but I sort of feel like there was a bit of negative energy coming from the place because so many fans bought into the "Auburn Family, All In" and "True Blue" concept and hoped the team might follow along with the theme by wearing an alternate uniform. It might just be me (probably is), but I can't help but feel that part of our poor start was from negative vibes coming from the crowd and potentially the players that we weren't able to wear all blue uniforms. I know many traditionalists will say we don't need special jerseys, but we showed Saturday night we can play poorly in our traditional uniforms as well. I'm not saying the crowd wasn't loud, I'm just saying the usual "electricity" didn't seem to be there and I felt a bit underwhelmed by the entire affair...in other words, I felt like the "Auburn Spirit" was not at as high of a level as it usually is when we took the field in our traditional uniforms. I'd appreciate everyone's thoughts on the matter!

War Eagle!

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Honestly, I was so excited to be there and so pumped about the game, that I didn't even notice or remember the blue pants/helmet until partway through the first quarter!

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I don't think 90% of the people in that stadium had any idea about this little tempest in a teapot that lit up the web forums last week. They just don't follow things to that degree. So, no, I really don't buy that there was any negative energy associated with not going "All In' by wearing blue from head to toe. The vast majority simply had no expectations for such a thing at all.

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I personally was a little disappointed. With all the hype that Chizik was putting into the game, and how we should be going "all in" as they were, to see them come out in the traditional uniforms, I was a little disappointed. But, I guess we were told that nothing different would be happening, just got my hopes up

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absolute load of crap. Like titan said, 90% (and it was probably actually higher than that) had no idea about any such rumor. These same rumors or variations there of are started EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR and there is never anything to any of it. Quit buying into the hype than some 12 year old put on the web and support the program while we wear one of the most recognized uniforms in all of college football. How many times does this stupid topic have to come up before people realize we aren't changing anything. It's old and tired. Move on.

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absolute load of crap. Like titan said, 90% (and it was probably actually higher than that) had no idea about any such rumor. These same rumors or variations there of are started EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR and there is never anything to any of it. Quit buying into the hype than some 12 year old put on the web and support the program while we wear one of the most recognized uniforms in all of college football. How many times does this stupid topic have to come up before people realize we aren't changing anything. It's old and tired. Move on.

How do you really feel?

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Since Coach Chizik said there would be no change, I expected no change and was relieved and happy when the team came out in the regular uniforms.

Tradition aside, all blue looked horrible when Clemson and Florida did it, I don't see why we'd be any different.

Several of the above posters are right about the internet rumors. A number of times I've seen some rumor or another, asked somebody that works on the staff about it and their response was; "What are you talking about?"

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Since Coach Chizik said there would be no change, I expected no change and was relieved and happy when the team came out in the regular uniforms.

Tradition aside, all blue looked horrible when Clemson and Florida did it, I don't see why we'd be any different.

Several of the above posters are right about the internet rumors. A number of times I've seen some rumor or another, asked somebody that works on the staff about it and their response was; "What are you talking about?"

Because our blue is much cooler than theirs. All Navy actually would look pretty badass. While Florida's bright blue does not. I'm thinking maybe the coaches decided to save the all blue uniforms for another game since someone spilled the beans... Maybe we'll see them this weekend and totally be thrown off guard and excited since there were no questions about it leading up to the game??? :gofig:

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absolute load of crap. Like titan said, 90% (and it was probably actually higher than that) had no idea about any such rumor. These same rumors or variations there of are started EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR and there is never anything to any of it. Quit buying into the hype than some 12 year old put on the web and support the program while we wear one of the most recognized uniforms in all of college football. How many times does this stupid topic have to come up before people realize we aren't changing anything. It's old and tired. Move on.

Sorry if I struck a nerve...I know there are the yearly orange jersey talks, but I thought this one had more credibility to it...I know some say the helmet looked like a mini helmet, but if the hand was an adult male's I don't see how it couldn't have been an accurate representation of the size of a "real" helmet.

I never said I didn't support the team...I'll always support and love my Auburn Tigers! Being open to a new uniform doesn't make anyone any less of an Auburn fan than anyone else. I also mentioned that I didn't boo or yell any less than usual, I just felt disappointment at the moment and wondered if anyone else had felt the same. I just thought for once it might have been fun for us to change things up. I love our traditional uniforms, but I'm not opposed to a change once in a little while (like when we had the gray face masks against Vandy a few years back). I guess I should have known better than to hope we might change since the athletic department received complaints about the slight increase in the size of the AU on the helmet found in the spring game (I thought it looked nice)...Again, sorry to have upset you...it wasn't my intention!

Just curious if the uniform purists are opposed to any uniform changes, or just the changes in the home uniform? Would you go for blue pants on the road with our white jersey? I think blue pants and a blue helmet would look good on the road. I like the all white look, but I've been increasingly bothered by the fact that the white of the jersey and pants isn't the same as the white in the helmet, causing our helmets to look off white or dingy white...

War Eagle!

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I was hoping for the all blue, but got over it pretty quick. If we ever tried to pull off an all orange, that would be a Clemson disaster :puke:

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absolute load of crap. Like titan said, 90% (and it was probably actually higher than that) had no idea about any such rumor. These same rumors or variations there of are started EVERY FRICKIN' YEAR and there is never anything to any of it. Quit buying into the hype than some 12 year old put on the web and support the program while we wear one of the most recognized uniforms in all of college football. How many times does this stupid topic have to come up before people realize we aren't changing anything. It's old and tired. Move on.

Sorry if I struck a nerve...I know there are the yearly orange jersey talks, but I thought this one had more credibility to it...I know some say the helmet looked like a mini helmet, but if the hand was an adult male's I don't see how it couldn't have been an accurate representation of the size of a "real" helmet.

I never said I didn't support the team...I'll always support and love my Auburn Tigers! Being open to a new uniform doesn't make anyone any less of an Auburn fan than anyone else. I also mentioned that I didn't boo or yell any less than usual, I just felt disappointment at the moment and wondered if anyone else had felt the same. I just thought for once it might have been fun for us to change things up. I love our traditional uniforms, but I'm not opposed to a change once in a little while (like when we had the gray face masks against Vandy a few years back). I guess I should have known better than to hope we might change since the athletic department received complaints about the slight increase in the size of the AU on the helmet found in the spring game (I thought it looked nice)...Again, sorry to have upset you...it wasn't my intention!

Just curious if the uniform purists are opposed to any uniform changes, or just the changes in the home uniform? Would you go for blue pants on the road with our white jersey? I think blue pants and a blue helmet would look good on the road. I like the all white look, but I've been increasingly bothered by the fact that the white of the jersey and pants isn't the same as the white in the helmet, causing our helmets to look off white or dingy white...

War Eagle!

I was actually happy when Auburn emerged from the tunnel in their traditional uniforms. My dad looked at me and said “I’m glad their not in all blue.” That said I didn’t notice any disappointment from the crowd. I really like the fact that Auburn’s uniforms are the same year in year out. I’m proud that Auburn’s uniforms have been the same for almost 50 years. (Although some minor changes such a facemasks and the Bowden drop shadow.) But I don’t have a problem with fans that would like to change them from time to time. Although their opinion isn’t the same as mine everyone is entitled to an opinion and I don’t think it makes them less of a fan. I’ve told this story before but my brother was a senior walk-on on Pat Dye’s final team in 1992. The players came to him and asked for some uniform changes. They wanted to have their names on the back of the jerseys, black cleats, and blue pants. Coach Dye said “you can have the names on the jerseys and black cleats but I’m not getting any @#*@*#@ blue pants.”

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File me in the category of "NEVER Mess with the Uniforms."

I love our uniforms and will never want to see them changed, added..etc.

In fact, I HATED the T. Bowden "Shadow behind the numbers" idea.

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Just curious if the uniform purists are opposed to any uniform changes, or just the changes in the home uniform? Would you go for blue pants on the road with our white jersey? I think blue pants and a blue helmet would look good on the road.

I wouldn't change anything. I like our all whites too.

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So my counterpart (work) in Chicago texts me during the Clemson game and says he's pulling for us. I ask him what he's doing watching us when Notre Dame is on. He says, "Love your passion for SEC football, also love your uniforms... best looking unis in college football"

I agree. Our uniforms are awesome. Why change for the sake of change? We manufacture enough consistent excitement without having to resort to temporary lifts in crowd noise.

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File me in the category of "NEVER Mess with the Uniforms."

I love our uniforms and will never want to see them changed, added..etc.

In fact, I HATED the T. Bowden "Shadow behind the numbers" idea.

DITTO! :cheer: I have a FB shadowblocker....stupid threads are hanging everywhere!

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